Chapter 20: MOMENTS

(ON HOLD) PLAYFUL LOVE : Teach, Touch , and Torn Me Not!







I was in the drug store right now when a familiar voice called my name. I turned my head to where the voice came from.


"Dara..It’s really you."


Oh Gosh it’s been a while I haven’t seen him already. He's still good looking as before and how attractive he is never fades.


"Donghae" I said and smiled.


"Hi...I never expect to see you here again."


"Me too"


We smiled at each other.


"By the way for who are those medicines?" I curiously asked because Donghae bought a bunch of medicines.


"Ahhh this…it’s for my sister." He weakly responded.


"CL?! Why? Is she sick?" I anxiously asked.


He smiled at me and then sighed. "Kind of"


"Huh? What do you mean?"


"Uhm nothing. She's not just feeling well these days. But don’t worry she’ll get better."


"Tell her to get well soon and my regards"


"Yeah don’t worry. I'll tell her. Anyways are you going home?"




"Do you mind if I'll offer a ride?"


Omo! Donghae is asking me for a ride. What to do?? What to do? Is it okay to say yes at him? B-but my boyfriend will get mad at me if he’ll know about this.


"Ahhhhh Donghae I would like too b-but--"


"Are you afraid of your boyfriend?" He cutted my sentence. I bowed down my head to avoid his eyes because what he said is true. I’m afraid that Kwon Jiyong might see us together because his jealousy syndrome will absolutely attack him in no time if that happens.


“If you don’t like….. Can we just at least eat ice cream for a while at the nearest park here?” He invited me again. “I miss talking to you already.”


“Ahh…………………………………..Y-yeah sure” I said doubtfully but of course I would like to eat ice cream with him for real but there’s just some reasons that made me hesitate to be with Donghae. And that some reasons are only because of my so crazy blockheaded boyfriend Kwon Jiyong. But because I’m so eager to eat ice cream right now I agree to Donghae. Well it’s been a while that we haven’t talk and I miss it already. God help! Is this what temptation called?


We walked until we reach the park. It’s actually three minutes away from the drugs store. We sat at the bench then he opened the ice cream he bought and handed one to me. I can consider Donghae as my guy bestfriend. Our communications never stop since the day he let go of me. We are still texting each other like besties, we talk about everything under the sun like we used before but when Jiyong found out about our hidden talks we lost each other because Jiyong broke my phone and he warned me not to contact him anymore. I don’t know how to make Jiyong understand that Donghae is just a friend. I want to fight for it from him but I know things will get worst. You know Jiyong transforms into a Dragon whenever he’s angry so I decided not to pursue my friendship to Donghae that time.


"That Kwon Jiyong" he shook his head. “Do you know that he keeps threatening me?” He said and his chocolate flavored ice cream.




He nodded. “I think it’s already a week ago that I keep receiving threats from him.” Donghae chuckled.


“For real?! Omo! I’m sorry Donghae. Don’t worry, I will tell him to stop sending you stuffs like that“


“Are you sure? If you’re going to tell him about the threats, he will found out that we talk ………………………..that we met today.”


I was taken back on what he said. “B-but we just met accidentally……. Right?....... so I think he will understand that.”


“You sure?”


I looked at Donghae and let out a deep breath. He chuckled. “Your boyfriend is mentally crazy.”


“Yeah I know” I pouted after tasting my mango flavored ice cream.


“It’s hard?”


I nodded and my ice cream non-stop.


“Be careful at him Dara. I’m actually regretting to let you go………………In fact I’m now having this thought of getting you back from him?”




He turned his head to look at me then he his ice cream and smirked.


“Hahahaha” I laughed awkwardly. “You’re f-funny”


Then he suddenly leaned forward, his face now is so near at my face that I hold my breath already. He deeply stared at me with a very serious handsome face. “Can I have you back?” he uttered. His cold breath touches my face.


And in no time, I clumsily dropped my ice cream on my lap. And we both startled.




He immediately picked the ice cream on my lap and wiped my pants with his handkerchief.


“My ice cream” I sadly said.


“It’s okay. I’ll buy another ice cream for you.” Donghae was about to stand but I stopped him.


“No it’s okay Donghae.” I glanced at my wrist watch. “I think it’s time for me to go already”


His face changed. He looks sad after hearing what I said.


He sighed for nth time. I waited for him to say something because i can feel he has something to say. I just look at him for a minute. Waiting. Until he asked again.


“Can I have you back…..Dara?”


I gulped.


Looking at his face pinched my heart.


“D-Donghae” I croaked.


