
Ohkay I'm REAAAAAAAALLLLLLYYYYYYY SORRIE TT-TT im sorrie that i havent updatd in a hella long timeee DD; BUT. i PROMISE the next chapter will be LONG and hmm NOT USELESS. LOl oh and idk if i mentoned this but this is my first fanfic ^^' teehee~



~ your p.o.v~

When me and JiJin asked the desk lady person (idk what its called) Where our room was she first searched our names and gave us the key then blah blah blah you know what happens.
"onto the elevatorrrr~~!!" JiJin raised one of her arms like a super hero and ran to the elevator. I just shook my head.
"aishh you can act so childish sometimes.." I said and followed her. The elevator opened and we both got inside.

".....what floor was it again..?" JiJin asked wide-eyed and turned her head towards me.
Shiet I don't know either O.O'
"...ermm.. try 4!" I confidently said. She just raised an eyebrow at me.
"aight then.." She pushed the number 4.


we got out the elevator and started looking for the room we're suppose to be living in.

"what number does the key say?" JiJin asked me. I looked at the key I was holding.
"errm.. 541"
"AHHHHH!!"  JiJin randomly screamed causing me to have a mini spazz attack.
"AHHH WHAT THE SHIZNITS WAS THAT FOR?!?!" I screamed at her.
"our room is 541... this floor is only in the 100's" JiJin sighed and had her head down.
my expression --> =______________=
"great. just great... Oh well.. this is one of the times in grateful for the elevator" I smiled and turned towards it. Then out of nowhere...


"what was that ._.?" JiJin nervously asked. I was to shocked and angry to even speak. I just had my mouth open and my right eye twitching.

"we're sorry for this inconvenience but it seems that the elevator is temporarily out of service. It will be fixed in about 3-5 hours. Thank you for your cooperation." A lady announced through the intercom.

"OH COME ON!!!!!!!" we both screamed. I was clutching my hair like it was the end of the world.


"wow.... ____-ah.." JiJin stuck her tongue out at me.
"psh whatever I'm just mad >.<" I replied.
"well looks like we gotta take the stairs." I walked over to the staircase entrance.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I DONT LIKE WALKING!" she pouted. I looked back and stuck my tongue out at her at continued walking. I could hear her mumble 'meanie' behind me. aha wow, but these stairs are really gonna be a drag -.-

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pignie1 #1
new subbie!

update soon!
oppayoseobsarangyo1 #2
YOOOOOOOOOOU BUUUUUUUUUUUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
LOL.<br />
~the little voice inside your head....
Woahhh O.O<br />
What was that dream all about ? A memory ? A fear ? <br />
Nehhh<br />
kekeke<br />
and YESHHhh SHINee is indeed VERY kind :P
yoseobbeastheart13 #4
Oh! I saw that thing about your friend and dont take this the wron way but i think that your frined should frget about guy 1 (the pissed one) because he obviously doesnt feel that way twards her and guy two can go some where else...That;s my opinion......o.o<br />
I hope it helped ^^
oppayoseobsarangyo1 #5
I think guy #2....wisdom? *falls to the ground laughing* I really do feels sorry for her tho....
Haruyukie #6
I think she should see how much guy 2 likes her, I know the current situation is bad staying the way it is but if guy 2 really isn't committed then he'll probably move on in like a week or 2<br />
<br />
hope this helps =]
BUT if like she doesnt really like guy 1 and the so called "spark" has run out and there is no real love what so ever ...<br />
1. give him another chance<br />
2. DO NOT dump him and go to guy 2.<br />
I mean you did say that guy 2 "seems like he likes one girl then goes to the next one" so its best to like... spend more time with him. The last thing you want is for guy 1 to think that your friend is shallow for dumping him so you can go to guy 2.<br />
ALSO if you REALLY think/want to end it with guy 1, at least remain friends so that he wont feel so bad or smt... :D<br />
WOW....<br />
My words of wisdom are crap :(<br />
anywho... good luck ~~
I think you should stay with guy 1.<br />
I mean there must be trust in a relationship right ?<br />
And you can ask your friend to speak to this guy 1 and tell him to explain everything to her ? And also maybe if he can talk and spend more time with her.
okies I'm done :D<br />
Update soon please ? *pouts*
I loled so damn hard !<br />
aNd the random mann's response ...<br />
EPIC !<br />
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh so funny