Chapter 17: BATTLEFIELD: G-Dragon versus Donghae part 2

(ON HOLD) PLAYFUL LOVE : Teach, Touch , and Torn Me Not!


The booth of Bigbang, Bom and Dara was the most popular. The reason for this is because the Bigbang guys are there. Since this is the first time that Bigbang joined NHSAA week activity the students and even the students from other schools anticipated them.


“It’s so tiring. It’s so hard to be popular like this” Top boasted.


“I know right.” Seungri agreed.


“Oppa where’s Taeyang ang G-Dragon oppas?” the girls from the other school asked.


Taeyang was now practicing hard for their Dance competition tomorrow, while GD on the other hand is in the corner of the booth with Dara. That corner is the technical area of their booth. There is a curtain separating the Photo booth and the technical system where the photos are being printed. Those fangirls didnt know that GD is behind that curtain.


“They are busy right now that’s why they are not here.” Daesung answered.


“If you want to see Taeyang go watch the Dance competition tomorrow” Top added.


“How about G-Dragon oppa?” the other girls asked.


“Well….GD? I said he’s busy.”


“He’s busy for what?” The girl with a Mickey Mouse hairband asked.


“Busy for Love” Seungri said while hugging himself. GD shook his head. The maknae acts like a retard.


“WHAT?! FOR LOVE?” The girls were in shocked.


“Is that true?”


“Who’s the lucky girl then?”


“You’re wrong. You should ask who the unlucky girl is.”


Dara chuckled as she heard what the girl said behind the curtain. Jiyong eyed her.


“Why you said so that GD’s girl is unlucky?” Daesung asked the girls.


“Well. We know that G-Dragon is good looking if only he fixed himself.” The girl who has her braces said.


“Fixed himself? What’s wrong with him?” Top curiously asked.


“He’s so mean and evil and his looks is not that favourable for girls especially his long hair.” The one with eyeglasses said so.


“I guess you’re eyeglasses doesn’t fit you well too. Please go to the doctor and check your eyes. G-Dragon is hot with long hair.” The other girl disagreed.


“Yeah that’s right and his tattoos are hot too.” More girls 2nd emotion.


“No he’s not! And the tattoos in his right arm looks dirty” The other one bickered.


And now the girls are arguing about G-Dragon. Some don’t like him because he’s a bad boy and because of his looks but others like him for some good and some weird reasons.


“Stop! Stop! Please everyone stop” Bom is trying to stop the commotion that the girls are doing right now. But the girls still continued arguing completely ignoring Bom.


“My love don’t worry I can handle this” Top wink at Bom and went in the front of the booth and stood up above the chair.


“My pretty girls we will close the booth and stop taking pictures with us if you continue arguing here.” Top announced.


The girls’ arguing voices are now fading. Of course they still wanted to take pictures with Bigbang.


"Okay that’s good. Now let’s continue taking pictures?" Top said.


“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah” the girls screamed in line to take pictures with Bigbang guys.


"The girls are arguing about you" Dara suddenly said.


"Are you jealous?" He teased.


"Jealous your face! For your information these girls are arguing because they don’t like you. Your long hair, tattoos, and bad attitude."


"But you can’t deny some said I’m hot"




"Aigooo Such a jealous chick" Jiyong pinches Dara's nose.


"Ouch. I’m not jealous duh"


"Anyways how about you? Don’t you like my hair, tattoos and attitude?"


"I don’t like everything about you"






"I warn you. You will eat your words."


Dara just rolled her eyes at him and went to Bom to help.










I went to the restroom to have a pee. I am planning to drag Dara again for lunch today so that Donghae won’t lay his invitation for a lunch date again to her. Well I just bring Dara last day in a resto where we ate when we brought materials for the booth. She was actually protesting to me bringing her there again because you know that’s an expensive resto that only royal blood k-netizens of korea can afford. But behind that protest the hell the girl ate like a dinosaur once more and even takes out a dessert. She’s really cute.


When I finished my thing to the restroom someone called me.




I turned my head and saw my foe named Lee Donghae.