He chuckled “I’m just kidding.” He immediately took back what he said after seeing my reaction but then he quickly kissed me at my cheek.










“You’re blushing.” He giggled. “You can never hide from me that you still like me.” He said. I was stiffened at my seat. He turned his head straight and looked at the sky “But…………………I know you don’t love me” He uttered almost whispered. I looked at him and I am very sorry for Donghae. I know the feeling when you can’t have the person you like. Though I haven’t experience it yet, but by just thinking that if Jiyong and I are not together it making me insane already. So seeing Donghae like this makes me feel guilty.


He sighed. “Dara………thank you for still talking to me. Thank you for still treating me as your friend. Kwon Jiyong is really harsh for not allowing you to contact me anymore. I really really want to punch his face big-time!” He turned his head to my side again and smiled. “But I know you won’t let me do that.”


I was astounded at first but I still manage to smile. Donghae is really a nice guy. I could actually hit and slam my head for not choosing him. As a matter of fact I can assure my heart with him with no worries but my stubborn heart keeps beating that bad guy’s name! Urgh! I hate myself!


We both bid goodbyes to each other. I’m happy that I had a talk to Donghae even just for a short time. I went back to our house. I gave the medicines I bought to mom for my brother. I did my projects and homeworks the whole afternoon. And because final week is coming, our teachers poured us a lot of homeworks and projects. After we finished dinner I went to my room and sat to my study table to review our lessons because next week is our finals and that means Graduation Day is finally a few steps away and I’m so excited about it.


I looked at the clock and it’s already 12 midnight. I yawned and stretch my arms and legs. I haven’t noticed the time and that’s me when I’m studying. I’m always focus. There’s only three subjects left for me to review and I decided to finish one more subject. Since tomorrow is Sunday I can get up late from bed. But when I’m so busy reviewing at my desk something happened. I heard a creaked from somewhere. Since I’m back facing my room’s door I can’t see who ever will enter my room. I looked around at the room thinking that my room’s door was the one who created the creaked sound I just heard but everything is clear and peaceful so I just shrugged it off and continue reading. But I got goose bumps when I heard a scratch and unlock sound from my window. I gulped. That sound was weird and creepy. I didn’t turn my head because I’m afraid to what will I see. Obviously my heart started to beat fast. Then it doubled when I felt cold wind that touches my whole body. I think the window was now open because the cold breeze covered the room already. I trembled not because it’s cold but because of fright. I gulped for nth time but my mouth is now dry. At any moment I’m going to faint already thinking that there’s a ghost or something in my back right now and its making my head paralyzed. And when I heard the window closed, that’s the time I hold my pen tightly because apparently there’s someone in my back now so my adrenaline rush was the one who made my head turned in panic. I am so ready to use my pen as my defense weapon but a hand covered my mouth. So my threatening scream was blocked. I struggled. But another hand held my left hand where I’m holding the pen. The guy twisted my left hand in my back. I slightly winced. I was kicking my feet full force so that he’ll let go of me. But his so strong that I can’t even make him withdraw his hands from me.




A robber.




A killer.




A .




Oh my gaaaaahd. I don’t want to die at this young age. I still have many dreams to fulfill. T^T


I keep struggling. Thinking that this is the end of me my tears started to form at my eyes.


“I’m sorry. I think I went overboard. I scared you so much." He whispered to my ear.


Everything went fast that I already found myself wrapped around a guy’s arms. I blinked many times trying to absorb what’s happening.


“Did I hurt you?” He asked worriedly.




“I’m sorry” He hugged me super tight that my body was crashing to his body already.


I let out a deep and a relief sighed. “I thought that’s the end of me. I almost faint.” I hit his back with my right fist. “I’m glad it’s you”


“I thought it’s gonna be fun to scare you a little but I’m completely wrong. I will not do that again to you.” He said. Then he smelled the crooked of my neck that makes me shiver.


I giggled. “You failed”


“Yeah” he then kissed my neck.










They have a group study now on Jiyong’s house because Bigbang guys requested so.


Bigbang: “Europe Trip!!!”


Daesung: “Oh Yeah”


Top: “We will claim our prize right after the finals G”


G-Dragon: “If that’s what you like.”


Seungri: “I’m so excited. Can we claim it now?”


Top hit the head of Seungri with his notebook. “Aigooo we still need to take our finals pabo.”


Seungri: “Ouch hyung! Stop hitting my head! Bom Noona! Top hyung is hitting me again!”


Bom: “Tabi stop hitting baby Seungri.”


Top: “My love he deserves it.”


Seungri: “Urgh”


Bigbang guys, Bom and Dara are busy reviewing there notes because the finals is already tomorrow. Well the truth only Bom, Dara and GD were the only serious about studying while the rest is just faking it.


