
Angel With A Shotgun

                Up above, high in the heavens, there was an angel named Eunhye. She was a sweet and caring kind of girl, but had a strong will when she was fighting for something she believed in. For this reason, she was chosen for a special mission down on Earth. The angels’ leader was to tell her of this mission the night of the last day in 2011. So he called for her to meet him right outside of the gates.

                “Leader?” Eunhye spoke as she walked towards the edge of the heavens. She glanced down and smiled at the twinkling lights of the cities on earth that were so far down. “You wanted to speak to me?”

                Leader nodded, crossing his arms as he turned to look at her. “We have a mission for you.” At his serious tone, Eunhye looked up and met his gaze. “Ganghan has been planning something and we need you to go down and stop him.”

                Eunhye frowned, tilting her head to the side. “What could Ganghan—a fallen angel—do that would cause us to react?” she murmured thoughtfully. 

                “He’s looking for a child of the Mark and wants to use their blood to open the Gates and enslave the human race.” Leader said with a heavy sigh. “We were told of this by our spy. The child of the Mark turns twenty-six on January 26th and we need someone to go in and protect him until we’re able to take Ganghan and his servants out permanently.”

                Eunhye pursed her lips in distaste at the thought of the angels having to kill someone. Even if that person had brought nothing but harm to their kind, she would never wish death on them.

                “I don’t think I’m capable to protect a child of the Mark.” She mumbled, looking down at her feet. “I’m not strong like the others.”

                “Yes, but you have the heart of a protector. Something not many others have.” Leader responded, putting a consoling hand on Eunhye’s shoulder. “Will you do it?”

                She nodded, looking back up at him with a smile. Then she paused to think. “But how will I be getting there?”

                “That is already arranged.” Leader answered with a small smile that looked oddly apologetic.

                “Why are you—“ before the question was even fully out of , Eunhye felt herself falling. Leader had pushed her right off the edge of the heavens and sent her plummeting to the ground. Her mind was too frazzled and shocked to bring herself to use her wings as she spun around and around, flailing her arms in desperation.

                Like a comet, she pounded into the ground on Earth, leaving no mark of impact. With a groan, she sat up slowly. Her wings, that were once outstretched and glowing white, faded away. They left a mark similar to a tattoo of angel wings on her shoulder blades.

                “Are you okay?” she heard someone call out. Her head snapped up in alert and she caught sight of a man running towards her. She blinked a few times until the language he was speaking registered in her mind.

                “Ah, yes.” She murmured, lowering her eyes and bowing her head. “I’m alright.”

                The man knelt down beside her, his eyes examining her for any injuries. “Can you stand?” he asked, extending a hand to her.

                She nodded, and took his hand gratefully. He helped her get to her feet, but as soon as she began to stand on her own, her legs gave out and she started to fall back to the ground. Quickly, the man wrapped an arm around her wait to steady her.

                “Oh, my head.” She groaned, placing a hand on the side of her head, trying her best to stop the spinning that was going on around her. She squeezed her eyes shut. “Everything’s spinning. I think I’m going to be sick.”

                “Would it help if I carried you?” the man asked gently, looking at her with great concern. Eunhye nodded, so he scooped her up into his arms as slowly as possible as to not make it worse for her. “Where do you live?”

                Eunhye opened her eyes to face the man. “I don’t have a home.” She said quietly, blushing slightly after noticing their close proximity.

                The man studied her face, wondering if she had meant it. After a moment, Eunhye hung her head in shame, and he decided that she must be telling the truth. “You can stay at my place for now, if you want.” He offered.

                She looked back up at the man in shock. Who was this kind stranger and why was he treating her so well when he didn’t even know her name?

                “My name is Eunhye.” She blurted out, and then quickly shut , instantly realizing how strange she must have sounded to him.

                He smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, my name is Jaejoong.” He tilted his head towards a destination that Eunhye couldn’t see. “My apartment is just over there, would you like to rest there for now?” she nodded, gazing in wonderment at the handsome man.

                They—well, Jaejoong—walked in silence for the most part, Eunhye spent most of the time staring at Jaejoong, but occasionally she would look around at the environment around them.

                “Are we in Seoul?” she asked.

                “Last time I checked.” Jaejoong replied with a soft chuckle.

                Eunhye looked back at Jaejoong. “You’re very handsome. I thought you were as soon as I saw you.” She said as-matter-of-factly, nodding her head slightly as she spoke.

                He smiled but did not say a word.

                They entered the apartment from the back entrance. He carried her all the way to the elevator and up until they reached the floor his apartment was on. He finally set her back on her feet once they reached the front door.

                “Just a second.” He murmured, fishing through his pockets for his keys. Eunhye stood quietly and patiently, watching every movement Jaejoong made with fascination. He unlocked the door and glanced at her. “Do you think you can walk now?”

                Eunhye thought for a moment and then took a tentative step into the apartment. After noticing that the room was not spinning around her, she continued to walk into the apartment and then wander around, looking at each detail.

                “It’s so clean.” She said, running her hand along the wall as she walked down the hall towards the bedrooms. She stopped in front of one, peeking inside curiously.

                “You can stay in that one.” Jaejoong said, stepping up behind her and also looking into the room. “It’s a guest room.”

                “Thank you.” Eunhye said quietly. She turned and began to walk back to the kitchen. “Is there any food? I haven’t eaten in a long time.”

                “How long is a long time for you?” Jaejoong asked, following her into the kitchen and going to the fridge.

                Eunhye thought for a while, gazing at the ceiling. “I can’t remember the last time I ate something.”

                Jaejoong turned to look at her in surprise. “No wonder you’re so thin!” he said, flashing a crooked smile at her.

                She returned the smile. “I suppose that could be why.” She giggled, lowering her eyes to the countertop, running a finger back and forth across it.

                “I can make you something, go ahead and sit down.” Jaejoong said, already getting to work on whatever he was making. Eunhye obeyed and hopped up onto the barstool that was placed by the counter. She leant against the counter and watched in amazement as Jaejoong cooked.

                “I hope you like spicy food.” He said, glancing up at her as he chopped up some things.

                Eunhye nodded eagerly. “I love all kinds of foods!”

                Jaejoong smiled at her response. Already, he could feel himself getting attached to this girl. He couldn’t pinpoint why exactly, but something had drawn him to her as soon as he’d gotten a good glimpse at her face.

                Even now, with the sun shining right on her and making her almost glow, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was.





first chapter, whoooo :)

i hope you like it!!

i promise my author notes will be more interesting in the future, but right now i'm too tired and i need sleep, so this is all you get haha

thanks for reading!

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Chapter 1: ahhh!! Kyeopta!! it's adorable. There was a moment that it reminded me of the little mermaid! lol
OOOOOOH, sound exiciting!!!