“Jiyong Let’s talk.”


I raised my eyebrows.


“Follow me”


What the hell is this guy wants to talk about? As much as I don’t want to talk to him I still lazily followed. We arrived at the rooftop where I always bring Dara before. This stupid guy really knows how to me huh of all the places to talk why here? Did Dara bring him here already? ! This place is only for her and me. How dare her to bring my stupid foe here.


Donghae cleared his throat first.


"So what?" I asked.


"You already know I like Dara and I’m serious about her." He started to talk.


I wrinkled my forehead. "And so?”


"I want you to know that we are not the one who's gonna decide for her. I mean she's the one who's responsible to choose from us…………… not us to force her to like us"


"I’m not forcing her to like me though."


"Well as far as I’m concerned what you’re doing is called ‘forcing her’. Like what you did yesterday, I know you just snatched the phone from her and texted me using her phone and forced her to come with you for lunch if I’m not mistaken.”


I inwardly slanted my eyebrows because this stupid guy is really getting on my nerves.


“Let her decide who she likes between us Jiyong." He said earnestly. "Let her choose to whom she’s gonna come, to whom she wants to be with cause If we will continue forcing her, Dara will get tired of us and will leave us both in broken heart state. We should understand that her situation is not easy. We should let her decide who she’s gonna choose between us……………..let her decide Jiyong."


“What are you trying to show in saying all this stupid stuffs to me?”


“These are not stupid stuffs Mr. Kwon Jiyong. This is a fight for Dara’s heart and a very serious matter. If you wanted us to have good and fair man to man fights then don’t do things that are below the belt.”


“What the fcvk are you trying to say?”


“I know the kind of guy you are Kwon Jiyong. Seungri is your friend, Bigbang guys are your friends. Same feathers flocks together right? In short you’re all players.”


My face was automatically squeezed together in a wrinkle but I just restrain myself not to punch his stupid face.


“What if she chooses me and not you?” I uttered.


“I don’t want Dara to be with some guy who just only knows how to play. I know you Jiyong, I already background check you and you play a lot with girls. Yeah…….I know you’re quite type of guy whose expert in playing with girls. And this alarms me…. If she chooses you over me I will still do everything to stay her away from you.”


I let a little laughed. This guy did a background check on me. The is he doing.


“I think your contradicting what you said a while ago. Because Taking her away from me even though she wants to be with me is called forcing her. Right?”


“I said let’s not force her who to choose but I didn't say that I’ll let her to choose the wrong one.”


“What?” I uttered. Is this guy saying that I’m a wrong choice for Dara? What the hell. I close my hands into fist. I’m totally want to stain it with Donghae’s blood now. "Are you kidding me?"


“Well I just want you to know that I’m saying all of this to warn you Jiyong, if you want Dara to be with you, take her seriously.”


“What if I take her seriously as in seriously?”


“I don’t think so. Prove it to me first.”


I smirked “I don’t want”


“Then Dara won’t be yours”


“She’ll be mine I’ll just prove myself to her but not to you.”


And the staring battle begins again.









The day of the most awaited dance competition of the year has come. Everyone is nervous and excited on the things that are going to happen. Teacher Kyo already finished evaluating all the seniors’ booth yesterday and Bigbang guys, Dara and Bom’s booth got the first place. Thanks for the big help of the five monkeys. Teacher Kyo was very happy because this is the first time that the booth earned a lot. Because of too much happiness she gave us A’s for the final grade of our booth. Now we are safe because failing in our senior year is quiet impossible now. Oh Yeah! This is so great. The income of the booths will be donated in some charities and the rest will be added for the school funds.


“Oh La La even though I fail in our last quarter exams I’ll still graduate. The ‘A’ grade for the booth we made is such a blessing from heaven” Seungri merrily said.


Top hit Seungri’s head with his hand.


“Ouch Hyung why did you do that?”


“I just want to hit you because I’m happy.”


“Urgh such a bully. Bom noona! Top hyung is hitting me.”


“Yaaaa! Top stop hitting baby Seungri for no reason!” Bom exclaimed to Top.