“Ahhh I’m so tired already.” Seungri complained while stretching his arms up in the air.




Top hit Seungri’s head again. Seungri glared at him.


“Hyung! It’s your fault that everything I review now gone in my head. It already vanished! It’s so useless to review when you’re here at my side, I think that some of my memories are already gone because you keep hitting my head. I might have Alzheimer’s disease when I get old!!!” Seungri exclaimed and pouted imagining how cruel will be his future because of the everyday hitting frenzy of Top on his head.


Everyone giggled because of Seungri’s burst.


“Ohh- the bowl is already empty.” Dara said. “Do you mind if I get another pack of macaroons to your kitchen Jiyong?”


“I can call Butler Lee to do that. Just sit here at my side and continue to study.”


“Don’t disturb Butler Lee I can do this myself-“ Dara was about to stand but Jiyong held her hand.


“Sit” He sternly said.


Dara wrinkled her forehead.


“I’m not a dog”


Jiyong sighed. “Okay. I know but just stay here if you don’t want to meet an evil soul outside.”




“My father just arrived. He was here.”


“Ohhhh really?” Everyone was surprised.


“I thought he’ll be back next month specifically graduation day. But why so sudden GD?” Taeyang curiously asked.


“That’s what I’m thinking too.” Jiyong replied.


“Hyung maybe his sudden appearance here in korea have a connection about your deal.”


“Deal? What deal?” Bom asked.


Jiyong glared at Seungri for spitting something out again. Top hit Seungri’s head once more.


“You really deserve to be hit” Top uttered while hitting Seungri with his notebook.


“Ouch hyung! Sorry!.....Ouch! Stop—Ouch!”


Jiyong can only shake his head because of his pabo maknae.


“May I ask about it Jiyong?” Dara said.


“Well.......It’s a deal between me and my dad wherein I need to get high grades until I graduate………………………………-a long pause-……………………………………………………and because I can’t do that alone I hired you as my tutor.”


“Yeah that’s true” Seungri chirped while massaging his head.


Jiyong rolled his eyes to maknae. “Shut up dump .”


Seungri pouted and went to his seat and behave like a puppy.


“and what’s your father's exchange if you get high grades?” Bom suddenly asked.


Jiyong looked at her with a blank face.


“Oppps I’m sorry…. I know I don’t have right to ask you ----“


“No it’s okay” Jiyong cutted the sentence of Bom. “The deal is bringing my mother back here in Korea. Once I got passing grades in my senior year, grades that will fairly accept in universities he will bring my mom back here.” Jiyong said in monotone. “I accepted it because I trust him and because I really really miss my mom. It’s been five years already that I haven’t seen her.”


Dara smiled and tapped her boyfriend’s shoulder. “I know you made it. You can finally see your mom because you did great at school.”


Jiyong turned his head to look at her and he nodded while smiling weakly.


"Its bcoz of your help though....Thank you"


"You work hard that’s why."


"You work hard too."


They smiled at each other.


Daesung shivered. “Ewww cheesy”


“Jiyong there’s something I wanted to ask you.” Dara said while looking at Jiyong.


“Tell me then.”


“Why me? Out of all the professional tutors you can hire…why me? I mean …… I’m just an ordinary student like you"


“Yes it’s true that you're just an ordinary student but still you taught me well. You’re the best tutor.”


“Tsk. Answer my first question. Why me?”


Jiyong sighed once more. “The reason for hiring you as my tutor instead of a professional tutor is because of them” Jiyong pointed out Bigbang guys by moving his head at their area. “I told them about my deal to my father. At that time I’m not really sure if I can get high grades all by myself because I’m a lazy . I actually think of paying our teachers to let me pass but I’m absolutely sure my father will know about that so I think another solution to get high grades and that solution is hiring a tutor. Bigbang said you're the smartest kid in the campus so they suggested you. I don’t really have the plan to hire you at first but circumstances between us are really powerful. Remember when you shouted at me?"


Dara nodded.


"That day my sister called me. She told me the news that she just found out about mom. She said mom's condition is getting worst so... that whole week I'm missing in school after you shouted at me it’s not because of’s because my sister and I sneaked and went to my mom." Jiyong's hands turned in to fist. "We went to where mom is and seeing her condition made me decide to hire you. I didn't think twice to hire you and the rest is history."


"But hiring a professional tutor is much better right?"


"Well at that time.........that idea haven’t snap into my mind. All I know is you can do it for me since they said you're the smartest kid and……………………. I find you interesting." He winked at me.


