
Personal Layout Practice


  1. Green colour code: #33cc66
  2. Black Colour code: #333333
  3. Main Image: http://i.imgur.com/mhF7ZpK.jpg
  4. Background: http://i.imgur.com/4GtxPDa.jpg
  5. XoXo - Font: Georgia |Size: 20
  6. Headers - Font: Georgia | Size: 36
  7. Contents - Font: Verdana | Size: 11
  8. (Please add , edit and/or delete the contents when necessary. These are  only my sample contents)
  9. You can add in columns on your own and use the template I gave ^_^
  10. Poster Request form:
  11. Trailer Request form:



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Chapter 1: wait what does 8 mean!!
and how do you use color codes omg i just color my text right in the edit box ;A; what is even a template anyway OMG i never saw these chaps hahahah
Aww i love the green theme :DDDDD
You forgot an s after "happen" on the poster ouo
How do i create a request form? x3