Chapter 2


The next day, Hayoung was feeling much better after being hit. Actually it hadn't been that bad, but Sehun had been so worried about her that he had insisted in picking her from her house and walking together to school, just in case. So the two of them were now walking inside, surrounded by an unusual silence.

Hayoung could feel that Sehun was probably still mad at her for what happen the previous day, even if he didn't want to admit it. What she didn't know was that he was feeling really confused. Confused about the sudden thoughts that came to his mind about liking her. He had never questioned himself that before, so why now?

"Hayoung ssi!" she heard her name being called and she turned around startled. She was slightly shocked to see Sunggyu running towards her and she suddenly blushed at the sight of him. The boy smiled towards them and Hayoung smiled back. "Are you feeling better?"

Sehun, who just stood there watching, suddenly clenched his fists. He couldn't stand him and he didn't know why. He simply dislike the idea of Hayoung liking him. Sehun glared coldly at him.

"How do you expect her to be after you hit her?" he asked coldly and Sunggyu's small eyes widened slightly. He hadn't expected his rudeness. Hayoung looked at her best friend in shock.

"Sehun!" she scolded him as she elbowed him "Apologize to him!"

"It's ok Hayoung ssi" Sunggyu said gently "He is right. It was my fault"

Sehun didn't say anything, but his expression didn't change. He was still glaring coldly and rudely at the older guy. 

"No, Sunggyu sunbae I told you it's ok" Hayoung said with a shy smile "It was an accident"

"Still, I want to make it up to you" he said and her eyes widened in surprise. "I'll treat you lunch after classes"

Hayoung was surprised and didn't know what to say. Her cheeks were turning red and she hoped he wouldn't notice how nervous she was at the moment. Sehun only looked at them in disbelief and couldn't help but feel mad. Was he asking her out?

"You should come too Sehun" Sunggyu said to the younger man. "Take it as an apology"

Sehun just scoffed, but didn't say anything. He didn't accept or reject his offer. Hayoung looked at Sehun and just sighed. Why was he being like that? Shen then turned to Sunggyu and smiled to him, which made him smile back.

"We'll be there, thanks sunbae" she said and he smiled once again

"Awesome, see you there then" Sunggyu said, giving Hayoung a slight pat on the head, which made her blush even more. He then left running and Hayoung only looked at him with dreamy eyes. Sehun looked at her best friend and scoffed. Hayoung noticed this and turned to glare at him.

"Oh Sehun, why were you being so rude towards him?!" she asked, quiet mad. He only looked at her and rolled his eyes. "He is your sunbae!"

"You got hit by a ball he kicked and yet you are treating him as if he was hero" he said and she looked at him in disbelief. Why was he being like that seriously? She couldn't understand. 

"Sehun, he apologized already" she said "Why are you so mad at him?"

Hayoung looked at him, expecting an answer, but he really didn't know what to say. Why was he so mad at Sunggyu? He didn't even know. He just couldn't stand the idea of Hayoung being so nice towards him after he hurt her. 

"Just forget it" Sehun just said and sighed, before walking ahead. Hayoung was left dumbfounded and sighed as well. Sehun had never behaved like that before. Why was he suddenly like that?


During class, Sehun was quieter than usual and Hayoung didn't know what to do. She sighed. She couldn't stand fighting with her best friend. Ever time they fought over something, they would easily made up. However, this time was different. Sehun was still mad and she hadn't even done anything wrong.

"Sehun, are you still mad at me?" Hayoung asked suddenly during break time. He looked at her and just sighed. He wasn't even mad at her and he had been acting like a jerk, so he suddenly felt really bad about it. 

"I'm not mad at you" he simply said and she smiled. At least, she was relieved to know that. "Sorry if I overreacted"

"I'm glad to know that we are okay now!" she said happily and hugged him tightly, which startled him a bit. His eyes widened slightly and his heart beated faster. It was as if he wanted time to stop in that second. What was that fluttering sensation he was feeling at the moment?

"So... you are coming with us after classes?" she asked after they broke the hug. Sehun stared at her and just sighed.

"Do you really want me to join you in your date?" he asked. Saying it was harder for him than he expected. Hayoung looked at him surprised and blushed slightly, looking down embarrassed.

"It's not date" she said quietly "Besides, he asked you to come as well"

"Fine, I'll go" he said, before sighing once again. Hayoung clapped her hands excited and went back to her seat. Sehun rested his head on his hands and looked out the window.What was he thinking about when he agreed to go? Watch Hayoung on a date with another guy? It sounded crazy, but now there was no turning back.


When they walked out of classes after school, Sunggyu was already waiting for them outside. He smiled when he saw them and Hayoung couldn't help but smile as well. She was really excited and happy about it and she couldn't even hide it. Sehun, on the other hand, wasn't really looking forward to it.

"Thank you for treating us lunch, Sunggyu sunbae" Hayoung said shyly as they walked out of the school 

"It was the least I could do" he said with smile.

The two of them walked ahead, chatting happily, while Sehun stood behind and could only stare at them. He felt the desire to just walk away and not follow them anymore, but he knew he couldn't do that to Hayoung. The other two looked as if they were in their own world, almost forgetting that he was also there. It somehow hurt a bit to be ignored.