“You find me interesting for shouting at you?” She twitched her lips.


He smiled.


“So how’s your mom now?” Bom interfered.


Jiyong’s face changed into gloomy. “I don’t know” He said in down mouth.


“You don’t know?” Dara asked curiously.


He nodded. “When my father found out that my sister and I visited her. We never heard news about mom anymore. Even the maids that are taking care of her are have no contacts now.”


“B-but why?”


“My mom….my mom has quadriplegia”


Bom and Dara’s eyes widen in shock.


**Quadriplegia is caused by damage to the cervical spinal cord segments at levels C1-C8. Damage to the spinal cord is usually secondary to an injury to the spinal vertebrae in the cervical section of the spinal column. The injury to the structure of the spinal cord is known as a lesion and may result in the loss of partial or total function in all four limbs, meaning the arms and the legs.


“Jiyong” Dara said dolefully.


“She was paralyzed after the accident where my brother died. My mom’s spinal cord was totally damage. So my father brought her outside korea to hide her.”


“But why your father is hiding her?”


“Because he’s afraid mom would leave him…..Because he knows that it was his fault why mom got paralyzed and why my brother died………… So taking her away from us is the only way he thought. He just made my mom a prisoner there” He said loathfully under his gritted teeth.


“Grandma and Grandpa passed away already so all the wealth was transferred to my mom. And my father was afraid to lose everything he worked for. If mom will leave him, nothing will be left from him. Quadriplegia does not mean that a person has absolutely no used of their 4 limbs... it means that they have LIMITED use of all 4 limbs. His reason of bringing mom outside Korea is to have yearly treatments there with great doctors but I just found out that he was lying. He never brought mom there to have treatments but to prison her…. (A long pause)…. Dara… do you still remember the day I broke the vase and cried in front of you? That day...I found out everything. He was lying the whole time. So therefore I conclude that my father and I’s deal about bringing back my mom here is a lie. Though he said it as his promise……but how can I trust the person that was already wholly covered with evil soul?” he fake his chuckle.


“Tell it to the police then.” Dara quickly said. “Your mom needs help.”


“I did”


“You already did? What happened?”


“My dad used his money for his evil plans. You know what money can do right? Paying those bull cops is a piece of cake for him. And since mom is paralyzed and away from here she can’t fight anymore, she can’t do anything anymore; she can’t stop that evil old man.”


“But you can Jiyong. If your mom can’t. You can.” Dara said.


Jiyong bowed his head and sighed. “I already hired some detectives to find mom but I’m pretty sure he already found out about that. He keeps blocking me and my sister’s way to find her.”


“He’s so evil. We should do some actions before it’s too late. Your mom is in danger.”


“That old man knows that the wealth is not inherited by him…..but to me and my sister so killing mom is not in his plans for now. That’s why I’m still thinking that mom is okay. But of course I can’t let him to continue doing this. I should really do something to stop him.”


“But the big question is……how to stop him?” Top uttered.


“How to stop the old man?”


“How to stop the EvilKwon?”


Bigbang guys, Bom and Dara looked to each other. Cause no one knows how.







“My love you promise me that you’re going with me to Europe when I pass the final exam.” Top said in delight to his girlfriend.


“Yes I promise…but can you please stop acting so cute when saying that. Urgh”


“Why my love? What’s wrong for being cute?”


“Geeez it doesn’t suits you. Stop it.”


“Bbuing Bbuing” Top teased Bom by continuously acting cute in front of her.




“Jiyong” Dara face Jiyong’s table and looked at him. “Are you ready?”


Jiyong just nodded.


“Why you look sad? Is there a problem?”


Jiyong just shook his head and turned his gazed outside the classroom through the window. She saw Jiyong’s hands turned into fist.


“Jiyong.” Dara whispered. She knows the things bothering Jiyong. It’s about his mother, his father and the deal. His mother situation is very alarming and the thought that Jiyong can’t do anything for the person who labored for him makes her feel pity for her boyfriend plus his devil father who keeps controlling their lives is so devastating and loathing. In addition to that is the deal which is now unfortunately ninety nine percent not true. This probably making Jiyong feel hatred, mournful, frosted, disgusted and troubled.


Jiyong is feeling down right now. It seems the things happening in his life can explode his brain cells and can crash his heart at any moment. She needs to help his boyfriend to ease some pains in his heart.


“Jiyong can you accompany me later after exam?” Dara asked.


Jiyong turned his head to her. “Where?”


Dara just smiled widely. “You’ll see.” She then quickly kissed Jiyong in his cheeks. “Goodluck to your exam! Get high grades! Araso?! Fighting!”