“My love, haven’t you hear me? I said I’m happy that’s why I hit maknae.”


“Ahh okay.” Bom said.


“Noona!” Seungri bawled like a little kid.


We are now busy cleaning up our booth. Since our booth performed well this past three days and made us very exhausted like forever because of the thousands of fangirls keep visiting our booth just to take pictures with Bigbang Teacher Kyo let us stop operating already, take a rest and enjoy the two days left of NHSAA week. So happy! \*^_^*/


While cleaning up, my phone rings.


I answered it.




I saw in my peripheral vision that Jiyong glanced at me while he’s sitting at the corner of the booth. Of course he’s not helping.


“Dara. I just want to remind you about the Dance competition tonight. Are you coming?” Donghae asked.


“Of course I am.” I replied.


“Really?! Thank you. So see you later.”


“Yeah see you.”


I hanged up.


“Hey Dara! Tell me if that stupid guy is forcing you to watch him later and I will surely cut his legs.” Jiyong yelled at me. I creased my nose because of his sudden action. What is Jiyong talking about anyways?


“Lmao GD why you want to cut Donghae’s legs again?” Bom was giggling because she likes the idea.


“Well…if you haven’t known yet. That Donghae talked to me yesterday.”


Everyone gasped. Oh gaaaaahd Jiyong and Donghae t-talked?!! W-What??!! What did they talk about??!! Gosh!!


“Whoah. What you two talked about?” Top immediately run beside Jiyong followed by Seungri and Daesung.


“Hyung tell us tell us” Seungri excitedly said.


“Hmmmm we talked about Dara.” Jiyong looked at me when he mentioned my name. Oh my gaaaaahd that looked give me shivers in my spine. What’s with this guy? His eyes creeps me out.


“Omona!” Bom put her both hands on her cheeks.


“Tell us now hyung.” Daesung uttered eagerly.


“Donghae said he’s serious about Dara” Jiyong said still looking at me. Oh geez please someone help me! I just want to stab his eyeballs now to stop him from staring at me.


Everyone swallowed their saliva.


“And he said that we should let Dara decide who she’s gonna choose between us.” Holy mother of all fairies in the world!! Why Kwon Jiyong is saying all of this in front of Bigbang and Bom? Is he really in his mind right now? Is he going to say to everyone that he likes me? –gulped- Oh my gaaaahd I don’t know what to do now. Is he serious? As in seriously?


“He also said we should have a good and fair man to man fight for Dara.” My eyeballs are literally wants to go out from its sockets right now. A fair man to man fight? ME?? O.O


“Then he warned me for being player. That stupid guy even background checks me” He chuckled.


“Oh no! hyung do you mean he found out about your girlfr---“


“Shut up dumb !” Jiyong cutted Seungri. “Let me talk first.”


Top hit Seungri again. “Shut your mouth…..Continue GD”


GD continued talking “He said he won’t let Dara be mine.”


“And you didn’t say anything?” Bom asked erratically.


“I asked him.......... what if Dara chooses me.” –gulped- he stared at me even deeper. I think I stopped breathing because of his eyes that are glued at me.


"And Donghae answer is???" Top asked.


"He said I must prove to him first that I deserve Dara if not he'll do anything to make her away from me."


"And you replied to him what?" Bom almost wants to pee while waiting for his answer.


"I replied him that I don’t want." He said in a blank face.


"What??!!!!!" Everyone yelled at him in unison.


"J-jiyong......seriously?" Bom’s eyes are bulging out.


Jiyong chuckled. "Well………I said I don’t want it to prove to him instead…………… I'll prove myself to Dara" then he smiled at me.


I don’t know what to react. Do I hear it right? Jiyong wants to prove that I deserve him than Donghae? Gaaaahd am I dreaming or what?! I don’t know what to say no more. While I’m having a hard time to absorb all the things that Kwon Jiyong revealed, Bigbang guys started to celebrate. As in they were jumping here and there and hugging each other. Why these monkeys are acting like they just won a lottery? What is happening really???


Gaaaaaaahd my smart brain can’t handle this anymore! I’m going crazy!!