Sehun smiled faintly when he noticed how happy Hayoung seemed to be and the same time, how nervous she looked. He guessed she really liked him and that made him sigh. He really had to forget about his stupid feelings. It didn't even make sense anyway. He couldn't be possible in love with his best friend, could he?

"We are here" Sunggyu finally announced and Sehun snapped out of his thoughts. "This place isn't really fancy, but the food it's really good. I hope you guys like it"

He smiled and Hayoung smiled back, but Sehun didn't say anything. He hadn't spoken a single word ever since they walked out of the school. The three of them walked in and looked for an empty table. When they finally found one, Hayoung sat next to Sehun and Sunggyu sat in front of them. Sunggyu ordered some food and as they waited for it to arrive, they began a conversation.

"So, when how you guys met?" Sunggyu suddenly asked and Sehun looked up

"We are best friends since were babies" Hayoung explained with a happy face. Sehun smiled faintly and just nodded. "Our moms are best friends and they used to spend all their free time together taking care of us"

"That's cute" Sunggyu said with a smile and Hayoung couldn't help but blush.

"Do you have a best friend, Sunggyu sunbae? Or a girlfriend maybe?" Sehun suddenly asked, breaking the silence. He hadn't talked the whole time and now he came up with that sudden question, which took them by surprise. Hayoung looked at him in disbelief as she couldn't understand why he was suddenly asking that.

"I don't really have a best friend" he explained with a smile "Or a girlfriend"

Sunggyu chuckled slightly after saying and Hayoung kind of felt relieved to hear that. However, she then mentally scolded herself for putting her hopes up. She knew that it was delusional to think that he may like her, even if he didn't have a girlfriend. 

"I have to admit I thought you guys were dating when I first met you" Sunggyu said quiet amused and Hayoung's eyes widened in shock. Sehun almost spitted his drink from the shock as well. He looked at their reactions, quiet amused. "What? Did I say something funny? I mean, by the way Sehun cares towards you, I really thought you guys were something more than friends"

He had a smile on his face when he said that and he didn't seem to notice the awkward way both Sehun and Hayoung were looking at him at the moment. 

"That's crazy" Hayoung simple said, quiet embarrassed. The idea of dating Sehun had never crossed her mind. However, when Sunggyu brought it up, she couldn't help but blush slightly at the thought of it. "Sehunnie and I will see never see each other as something more than best friends, right Sehun?"

She looked at him, expecting an affirmative answer from him and he simply nodded, with a faint smile on his face. Something inside of him broke the moment he heard that she wouldn't see him as something more than just a best friend. He suddenly didn't have desires to eat anymore. He finished his glass of water and looked out of the window.

Sunggyu and Hayoung continued chatting about a lot of things and Sehun could see they were getting along very well. She laughed at his jokes and sometimes blushed when he complimented her. Sunggyu seemed to be enjoying her company as well. Sehun wanted to be happy for them, he really did. However, there was a feeling of uneasiness everytime he stared at then.

"Excuse me, guys" Sehun suddenly said as he stood up and walked out of the restaurant. Sunggyu and Hayoung looked at him worried as he left, since they didn't understand what had just happened. 

"I'm going to see if he is ok" Hayoung said to Sunggyu and he smiled

"Go ahead" he said with a smile and Hayoung smiled back. Then, she stood up and went out as well. He looked around to see if she spotted Sehun and she saw him walking away. Hayoung frowned since she didn't understand why he was suddenly leaving and she ran after him.

"Hey Sehun, are you ok?" she said as she caught him and grabbed his wrist. Sehun was looking at the floor and he sighed when Hayoung grabbed his wrist. He didn't dare to turn around to face her and Hayoung looked at him worried.

"I don't know" he replied sincerely and she was confused

"What's wrong?" she asked suddenly. She was starting to get really worried about him. "You've been acting weird these past days"

Sehun sighed again and finally turned around to face her. He looked at her worried face and as he felt her grip on his wrist, he felt his heart fluttering again. He just didn't know how to explain his sudden feelings. They had been best friends for such a long time and he was just now realizing he possibly had feelings for her? It didn't make sense to him and he was really confused.

"I'm just really confused, ok?" he simply said

"Confused about what?" Hayoung asked gently. She really wanted to understand what was happening to him in order to help him. Sehun looked at her and sighed once again.

"Confused because of the crazy idea I have that I may have feelings for you!" he blurted out suddenly and ran away, not being able to face her. Hayoung froze in her spot dumbfounded and with her eyes wide open. She didn't know how to react or what to think. Sehun had feelings her? And what about her? What did she feel for him?

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Chapter 3: omg i’m so happy !!!
auliaukhti #2
Chapter 3: I was crying in every chapter... Oh god! Really nice.. I do loooveee this fanfic!
baozi-nim #3
Chapter 3: EXOPink is just perfect!!
SeYoung is just perfect!!!!
your story is just perfect!!!
Chapter 3: my Seyoung feels omg omg omg. such a cute story <3
Chapter 3: Awwww this is so sweet!! Love this!
Chapter 3: OMG SO SWEET ;U;
too bad sunggyu didn't get her though. but oh well, first come always gets the best xD
poisons #7
Chapter 3: THIS REMINDS ME OF REPLY 1997. How ironic that irl, it was sunggyu who likes Hayoung. HIHIHIHI.

Chapter 3: CRIES ;_______________________;
; ^^^^^^ ; ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤V