Lost in Love

Lost in Love



“SungYoung ah!”

Turning your head, you saw your best friend who was also the kingka of the school running towards you as he waved frantically in attempt to catch your attention. Laughing lightly, you stopped walking as you decided to wait for him.

“Yah DooBongie, you’re really slow. I honestly don’t get how did you managed to be the captain of the soccer team!” You teased when DooJoon was only a few metres away from you.

“Oh come on, I’ve my charms which allowed me to become the captain and of course, the kingka of the school! You have been my best friend since young, how could you not notice my charms?!”

“Sorry but even if you do have charms, it wouldn’t work on me but people like Jessica.”

Walking up, DooJoon slung an arm around which shoulder which you frowned and shrugged it off. “Yah, you’ve a girlfriend already!”

DooJoon mumbled something under his breath before letting out a soft sigh. “I know I have a girlfriend already but that doesn’t mean I can’t be close with my best friend right?”

“If you haven’t notice, she’s the kind who gets jealous like nobody’s business in seconds and I won’t want a troop of cheerleaders coming after me.”

Ignoring your sarcastic remarks, DooJoon and you walked out of the school gates slowly with the conversation going nowhere. When he casually held your hand in his, you glared at him which he merely chuckled and stuck out his tongue playfully in reply. Things felt like how it was before he had gotten himself a girlfriend.

Deep down inside, your heart couldn’t stop thumping wildly against your chest. Not knowing since when, you had gradually developed feelings for this man who unfortunately had never showed any interest towards you. All he ever does was the occasional flirting which didn’t make you feel special.

“DooJoon oppa!” A sweet voice from afar could be heard calling for DooJoon.

Recognizing the voice, DooJoon immediately let go of your hand. A slender female figure started running towards the both of you. A fake smile was plastered on her face when she saw you standing beside DooJoon, HER boyfriend.

“Oppa, why didn’t you wait for me? I thought you promised to bring me out for lunch at your favourite restaurant?” Jessica asked, secretly glancing over at your direction as she gave you stares that made you feel like she was judging you.

“Ah mianhe, oppa forgot about our date! Don’t be angry alright? We can always go there for lunch whenever we want!” DooJoon cooed.

Your existence there and then was completely forgotten. Watching the scene in front of you was enough to make you throw up with jealousy. Tapping DooJoon on his shoulders, you signalled to him that you were going to head home first which he replied with a sign, telling you that he would call you at night.

Back at home, your mind started becoming a whirlpool full of thoughts until your phone rang with BEAST’s it’s a beautiful night.


“SungYoung-ah, mian, I didn’t mean to let you walk back home alone today.”

Sighing mentally, you replied him with a fake smile on your face, hoping that it would help in preventing you from sounding disappointed or anything negative. “Nah, it’s okay! Your girlfriend should always be your priority.”

“That’s why I always say that I’m your best friend and you’re the best since you are always understanding towards me!”

“When did I ever acknowledge you as my best friend and you better not let your girlfriend hear you saying I’m the best; you won’t want her going after you and giving you blue balls.”

Chuckling at your words on the other line, his teasing made your heart froze for a moment. “I know you like me; nobody can resist my charm!”  

 “Shut up and stop your nonsense will you?”

You could hear him take a deep breath over the receiver before talking. “SungYoung ah, I think I really like you. Your straightforwardness and bubbliness allows you to stand out from the other girls. Plus, you’re really nice and I like talking to you.”

“That makes you sound so desperate ah DooBongie. Did your girlfriend and you quarrel or did she decide to leave you hanging during your hot make-out session? Come on, get a grip and don’t let your get to you alright? Go find your girlfriend if you’re really that needy.” You teasingly joked, hoping that he wouldn’t realize what effect his words had on you.

“Right, my girlfriend.”

The phone conversation then ended not long after.


Life went on as how it was – occasional teasing and suggestive words or actions from DooJoon which always seems to make your heart beat wildly against your chest even though you should have gotten used to it by then. However, with the constant interference of Jessica, you realized that DooJoon and you had slowly drifted from one another.

After graduation from college, DooJoon and you stopped talking and soon, you had almost forgotten about his existence in your life. Graduating as the top student from the music college, you went on to work as a music teacher and a composer. Whatever happened between you and DooJoon, you weren’t really sure but it was okay. Everything happened during college and since college has already been a past tense, it doesn’t really matter anymore. All those joy and tears, heartbreak and laughter had been put behind as you continued with your life.