Jiyong was awe-strucked on what his girlfriend just did. And a smile slowly formed on his lips. This girl in front of him right now can really swiftly change his mood in just one click. Now he can take the exam with the fighting spirit that Dara gave to him.


The exams went well and the results will be out next week.


“OH YEAH!!!!!! FREEDOM!!!” Seungri celebrated like a lunatic right after he heard the bell rang cue that the final examination is now finished. “THIS IS LIFE!!!!”


“I can’t wait for Europe trip!” Daesung happily said.


“Our flight to Europe is on Tuesday since Monday is the releasing of final results.” Taeyang explained.


“GD do you hear that?? Booked us on Tuesday morning. Arasso?” Seungri chirped.


Jiyong nodded. “Yeah sure”


“Come with us Jiyong bring Dara too.” Bom suggested.


“Huh?” Dara was surprised on what her bestfriend said. “Aigooooo Bom you know I can’t and you too. Did you already forget?”


“Forget? What?” Bom is asking to enlightened her because she doesn’t know why Dara saying they can’t come to Europe.


“Hul. Bom! We are nominated. Remember?”


“Nominated?” Bigbang asked in unison.


Dara sighed “I’m nominated as this year’s valedictorian and Bom as salutatorian.”




“And so if you are nominated?” Daesung asked curiously.


“Are you bragging that to us?” Top squinted his eyes.


“This school year ends already.” Taeyang said.


“Yeah that’s right!” Seungri added.


“We still have to process our nomination. We need to pass records and some proof of documents. And if we pass the screening for that achievement where we are nominated, I as a valedictorian still need to make my speech and stuffs.” Dara politely explained to the lost souls.


“Ahhhhhhhhhhh” They all said.


“So my love you can’t come with us?” Top lonely face just showed up.


“I think that’s how it goes.” Bom answered.


Top pouted like a kid who lost his toy somewhere.





“Where are we going?” Jiyong asked while driving his car.


“Stop there.” Dara immediately said. Jiyong looked where Dara wants him to stop and he saw a very pinkish cutesy store that you know only girls can enter.


“Are you going to buy something there?” Jiyong asked her while parking his car.


“Me? We. We are going to buy something there.” Dara answered in delight.


“What?!” Jiyong was in horror after hearing what Dara said. “We?”


She nodded while widely smiling at him. Now Jiyong is afraid to see that weird smile again because that means it will make him do something crazy. “No way!” He quickly rejected.


“Come on now” Dara hold his arms making him to go out from the car.


“Dara buy what you want in there. I’ll just wait here.”


“But you need to accompany me inside. So let’s go now!”


"And why?!"


"Because you are my boyfriend!"


“I don’t want!”




“There’s no way I will enter that place Dara”


Of course Jiyong will not entering such place like that. Look what he was wearing. A hood, a rocky dragon printed black shirt, a swaggy ripped pants and in addition to that he have this so cool tattoos on his left arm and a clean cut gelled blonde hair with handsome face that every girl can drool for. Just imagine him entering that super girly, pink with cottony and fully laced designed store. That was hilarious and a very scary image if ever. Damn Dara for bringing him here.




“Umhpf” Dara folded her arms to her chest already getting pissed on her so pretentious boyfriend. “I just wanna buy you something for the first time but I think you don’t want it.”


Jiyong sighed because the girlfriend is having her so called pitiful act right now. “Dara you can buy anything for me and I will gladly accept it with warmhearted heart.” He said.


“But you’re not accepting it now. I’m now going to give you something but you don’t want to.”


“Dara I want but …….just d-don’t make me enter at that place.”


“But why? I’m going to give you something from there and you don’t want!! And I need you there because you are my boyfriend.”


Jiyong shut his eyes. “Look at me Dara. Look what I’m wearing!.....” Dara looked at him from head to toe. “….and you want me to enter that place? Seriously Dara? Are you making fun of me?”


Dara bowed her head realizing everything.


“Sorry” She uttered and quickly went back inside the car.

































Jiyong started the car. No one was talking during the drive. Jiyong stop somewhere and he left Dara inside the car while having her less frowning deed. He went back to the car after some minutes but no one was still talking, no one was stealing glances, it’s like both of them don’t know each other. The car was covered with silence the whole time.


“We are already here.” He said.


Dara didn’t look at him and went out from the car expecting she was in their house already. She closed the door without saying goodbye at him and when she turned around the very pinkish cutesy store surprised her. She’s now in front of the store where she wants to enter a while ago. Jiyong went out the car too and walk beside Dara.


“We’re here. Let’s go?” Jiyong invited her smiling.


