Sweet Dreams

SHINee Knights

~Taemin’s POV~

It’s the first night the girls are sleeping with us. I’m excited; I get to see Kyung Mi’s face while she sleeps. She climbed into the bed and laid down on the pillow I put out for her. She looked pretty upset. While Key was making dinner, she was trying to make him change his mind about letting them leave. He didn’t budge on the point.

I want to reach out and her cheek and hug her tight and whisper in her ear everything will work out.  I didn’t reach out though; she turned her back to me and faced Onew’s back. “Okay guys and girls. Time to go to sleep!” Key said and turned off the lights. The room was covered in darkness now. I could only make out the outline of Kyung Mi now.


2:00 A.M.: Kyung Mi was turning back and forth in her sleep. Little moans escaped her lips. She sounded like she was in pain. “Kyung Mi…” I whispered to her, trying to calm her down. Her turning continued.  I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her body to stop her from waking Onew.

I pulled her closer to me, moving her gently where she was mostly on my bed. Her breathing started to slow down and her turning stopped. She pressed her head into my chest and clutched onto my shirt. “It’s going to be alright…” I murmured in her ear hoping to sooth her nightmare.

“I’m sorry…” I heard her whisper against my chest. What was she sorry about? I kissed her forehead and brushed stray hair from her face.

“It’s okay.” I kissed her on her nose. I feel kind of like a ert. I only ever kiss her when she is asleep.

“Taemin…” I blushed at the sound of my name and thought she was awake.

“Kyung Mi, are you awake?” She didn’t respond.  Thank goodness, that would have been awkward to explain.  I moved her head where it laid in the crook of my neck. I entwined my fingers into of her one of her hands. “Sleep tight, I’ll scare away all the bad dreams.” I whispered in her ear and kissed the top of her head.


~Minho’s POV~
I looked up from my book to see Ae Sook climbing into part of the bed. She had her little brown bear tucked under her arm. She patted the pillows and plopped her head down onto it. It looked as if it had hurt, but she gave no sign of it. She turned her head where she looked up at the ceiling studying it as if it contented some answer. I looked over her head to see Onew had childish grin and was staring at her.
“This is so exciting. It’s like a big sleepover!” He said and Ae Sook looked at him and gave him a smile. Then she looked over at me and gave me the same smile.
“Okay guys and girls. Time to go to sleep!” Key said. The light in the room suddenly disappeared leaving the room in complete darkness.
“Nighty night, guys…” I heard Ae Sook mumble and turned where she faced me. In the dark, I made out a smile that suggested she felt safe in here. Onew threw one of his arms on top of her that lightly held onto her.
I stayed awake till I was sure she was asleep.
6:30 A.M.: I woke up to get ready for morning exercise. I was about to climb out of bed when I noticed a weight pressing against my chest. Ae Sook had rolled all the way onto my bed and was now presently pressed against me. She had her head on one of my arms and my other was draped over her.
I sat there and studied her sleeping face with the morning light. Her face took on a peaceful state that softened the lines she had on her face from wearing a hard smile for too long. I ran my hand through her hair, combing through it till each strand fell through my fingers.
“Hmmm…” Ae Sook signed against my chest and pressed her head harder against it. I brushed my thumb against her cheek. I don’t know if I should do this but… I gently tilted her chin up and pressed my lips against hers. They were soft and tasted sweet as if they were coated in a thin layer of sugar. Warmth spread over my body.
I rested my head against my pillow again and studied Ae Sook as she slept. The guys could skip out on practice, just this once.


Do ya'll like the story so far? I hope so <3. This chapter is one of my fav because its just so darn cute.

Also, I need to thank my friend/publisher (thats what I called her) for editing my stories and making the poster above. <3 LMAOforeva

In the mean time enjoy my other stories or the one I'm co-author of

<3 Kang_Minho

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Nice <3
This entire fanfic screams cliche. OTL<br />
Whatever, congrats on finishing. ^^
:))) I love you...I'll try and edit when I'm done cleaning my room...I has to get my room ready for you when you come on Wednesday...yeah...wait til you see Luna xD She's even cuter, she now has a boat...but you'll see what I mean on Wednesday...!!!
Sorry...I still have yet to edit the last chapter...I'll do that when you post your new one...sorry. ^-^;;
xD update da fight soon<br />
Yea...totally reminds me SOS SS501...only a SHINee version...
Gahh <3 cuteness <3