
All About JongKey ♥


#9. Key got Jonghyun suncream for his birthday while Jonghyun got Key pricey Alexander Wang sunglasses last year.

#10. Whenever Key asks Jonghyun something while they are in the car, Jonghyun never answers because he's sleeping with his eyes open and his arms crossed. Key can never tell if Jonghyun is actually sleeping or simply ignoring him.

#11. When an interviewer asked Jonghyun who he would go on an outer space trip with, Key answer "with me".

#12. Key gets annoyed when Jonghyun touches Key's things, and he does it a lot.

#13. When Jonghyun kissed yoogeun for the first time, Key didn't react. But when Minho kissed yoogeun, Key wiped yoogeun's mouth.

#14. Jonghyun thinks he's better looking than Key. Key replied, "Everyone's busy. So I think they've become forgetful these days. They've forgotten about my role within the group. Wake up to reality!"

#15. "Key, if you ever had to leave, I would follow you, I would never let you go" - Jonghyun

#16. "He is perfect. He's my ideal type. Jonghyun is very pretty." - Key

#17. During an event, the members were going on stage. Jonghyun was behind Keypointing him and mouthing "mine" to the fans.

#18. When it was Key's turn to wish Jonghyun happy birthday, Jonghyun asked, "are you going to confess to me now?"

#19. When they were going through Key's bag, there was a polaroid of Jonghyun and himself in his wallet.


JongKey @ "Dream Girl" Showcase 130220

 (00:58 - 01:14)

that moment just seriously killed me.
I mean, Jonghyun practically lied down on Key in public! Aigooo ! My Jongkey feels!!
It almost seems so natural for jjong to go up on him.
maybe they are used to it and have been in this position before in their dorm? xD







Jjong.. your leg.. LOL.


130217 Bangkok - Skechers CF Shooting


key, what are you doing? LOL.

Key was just sitting and taking some rest .. but Jjong walked to key and kick him.
- Key walked to Jjong and said something then Jjong give his hand to Key and they're holding hands.. linking fingers.
- JongKey dancing Gangnam Style.
- When Key & Jjong keep talking and laughing so loudly. Key's laughing with his loud voice style as we usually saw in fancams.
- First, Key was sitting beside Minho, but Jjong walked to them and tried to sit between minkey so Key just leave.


Music Bank Pre-Recording 130222

Key & Jonghyun forgot to take their mics before arriving on stage so Jonghyun came back to take the 2 missing mics.


Jonghyun twitter update mentioning Crying Frankey 2.45am KST 130208


우주몬나니 수고해쪙
[TRANS] Idiot of the universe you’ve worked hard


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Chapter 8: i can't believe jong is jealous of santa!!!!!
Chapter 11: Omf. I was just stalking my forever top otp a.k.a JongKey and gawd every chapter made me squeal and just ugh. Key is my ultimate bias and hes being so cute and asdfghjkl;hdgwhf around Jjong and Jjong would be that calm-understanding type of boyfriend i bet lol
spazz. spazz. spazz.
this otp is forever sailing.
Chapter 1: this made me feel even stronger. i was so sad about the twitter rumors between keyseop and jongkey.. they said that keyseop is real blah blah blah and it really hurts me a lot.
thank you author-nim for making this one.
You made me realize that Jongkey is real and can't be separated! :)
Chapter 11: KEY AH KEY AH SOO CUTE!!!
Jongkey forever...if not i kill myself!!
Chapter 11: Spazz Spazz Spazz!! Nothing More to say
Chapter 10: Omg ! Literally i drool over this as much as possible !
Í wasn't a big shipper of JongKey. And now i feel ashamed xD how i couldn't be.
They're super cute,y, whatever ! Definitelly one of the best pairings in the whole Kpop x)
Chapter 10: I was spazzing while reading This *______* And now I'm gonna cry of happiness Cuz This was just too much jongkey ... My feels .. Can't control them ...
Ps: sorry for my Bad english ~.~
Chapter 9: Oh about the love chaser thingy. It does make sense. Why did the three look at jonghyun instead of key??? Something going wrong...and why did taemin pushed key away from jonghyun, didnt taemin also want to get invovled in that show??
KingLru #9
Chapter 7: Yay, you updated~ I love them, they're so cute~
KingLru #10
Chapter 6: I love this! It's so cute and funny~!