Dara glanced at him astounded. “Jiyong” She uttered and she finally noticed that Jiyong change his clothes already. He’s now wearing a very simple plain white shirt and jeans.


“I said if I don’t want, I don’t want.” He smirked. “But if I want, I want.”


She fixed her eyes on the ground “I’m sorry. I’m the one who supposed to make you happy today. But I just showed you my frowning. I hate myself”


He smiled and holds up Dara’s chin to face him. “Dara you completely drunk me with your body movements that I forgot to even breathe.” He suddenly said that made Dara stiffened. “A frowning Dara can kill my pride.Tsk. What have you done to me? Huh? Do you cast a magic spell on me? Good girls are dangerous for real” He shook his head.


Dara blushed. “You jerk! I never do frowning to other people! I only frowned to you. You’re so bad influence!!"


Jiyong smirked.


“Let’s go?"


She nodded and said "I’ll buy you something in there." While wearing a big smile.


“Be sure that thing suits me” He warned.


“Geez you just said earlier whatever I’ll buy you’ll accept it.”


“I said that?”


Dara hissed and hit Jiyongs right arm.








I can’t believe this. Never in my life had I thought this kind of thing will happen to me. When we enter the store that’s the time I found out that it was a store for couples. As in for couples. You can buy different couple things in there. From clothes to accessories to gadgets etc. everything is for couples. Yeah for couples. I almost wanted to offer myself to a monster so that I can get out of that place. Everyone was staring at me. Of course who ever thought that a G-dragon will go to the place like that? Damn hell. That was a nightmare.


Dara was having fun looking at the couple things. She looks at those scary cutesy things like so precious diamond. Her eyes are glittering everytime she’ll see a couple thing that she likes. Honestly she looks like she loses her screw in her head! And because of that I wanted to throw all the things inside the store right now because she’s acting crazy by just looking at them. This is the first time I saw her moonstruck over the things. Hell! She’s been clapping her hands with shinning eyes the whole time. What’s with these couple things that made Dara look at them like this? !


Now I know why Dara wanted me to accompany her here inside the store because every couple who will buy something at the store has to fill up a raffle promo. And the prize is big and amazing for couples but it was a surprise one. The hell I care! Whatever the prize is I just wanted to get out from this place.


After she bought the things that I don’t even know what those are we went back to the car. She’s smiling the whole time while hugging the things she bought. Then she requested to go in Noryangjin Fish Market!


“What are we going to do in Fish Market?” I hastily asked.


She didn’t reply but she keeps smiling weirdly. I’m getting annoyed on what she’s acting since we visit that damn couple store and I don’t know why I still keep driving to where she wants to go. When we arrived at the Fish Market she quickly grab my hand and drag me to the rest room.


“Dara what are you doing? Get out of here!!!” I exclaimed because my girlfriend is now with me inside the male’s restroom! The guys inside the restroom startled when they saw Dara.


I hold Dara’s hand and tried to pull her outside but she avoid. “Jiyong change your clothes now.” She said normally.


“What the---“


“Here wear this! Quick!” She said merrily and threw the paper bag to me that I luckily catch. “Wear all of them. Araso? I’ll change clothes too in the ladies room.” She winked at me and go.


When I was about to change clothes my mouth hanged open. My eyes are darted to the things inside the paper bag that Dara gave to me. It’s freaking couple shirts, pants, cap, and accessories. Yes from head to toe! What’s on the skull of that Sandara Park that she think I will wear all of this things with her? It’s ridiculous!


I went out from the male’s restroom without changing clothes. Her eyes grew wide when she saw me completely unchanged.


“Yaaaaaaaaah! I said change clothes! Why you’re still not wearing it!” She babbled.


“I don’t want to wear it.”


“You should wear it!”


“I don’t want.”




“Let’s go and eat I’m hungry already.” I said ignoring her sulking.


“I don’t want!”


I eyed her. Since when Dara learn how to act like this to me?


“Let’s go.”


She didn’t move at her place shifting her gazed at the right side to avoid my eyes.


“Dara.” I said sternly.


“Jiyong.” She said in the same serious tone as mine.


“Let’s eat now. Come on.”


“Change clothes first.” She said stubbornly while her arms folded in her chest.


What the happened to my girlfriend? As far as I remember I always win when it comes in choosing something to do but now ! What’s happening? 


"What the hell Dara! I will never wear that s!" I suddenly exclaimed.


"You call this s?" Jiyong was taken a back after realizing what he just said. "You call this s huh. Araso. Araso. I know you dont like things like this." Dara continued to talk. It's like she's going to cry at any moment. Damn my stupid mouth.