Seungri: "Hyung we can’t believe it came from your mouth. We actually worried on how to make you tell us that you like Dara Noona. We even collecting proofs of your Daragon Love so that we can claim our Europe trip"


Daesung: *cough cough* "Europe trip"


Top: "Europe trip"


Daesung: "When hyung?"


GD: "Do you want it tonight?"


Top: "GD we still need to watch Taeyang's Dance Competition. Remember?"


GD: "Ahh yeah right. Then when?"


Bigbang: “We will just tell you when."


I was in good mood right now. I, myself can’t believe revealed it in front of Bigbang guys. Everything changes because what I planned didn’t happen. I just declared that I like Dara without even thinking. I laughed at myself. What can I do I can’t stop myself in saying it. I know that Donghae is serious about Dara so I need to do something. Something that will assure my spot for Dara’s heart.


Even the Europe trip! I’m darn doomed right now I was in charged in all the expenses of those four idiots will have during their Europe trip. Though it’s easy for me to pay it all, the problem is my father’s gonna question all my expenses data if ever. T_T Another fight with my father is coming. But who cares I’m to immune to fight with him already.






It’s already afternoon and the dance competition will start at 6 in the evening. We visit Taeyang’s dance studio to cheer him up and say good luck. He was very determined to win as always. When it’s already 30 minutes left before the Dance Competition start, Donghae called Dara again.


that guy really pissed me off for real. But the hell I won’t let him win Dara. She’s mine! We went on the stage already to watch the dance competition. We sat at the front line of the audience seats at the back of the judges; I sat at the right side of Dara, Bom beside her, Top beside Bom, then Seungri and Daesung on my right side. Dara is still on her phone. Fcvk is that guy going to dance with his phone in his ears while calling Dara. I’m in my verge of snatching the phone to Dara and threw it somewhere. I heard her giggled. ! ! !


“Dara how long you’re going talk with Donghae?!” I said in annoyance without looking at her.


Dara just ignored me.


“Hanged it up now the program will start or else I’ll throw your damn old phone somewhere”


Dara hissed and said some good luck words to Donghae that boiled my blood even more then she hanged up.


“Why are you so grumpy? I’m just talking to Donghae.”


“The program will start at any moment. He needs to prepare for their stage but that Donghae still have time to talk to you?!!! What an irresponsible stupid guy.”


“He already finished preparing. He said he needs to talk to someone so that he won’t be nervous.”


“Then he can talk to his team mates instead!”


“He said I’m the only one who can ease his nervousness.”


“And you believe that?”


“Of course I believe that.”







A moment of silence








The emcee started to talk to thank some sponsors and stuffs.


“I’m jealous” I whispered but enough for her to hear.


He turned her head in my side to look at me. I’m still darting my gaze in front of the stage. “You don’t believe me?”


She was still looking at me. I looked at her too and our eyes met. It’s like there’s a million of sensation I feel inside me right now. Looking at her in a short distance like this gives me a different state of mind. She looked away first and pretended she’s listening to what the emcee is saying. I smiled.


“You believe Donghae that you’re the only one who can ease his nervousness, but you don’t believe me when I said I’m jealous. So unfair”


I felt she became uncomfortable. The area is noise polluted right now because of the sound systems plus the loud cheers of the fangirls. I didnt know but I suddenly uttered somthing that I didnt expect that I will utter now.


“I’m jealous"


"Im jealous because I think I already fall in love with you Dara. I’m in love with you” I whispered again. I don’t know if she heard it or not but without knowing my left hand reaches her right hand. She stiffened. I intertwined my fingers at hers without looking at her still my eyes on the stage. It looks like my hands were made perfectly to fit hers. this feeling is good! I wish I can hold her hand forever. We stayed like that for I don’t know how many minutes already. I’m so glad she doesn’t even struggle from me holding her hand. But then suddenly….






screaming voices just entered my ears. Seungri elbowed me, I looked at him and he was pointing someone in front of the stage. When I turned my head where he was pointing, I just realized that Donghae’s group was now performing.