When you had landed in the most prestigious school of music as a music teacher, you went ahead with your dream, carving a name for yourself among the hundreds of teachers who were coaching in the same school as you. Your pay was higher than all the others but it was because you always had the best performance results among the other teachers. Everything was going perfectly.

“SungYoung-ah, the head of department is looking for you. He said that since you’re the top teacher in the school, you should actually have a chance to meet the major shareholder of this school.” EunJi, one of the fellow teachers told you when she chanced upon you in the huge hallway.

This is the first time you’re meeting someone of high position, you thought as you straightened your dress and knocked on the door of the room.

“Come in.”

Walking in, you took in a deep breath before looking up confidently. You stopped in your tracks when you saw someone who looked very familiar to your eyes. You instantly recognized him when he smiled.

DooJoon was much manlier compared to how he used to look like. His features were much more distinct and his strong jawline could be noticed much easier. Looking at him caused your heart to speed up for a split second but still smiled at him. Extending your hand towards him, he looked at it hesitantly before shaking it.

“It was nice to see you again,” he spoke with that husky voice of his.

For the next few weeks, DooJoon didn’t approach you or tried to strike up conversations with you and for that, you were really grateful. You didn’t need him to ruin everything that was perfect for you ever since graduation.

One day when your lessons with the young saxophonists had ended, you found him standing along the hallway with his arms crossed. It looked exactly like life during college – him waiting for your lesson to end outside your classroom when his girlfriend wasn’t around him. You noticed that his ring finger was still empty in that position of his.

“How long has it been since I last waited for you?” He asked with a teasing tone.

You simply laughed at his question, causing him to smile bashfully. “It’s been so long since we talked. We lost touch since we graduated, didn’t we?”

Looking down while he lightly scratched his head, DooJoon looked like a kid caught red-handed for doing something wrong. Taking a deep breath as he manned up, he asked hopefully, “Are you free after your last lesson of the day? I was thinking that it would be great for us to go to the restaurant we used to go to for dinner and catch up on old times?”

Sighing mentally like how you used to do, you smiled gently before stretching out your left hand where a newly placed engagement ring could be seen. He took notice of the band and the smile on his face dropped. “I have wedding plans to tend to, sorry.”

Giving you the regretful smile, DooJoon nodded before grinning sheepishly. “Of course; and it’s okay, don’t worry about it. I guess what they said was true – if you like something, you should put a ring on it since time waits for no man. I congratulate you on your engagement, and please, stay happy.”

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Chapter 1: Sequel please <333
LenaLuvU #2
Chapter 1: Aww~ Poor Doojoonie T.T It's ok. There's me lol Good story by the way <3
Aaaa so regretful..
Too late dooj.
Its great storyline authornim :)
Chapter 1: wow I expected the ending to be a happy ever after thing, oops! hehe nice CUTE read m'dear!<3
Chapter 1: :(( awww.. i pity doojoon :(
Chapter 1: loved it!
the ending was the best.
Park_HyeSun #7
Chapter 1: Hello there! I have to say that this is a rather decent read. c: Actually this is written under second-person narrative, since you are writing with the words of (you) and (your). First-person narrative uses the words (I) and (we). ^^

Would you allow someone like me to offer a few suggestions? If so, do continue reading my comment.

It's a minor thing, but you seem to be confused with the usage of the words (had) and (have). In the sentence (You had been my best friend since young, how could you not notice my charms?!) the word (had) is supposed to be replaced with the word (have) instead. c:

As for your last paragraph, you were including the famous proverb "Time waits for no man." right? In your sentence, the word (wait) should have the alphabet (s) at the end, therefore forming the word (waits). I like how your story isn't predictable. However, in my opinion - which means you can ignore it if you want, don't feel sorry or guilty if you decide to do so - I think you ended it a little abruptly. A few more sentences would make it more smooth and wrap things up neater.

All in all, I would just like to remind you that I am just writing out my honest opinion and anything synonymous to that. I would like to apologize if I have offended you in some way with this long comment, OTL. It is truly a pleasant read in my eyes.

Have a nice day! ^^/