"D-Dara I didn't meant what I said. I just--"


"I thought this things will be okay for you. When you gave me a couple phone the other day......this kind of date flashes on my mind instantly because I wanted to do what ordinary couples do." She sighed. "This is not going to get better already. Let's just go home now." Then Dara walked away ahead towards my car where I parked it. I run over her and reach her arms to make her face me.


"Dara! Wait." I hold her shoulders so that she can't walk away. I tried to look at her eyes to prove that I didn't really meant what I said earlier but she avoided me.


"Jiyong lets just go home." She said weakly while looking down the ground.


"Dara. Look. I'm s-sorry. I really am sorry." I sincerely said.


"I thought you will like it but I'm wrong." She showed me her most lonely saddest face and I can't help it.


Damn! I don’t know but I just find myself changing my clothes at the rest room after my pride unexpectedly went down again and it’s because of her! I lost my pride already. Dara you’re scary. I’m G-Dragon! You don’t know how much you change me. You don’t know how much you make me different now. This girl is really making my head spin.


I thought consoling her will take too long but the hell Dara was clinging at my right arm happily when I change my clothes into the couple clothes she bought at that horrifying store. Her smiles just reach her ears like crazy. I knew it! She's just acting recently. Urgh! This girl fooled me. She cought me there.




I will never ever step on that place ever again!! Carve that on the stone!! Never!


I hate this kind of thing! I feel ashamed wearing same clothes with others plus I’m going crazy because we are wearing this in a Fish Market! it! Did the world rotate 360 degrees this morning? I feel drained already because the stares of the ahjumas and ahjushi vendors are so creepy. We both wearing a white and red long sleeves shirt with a print “He’s mine” for her shirt and “She’s mine” for my shirt then our shoes and accessories are also the same.


We look like idiots while walking at the alley of the fish market. I wish the ground to open now and eat me so that I can escape this damn situation I’m in to.


“What are we doing in the fish market?” I asked.


“You’re hungry right?”


I looked at Dara with a horrified face. “Don’t say that you want me to eat a raw fish in here?”


“Eh? Of course not.” She giggled. “This is Seoul’s massive seafood bazaar from fish to octopus. Customers can navigate the aisles and check out the sea creatures before picking their meal. The vendors here are all too willing to please us and will happily take our picks to a nearby restaurant, where they will be transformed into a mouth-watering dish complete with the requisite soju. Can you imagine how delicious fresh food is Jiyong? Huh?” She said dreamingly.


“Now choose your pick. There are so many fresh seafood’s in here that we can enjoy to eat together.” She smiled at me. “Omo look the octopus is so big.” She runs towards it while I’m tagging in her behind. It’s my first time to see a huge octopus like that in person. Damn! I think ten people can eat that one.


It’s like we had a tour in an Ocean Park because we saw many different kinds of sea creatures that I only saw for the first time. I already forgot my sorrow about our couple clothes right now. I was confidently walking at the market already while holding my girlfriend’s hand. The vendors are so accommodating that some even gave as free fresh fishes because they find as a cute and perfect couple.


Dara chooses crabs for her meal while me chooses shrimps. The vendor where we bought the fresh seafood’s brought that to the nearest restaurant and let them cook it with our desired recipe. It was amazing that it didn’t take long. We ate like it’s our first time to eat seafood in our lives. It was so freshly delicious wherein the taste of it lasted on our tongues.


We went back to the car with our full tank stomach. We are very satisfied.


“Wow that was delicious!” Dara beamed.


I smiled at her. “Yes it is.”


“Ahhhh let’s bring Bigbang and Bom here some time. I’m sure they’re going to enjoy here.”


“Yeah I’m sure they will.”


“Jiyong I wanted to go at Namu Geuneul”


“Huh? What’s in there?”


“You’ll see.”


We enter a massage house. Oh Lord are we going to have a massage together here? Do you know what people are doing in massage parlors right? Like removing clothes and underwear’s and the body will be only covered by a thick white bath robe. O.O Gulped.


“Dara are you sure?”


“Yeah.” She answered while wearing a smile.


When Dara finally paid a room for us the staff assists us what to do first. Since the male and female locker rooms are separate we changed our clothes apart. I went out first only covering my lower part with a towel. Half . I waited Dara outside the female locker room.


“Jiyong” She called. I looked at her and she was wearing a bath robe. I gulped and tension envelopes me in no time. ! An image of Dara under that bath robe popped into my mind instantly! ! Sorry for being y now please excuse me I’m a ing guy! Relax kwon! Relax! But the hell she’s my girlfriend who cares!