“SUPER JUNIOR!!!!!!!!” screamed by their fan girls.


My eardrums are in the verge of giving up already. The screams and cheers that Super Junior is receiving right now vibrated inside my body. I felt Dara stood up and cheered for Donghae I’m in my alert mode and was about to tell her to take her seat again but my eyes darted to our attached hands. I smiled widely. And the screams and loud cheers are already muted as my eyes were having a pleasure by looking on our perfectly intertwined fingers.


I can’t believe that I haven’t watch Taeyang’s troop performance. I’m dreaming the whole time of the Dance competition HUL. T_T We are now in the back stage congratulating the High-Tech for winning the first place. I noticed that Dara was not around when I finished congratulating Taeyang and his troop. I looked around and I saw her walking towards Donghae and Super Junior. I wanted to punch all the beautiful faces of those guys when I saw them circled around Dara. The fcvk! I am going to kill them one by one if they are going to lay their fingers to her!! I watched her congratulate them! One of the guys wrapped her arms around her shoulder and I was about to kicked that out of this world but I saw Donghae slightly punched the guy in his stomach and said something to him that made everyone on their area laugh.


Then suddenly Dara whispered something to Donghae. ! Fcvk! Damn! What is she doing?! Then they started to walk. Oh wait they are walking towards my place. When they reached where I’m standing, Donghae smirked at me. He passed by me then Dara……….. But my hands automatically hold Dara’s right arm to stop her.


“Where are you going?” I asked in a calm low voice.


Dara looked at me. “I’m going to talk with Donghae.”


“Talk about what?”


“About us”


It’s like my world crumbled, exploded, dissolved, jammed, and crushed. My hands loosened the grip from her arm then she continued walking away from me. Why I have this feeling that she’ll going choose Donghae over me?


“Dara” I uttered her name with a weak voice.










FRIDAY (Last Day of NSHAA week)


I don’t have enough energy to get up on my bed. I almost didn’t sleep last night because of too much thinking about Dara and Donghae. Bom told me to follow them and talk to Dara after talking to Donghae but I don’t have the courage to face the possible truth that Dara and Donghae are already together. I am going insane!! Really!! this feeling inside me!! I shrivelled my long messy morning hair.


Then suddenly I felt my phone Beep. I looked at it and it has a 10 messages and 10 missed calls already. I opened one of the messages. It’s only a number so I got curious who it was. I opened the first one and read.



I want to talk to you Jiyong.




It’s Donghae! Damn! I opened another message and it was from him too.



Let’s meet.




What the ! Is he going to slap at my face that Dara choose him. The thought gives me a bit pain in my heart. I punched my chest because the pain I’m feeling inside it is no joke!!


I opened another message. All has the same message so I deleted all but another message popped on my screen again. I read it.



This is my last text. If you’re not going to talk to me, I will do anything to make Dara change her mind for choosing you!! BASTARD!!!”




My mouth hanged up. I can’t move. My whole body stiffened.



I’m freeze!











I immediately called Donghae after I recovered from freezing after reading his last message. Is that really true or I just read it wrong?? I can’t even hold my phone normally. When I arrived at the rooftop of the school I saw Donghae standing in the middle while his back facing me. I cleared my throat to let him know that I’m here already. He finally faced me.


“Hi!” He greeted. The wind blows and I felt the cold breeze of it that gives me shivers. Gladly Im wearing a jacket right now.


“W-what do you want to t-talk about?” I asked. Donghae chuckled because he noticed I straggled on my words. Shame! I’m still not fully recovered from the shocked I had lately after reading this stupid guy’s message! Damn tongue I’m gonna punished you later!


“You’re nervous on what I’m going to say that’s why you’re not answering my calls and messages, right?” He said while wearing a teasing smile. this stupid foe! I’m gonna slice his face if he’s going to smile like that in front of me again.


“Well” He deeply sighed. “Like what I’ve texted you, Dara choose you over me.”


I just give him a blank face thoroughly pretending that I expected that already. But the truth……… this is so ing freaking great! Did Dara really choose me??!! Damn!! I can’t believe it!!


