Seriously Addicted



Eunkyung’s POV

“JOOOONGHYUUUN OPPAAAAAAA!!!”.  I shout among this bunch of people.

It was a big auditorium with hanging colorful lights. There, CNBLUE’s concert was held. My friend and I were very excited with this. I was searching for how to get a back stage with my phone. Finally, I GOT ONE! I mean two- with my friend, Eunsoo. We screamed hysterically till the end of the concert. My voice has faded. But at least, it still works for asking the band autographs or photo. For Jonghyun oppa, IT’S A MUST! *evil laugh*.

Finally, the concert finished. Girls and some boys line up for the backstage. But eventually, they spread to their own bias and ask or giving things. I run to Jonghyun oppa, “Oppa, can I ask for an autograph? Can I take a picture with you?”. I said.

“Oh sure”.  He replied me and smiled.

“Wait… I think I recognize you”. He said.

“Really?”. My eye shows happiness. He knows me! J

“You’re Eunkyung?”.

“YEEEEESSSSSS!”. I said a bit louder. My happiness increase to the limit. If there’s a scale, it might be broken.

“Oh, you! I know you. You’re taking a picture with me for a thousand times, I think”.

Oh, that’s awkward.

“I think it wasn’t that bad, oppa”. I said.

“*laugh, it’s ok Eunkyung. I’m so pleased. Oh yeah, did those pictures you stick on your billboard?”.

“Ngggg…. It’s no longer a billboard oppa. I stick it on the wall -____-“.

“Really? I appreciate a fan like you. Oh yeah, we haven’t take a picture”.

After we take a picture he gave me my book with his autographs.

“Bye! See you next time… Eun…kyung?”. He said, trying to remember my name. “We’re on the Music Bank next Friday!”.

“Ok oppa!,Gomawo”. I wave my hands to him, he waved back. Eunsoo and I walked home. It was about 10.30 pm. The sky is dark blue without stars, I think it’s cloudy up there. And it’s cold even it’s not autumn or even winter, I wore thick sweater and long sleeves, scarf, knitted hat with ear muffs, gloves. Everything. But it’s still cold.

Oh, stupid me.

I didn’t wear any trousers or legging. No leg warmers.


“So, you got Kang Minhyuk oppa’s ?”. I said.

“Yeah, he’s gorgeous!”. Eunsoo said.

“You’ve gotta know!!!”. “Jonghyun oppa! He knows me! LOL”. I said.

“WOOOW, cool! How?”.

“I often take a picture with him and ask autographs. Fortunately, in my book, every single page was written my name there. I think he read that!”.

“Wow how lucky you are. I wish for Minhyuk oppa”.

“Hopefully. Oh, we must stop dreaming because I’m in front of my house”.

“Oh, bye!”. She said.


I open the gate. It was a bit rusty of acid rain. I took my key from my pocket. Thank God, it’s still there however I was jumping, struggling among the crowds just now.

 I creep in so my parents didn’t hear my footsteps and walk up to the wooden stairs and it makes a squeaking sound. This  is an old house. It was bought about  18 years ago. At that time, it’s brand new, but now it was a bit old fashioned. Our family keep enjoying this situation after several times being renovated with goals: to make this house didn’t look shabby, dark, dusty, and creepy or like other old house does.

Back to myself.

 I was a bit scared because all the light was turned off- OH, I know, this is my parent’s strategy to know what time do I arrive at home. So, I cover my eyes and creep slowly by groping  the wall and jump into my room-without any sound.

And then lay peacefully. Hope this night, I dreamed CN BLUE, kekeke.


 “AAAAA!”. I woke up in the middle of the night, about 2 ½ hours after I lay my exhausted body on my crib.  I HAD A BAD DREAM.

It’s about Jonghyun.

No! The other Jonghyun, KIM JONGHYUN. My classmate.

I’m not very keen of him,  he’s a troublemaker. Actually, there’s so many things on him that I can’t definite one by one and all of it were unpleasant manners and it’s ambiguous if Eunsoo and I were talking about LEE Jonghyun the coolest person alive (in my sight) not KIM Jonghyun, a guy with big nasal perforation (LOL) and he’s not cool at all-AT ALL. Why Kim Jonghyun must be his name? Why not Kim Babo? That’s ridiculous.

The dream: I am sitting in the middle of a meadow, Jonghyun approach me and give me a bouquet of flower. As I’m about to take it, he alienate the flower and expel a clear plastic bag with a chocolate liquid inside of it. As it splashed onto my face, a stinky fragrant spread out into the air.

It’s a poo- DAMN IT.

For your information, I HATE HIM SO MUCH. Hating him is my pride. (You’ll know what does he treat me at school, or everywhere in this WORLD, perhaps).

I take my arrow pin that was placed inside a vintage wooden box on my drawer next to my bed and shoot it to ‘DINO BOARD’ on my wall.


It’s a pin shooting space on my room. With Jonghyun’s picture on the center of that board. ‘DINO’ is what I see from Jonghyun’s… nose (ROFL) that opens widely like a dinosaurs There’s so many arrows that I haven’t took from the board and NO ARROWS shoot right on his nostril, but now


I smirked, I’m sure someday, when he sees this thing, he’ll unable to mess up with me.

Aish, it’s 00.30 AM. I have spent 30 minutes on this. I must sleep!

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The poster is very good! did you make it by yourself??? cool!<br />
good luck for the next update! :D