Dara held my hand and drag me in one room. My heart is beating fast and pebbles of sweats are already forming in my forehead.


The room has a small square tub inside. A tub? Does it suppose to be beds right here? Beds for us to lie down while having a massage? Right? But where the hell are those beds?


“Where are the beds?” I suddenly uttered.




“I mean….W-we are going to have a massage here right.”


Dara giggled while looking at me. “We will be having a different type of massage in here.”




“Look.” She pointed the small tub. “There are fishes inside the tub. They are called Doctor fish.”


“D-Doctor fish?”


She nodded enthusiastically. “Come”


Dara grabbed me and let me sit at the side of the tub. “Put your feet inside the tub.” she said and I complied.


“The feeling of many small fish gently nibbling the dead skin off your feet is exhilarating……can you feel it?”


I nodded.


“After 15-20 minutes, the doctor fish will have had their full and our feet will be perfectly smooth. I tell you.” She bragged. "Ahhhh this is so relaxing."


We spend time at the massage parlor having this so relaxing activity we had. This is new for me but I'm enjoying it with her.





You know that funny, nervous feeling you get when you like someone? That's common sense leaving your body.


That thing, that moment, everything around becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and that person. It will make you realize she’s only person that you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life, and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you want to laugh and you want to cry because you feel so lucky that you finally found her but so scared that it will go away all at the same time which I'm afraid to happen.



After sending Dara home I went straight to our house. I was about to enter my bedroom when the old man called me.


"Can I have a talk with my son?"


I smirked. "Is that a formal talk? Or scolding talk?" I said while still back facing him.


"Follow at my office." He said ignoring my question at him.


I heard his footsteps walking away from the area. Even though I don't want to ruin my mood today and I wanted to have a rest already my feet still brought me at the old man's office.


I opened the door and saw him scanning some documents. He smiled at me evily. I was just standing in front of him waiting him to talk first.


"Son........About Ms. Park"


"Are you going to tell me again to stay away from her?” I hissed. “Dad. I already said no. And no matter what you’ll say I—“


But the old man cutted my sentence. “I’m not telling you what I already told you before but keep it in mind” He said in all seriousness. I creased my forehead. “I just want you to know that I’m bringing back your mother on your birthday. As I promise in our deal.”


It surprised me of course! Damn!! All I thought that he was going to threw away our deal already but here he is telling me that he’s going to grant his promise. I don’t know if I heard it right from the right mouth. Cause I didn’t expect this to happen anymore. A long pause occurred between me and the old man


“You did good job at making your grades up. I was surprised.” He smiled at me.


I just stared at him in blank face.


“Anyways I want to inform you that I already requested for your credentials ahead. I will pass it to the university I want you to study in”


I smirked. “I guess you already plan for my college.”


“Kind of.” He stood up and picked a book in his shelves. “Do you want to know what course I choose for you?"


"tsk. Nevermind. As if I can do anything if you tell me or not."


Th old man chuckled. "By the way aside from your mother you still have one more special guess on your birthday.”


I looker at him with a wrinkled forehead.


“And who’s this special guess?” I asked curiously.


“You’ll know who she is in your birthday.”




He looked at me and smiled in response. I have this bad feeling about that old man’s sudden actions. First, it surprised me that he actually going to bring my mother back here. I don’t know what's on his mind right now but I’m pretty sure he planned this ahead. Yes he always has plans and that worried me more plus the path I’m going to take when I enter college is also well schemed already. I wanted to say no again but the fact that I’m not in the mood to argue to him about that now stops me. It’s still early and I don’t want to stress my damn self. As if I can do anything now. It looks like my life is going to take what usually rich kids go through in their lives. WTF! That old man is starting to control my life now. I can feel it. Something bad will happen soon.










Do you know who is she? the special guest on Jiyong's Bday?







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charleneivy #1
Chapter 24: Hi! I hope u update soon! I miss your story!. Thanks
bigbanggd_vip #2
Chapter 24: rereading again.. missing your updates..T_T
Chapter 24: This is a cute story author-nim. Thank you for the update!
daramaegon #5
Chapter 23: i wondered why all of a sudden cl was interferring daragon's relationship? so annoying..thanks for the update:)
Chapter 21: Wadafaahk is happening...
Kyakk soo confusing..
Chapter 22: So cliché. Thought its gonna be fresh but... Pffft.
Chapter 22: Aaaahhhhh
my guess will be.....
Ji will let Dara meet his mother that's why they are in a hotel....
Loyal Ji, right.....
Chapter 21: oh no why it turn out like this?
Chapter 20: yup arrange marriage..not again