


Jonghyun’s POV

“Jonghyun, your bread?”. My mom ran to me as I open the gate.

“For mom”. I refused quickly. I exit my house, close the gate improperly and walk away from that


“Hey! You’ll be sick if you didn’t eat your breakfast!”. My mom shouted.

“As you wish”. I shouted back.

“Urgh! Jonghyun, for your own good!”. She shouted.

“That bread- doesn’t work well for building my abs”. I said.

“JONGHYUNNN!!!”. My mom growls like a bear.  “Hey! Your bike!”. She said.

“Old fashioned”. “So long”. “Mom”. I said and then continue my way to the school. In the middle of my way, I feel a bit tired, walking. I regret for leaving my BRAND NEW bike at home. STUPID ME!

My tummy rumbles, I want that bread! I need food! Urgh, this is not going to build my abs! This’ll make me skinnier or what am I’m doing right now is perfectly called diet.

EWW, for girls.

I have arrived at school. Immediately, I walk to my class and found


“Jonghyun oppa’s guitar playing is awesome! ”. She said.

“Still praising me?”. I said to her.

“NOT AT ALL, YOU CRAP”. She said.

“Whoa, swallow your words, dull”. I said. “You’re the crap”.

“YOU!”. She said.

 “YOU!” I said.

“YOU!”. She said.

 “YOU!” I said.

“YOUUUUUUU!” We said together. This is very stupid and childish. The whole class sees us with confusing face.

“Sorry for disturbing you guys, he’s a crap”. She said.

“No! Her!”. I said.





“MR. Taehyun is coming!”. Gyoobin (our classmate) shouted. We hurried back to our seat. Eunkyung, the girl I disturbed grumbled at me. Moreover, who asked you to be an annoying girl? You really attract me to bother you! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!! Your annoying voice is a donkey whinnying inside my ears! Your stories about another Jonghyun who copy cats my name are horrible! Can you please get off from my life!


 Disturbing a stupid girl like her is simple and FUN.  The teacher came in. Step on the podium and said, “Good morning class, we’re going to the lab. Put on your laboratory coat, we’re going on an experiment”.

As we arrive in the laboratory, the air felt so unfriendly with disgusting smell of animal blood with a mixture of chemical, acid,  formalin, and other weird things. There’s a skull beside me.

*smirked I’VE GOT AN IDEA! (evil laugh)


 “What  the hell are you doing?!”. She said angrily.

“Nothing”.  I said.

“I know, it was YOU! Listen, my temper has reach the limit, please-don’t-mess-up-with-me! I’m tired, EVEN IT’S STILL IN THE MORNING!”.

“Whatever. Who cares about your temper, whether you’re tired or blablabla…”. I said.

She growled just like my mom this morning. “Growl as crazy as you can”. I and walk away.

 “Ok class, we’re going to make an experiment. On your table, I have arranged the liquid and chemical. Don’t play at it, otherwise it burns or melt things when it drops.  Put them back on their place after you use it and make a report. Understood?”. Said the teacher.

“YES, Mr.”. We answered.

PSSSS…. *the sound of combined mixture*. I pour it on her ing laboratory coat.

“HAHAHA”. I laugh.  “Whoops…”

“JOOOOOOONGGG…”. She about to shout my name, I better shut before Mr. Taehyun knows!

“Shhhh… you said you didn’t want to mess up, so, don’t tell him!”.

“Uuuugh!”. She covers her face, holding her temper. “Get out of my way! I’M SICK OF THIS”. She pinched my arms.

“ARRRGGGHH! Get off !”. I said.

“This is for you, who made a big hole on my laboratory coat! YOU OWE ME!! I DON’T CARE WHETHER YOU HAVE A LOT OF MONEY OR JUST A PLENTY! You’re such a…”.

“Cool guy”.

“Ugh, yes. I’m going to said that!”. I said.  “No!!! I’M NOT GOING TO SAY THAT! ARGH!”.


Eunkyung’s POV

I rub the part on my laboratory coat which has a big hole, sadly. Didn’t he ever think that it was bought by money? Ugh, I want him vanished from my life. WHY ME?. Is it because I’m weak? Is it because my house is creepy? (that’s not related)

I throw that shredded laboratory coat inside my locker and slam it. I walk to the class for the next lesson.

“I think I should make it backless”. Jonghyun said.

“What backless?”.

“Your laboratory coat”. He said.

“What?! Are you crazy? You’ve made a big hole in the bottom! STOP-IT. Or I locked you inside the toilet!”.

“*spit* so, you have the key?”.

“Yeah!”. I raised the key. I have ask the duplicate last week for unreasonable thing. Jonghyun took it quickly from me. And hang it on his pointing finger.

“Now I’m the one to lock you”. He said.

“ARGHHH!”. “Why me…”. I said soundly.


“Because he do care of you”.

Jonghyun and I turned our heads, Eunsoo said that.  The whole class teased us.


There’s no feeling between us.

Oh, there is

Hating each other is the right thing to feel.


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The poster is very good! did you make it by yourself??? cool!<br />
good luck for the next update! :D