“I know you’re celebrating inside you right now even though you’re not showing it….. I know you’re completely happy. Right Kwon Jiyong?” He slyly smiled again.


Urgh You wish! You won’t see me celebrate in front of you!! I just continue to pretend that I don’t care. Bad Boy style.


“You’re actually annoying me right now Kwon Jiyong for acting like that makes me want you to hit your face but I’m not here to do that to you.” I looked at him with creased eyebrows then he smiled at me. “I think you already know Dara and I talked yesterday. She said he likes me and she hates you.”





“Donghae I like you”


Donghae smiled widely as he heard the words that he’s been waiting for from Dara.


“But that’s it….I like you Donghae but I guess it’s different from what I feel for him” She sighed. “I don’t know but I just realize now that when u hates someone you’ll always think about him. Even if he annoys me, it’s crazy right? I feel something to the one I hate, who I don’t like. I don’t know if annoying me is his strategy for me to feel this way towards him but it actually hit me hard.”


“So you’re saying his strategy is effective than mine?”


“I guess so”


“Ouch Dara!”


“Sorry Donghae”


“It’s okay………….. so obviously you’re choosing him over me”


“hmmmm he said he’s in love with me.”







A moment of silence.







She laughed at herself. “Ahhh love is making me dumb really. I am rejecting the perfect ideal guy now.”


“It comes from your own mouth that I’m the perfect ideal guy but you’re rejecting me.”


“Yeah…………………..I don’t know if I’m gonna regret this in the end, but that’s how I feel right now. Donghae I actually don’t understand myself. But there’s one thing I’m sure of I feel something to him.”





"So she feel the same way about me" I can't hide the smile on my face right now. The things that I just heard from Donghae is the most wonderful news I've ever heard from my entire life.


“But still .............. I believe that liking is a first step towards love. So don’t ever ever let her go or else I will get her from you.” Donghae suddenly said.


“Tsk In your dreams. I wont let her go”


"No one knows."


"I know. But she's only mine"


"Araso Araso. You won already. But before I end this conversation can we be friends?” Donghae offered a shake hands.


Jiyong cocked his eyebrow since be friend with someone especially to his foe is not his thing but then again because of Dara he changes a lot. He suddenly reached Donghae’s hand for the shake hands.


“Friends” He finally uttered.






When the moving force goes ahead, the fiction of resistance blocks it. The reaction is equal to the force of action. The more you hate the more you love. It’s crazy to show to everyone that you hate that person, but there is something in you who dictate that you like that person and you want to talk to him every time you got a chance. Some people don't really show their true feelings, instead, they just making some way to be noticed by whom they admire that's why they show hate instead of love.

Maybe. Maybe not. There are some instances in this life where the most hateful thing you had will become someday the thing you most love. It seems to be ironical, but isn't it cause it’s the reality.






Helloooooo I have some new daragon squad readers/subscribers right here. Thanks for reading...

I read all your comments! I appreaciate how you give your opinions and stuffs about the story....

Hope you'll read this fic till the end...Though we still have a long way to go with GD and Dara's Playful Love story woooosh woooosh.....

Your lovable and spazz comments is forcing me to update often...lmao Thank you so much for the inspiration!!! Hengsho everyone!!!!

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charleneivy #1
Chapter 24: Hi! I hope u update soon! I miss your story!. Thanks
bigbanggd_vip #2
Chapter 24: rereading again.. missing your updates..T_T
Chapter 24: This is a cute story author-nim. Thank you for the update!
daramaegon #5
Chapter 23: i wondered why all of a sudden cl was interferring daragon's relationship? so annoying..thanks for the update:)
Chapter 21: Wadafaahk is happening...
Kyakk soo confusing..
Chapter 22: So cliché. Thought its gonna be fresh but... Pffft.
Chapter 22: Aaaahhhhh
my guess will be.....
Ji will let Dara meet his mother that's why they are in a hotel....
Loyal Ji, right.....
Chapter 21: oh no why it turn out like this?
Chapter 20: yup arrange marriage..not again