Poster Delivery Template

Personal Layout Practice

1. Put the reminders here

2. For example: 

3. Remember to credit the shop and designers

4. Or like comment after you pick it up!

5. Font: Verdana | Size: 12


requester - title of story



Story Link | Poster Link | BG Link

Designer note: This is for the D/N.

(Set the fonts to Verdana | Size: 12. Set the Picture to width: 400. DO NOT TOUCH THE HEIGHT AFTER THAT.)



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Chapter 1: wait what does 8 mean!!
and how do you use color codes omg i just color my text right in the edit box ;A; what is even a template anyway OMG i never saw these chaps hahahah
Aww i love the green theme :DDDDD
You forgot an s after "happen" on the poster ouo
How do i create a request form? x3