Months of pain

Room For Pain

Out of POV 

Shindong who had left the group after about half an hour of waiting to sort out some food and drink to calm then down. It had taken a while, Shindong had used this time to calm himself down sort and sort out his thoughts before going to get the items he had been sent out to get. Now back with the things Shindong walked down the corridor hoping that there was a different atmosphere than the one he had walked away from. However, as he got further towards the group he realised the atmosphere was more intense and thick with worry than when he had left. He tapped Leeteuk's shoulder passing him the food as he scanned his friends. He noticed that Donghae and Sungmin were in tears and Eunhyuk was barely holding himself together. He was torn between which of his friends he should comfort first, but walked over to Sungmin when Donghae subconsciously grabbed Eunhyuk's arm spurring whispers between the two. 

Shindong knelt infront of his best friend trying to get the other to look up from his lap. With his hands on Sungmin's knees Shindong muttered to his friend and, what felt like hour later, Sungmin looked up. After one look at his friend Shindong pulled him into a tight hug, there was no way Shindong could resist the urge to do so when he saw the red puffy eyes, the tracks showing the tears he had shead and the watery eyes that glistened as Sungmin failed to make the tears stop. Shindong wasn't stupid he knew as much as his friend looked innocence and young minded saying things like "Ryeowook will be fine" would be no comfort to him. His friend as actually a very realistic thinker when it came to it and as much as Sungmin loved fairytails he knew well when someone was spinning stories to him even more so in situations like this, as Shindong had found out in relation to Heechul and Kyuhyun all those years ago. So instead Shindong whispered words he believed and that Sungmin needed to hear. 

"I can't promise you that this will be ok. That Ryeowook will be ok, But I can promise you that whatever happens next we will help him. Support him. We are his brothers after all."

After a few loops of sentences like this Sungmin pulled away from Shindong, wiped his eyes and nodded. "Thank you" He whispered to his friend before rubbing Kyuhyun's arm and pulling Shindong over to the sobbing dancers. Sungmin was no where near fine. But Shindong's words had given him the strength to hold himself together for the mean time so he made use of this strength. 

Somewhere in the mix of Shindong arriving, Leeteuk pushing almost bento boxes and tea at each member and Shinmin moving to comfort Eunhae, Kibum had walked silently down the corridor and sat him the seat previously taken up by Sungmin. Kibum could feel the atmosphere the way that Shindong had which hadn't decreased his worry. He was, again, thankful that the had the gift to be there and yet have time to himself. Kibum didn't really know how to register the information he had been told. One of Super Junior's managers had hung around the set for the last hour and half of filming before telling him what happened in the practise room. He thought that maybe Kibum might know something. It was known through the managers that Ryeowook, Heechul and Siwon meet up which Kibum when they could. Kibum and Ryeowook were also close from their Maknae status in the group and had often shared aches and pains in the past. Being the same age and paired together they had simular worries and they were able to share them with each other freely and unless necessary for health reasons neither spoke about these sessions to anyone. The manager had hoped that this had still been the case, however Kibum was shocked to discover what had happened. While he sat in that chair he wondered a little hurt that Ryeowook hadn't come to him. Even now, he talked to Ryeowook the most out of all the members which would shock most fans that knew them. But that freedom talk he had discovered with Ryeowook was harded to give up than he ever first thought so he found himself talking to Ryeowook a lot with general grumbles and pains. He wondered what had changed with Ryeowook that his friend had not done the same. 

Wanting to distract himself from these thoughts Kibum looked up at the group, looking for someway to speak up to the group. This was the part of being quiet and able to blend into the group annoying because that ability is coupled with the inability to express his feelings to the point there were times he couldn't find the right things to say. This was one of those times. But then, he nervousness solved that problem as the phone he was subconsciously twirling between his fingers fell to the floor with a clatter. 

"Snow White?" Heechul looked up and walked over to the younger before slapping his hand on his back "It's good to see you"

Kibum couldn't help but smile, he missed Heechul a lot. " Missed you too, Cinderella." And with that his smile dropped again. "Are you ok? What'sgoing on?" 

"Well, we don't know yet. But I have missed you and Geng a lot" Heechul replied quietly kneeling down to pick up Kibum's phone. " As much as I had to admit it I'm lonely. Our little group has gone and Siwon seems to fit in other places but I don't."

"Yes, you do Heechul. You always have, don't you see?" Kibum stared Heechul down to emphisize his word. "Hyung, you have always had that ablity more than me or Geng, You can talk to someone and get on with them, it may not be perfect but haven't other friendships in and out the group formed since we left?" Heechul nodded. "You haven't lost us hyung but have simply made room for other people."

"But Bummie remember that I don't want to lose you too. We both need to......." 

But Heechul never finished that sentence. All heads turned at the sliding sound of the door and the nervous cough of the doctor. 

"Before you all panic, Ryeowook is stable for now. But I need to talk to whoever is going to take responcibility for his care since we have been unable to contact the boys parents."

Leeteuk POV

Without a second thought as soon as the word left the doctors mouth I stood up and followed him away from the group. He stopped and turned to look at me when he felt satisified he would be able to explain fully to me and wasted not time in trying to cure my confusion. 

"I'm sorry that you have been left here without updates for so long. We have conducted tests, kept Ryeowook as stable and we could and performed Emergancy surgury on your friend. He has a stress ulcer but it is more server than it sounds especially in cases like Ryeowooks. From the damage and size of the ucler Ryeowook has been dealing with this for months. The ucler itself if big and has weakened his stomach lining. We have tried to downsize the ucler in the surgery and repaired some of Ryeowook's stomach. The lining was thin and there was a small tare. If he didn't each a lot and kept himself hydrated this small tare would have caused hi, pain but the bleeding that appeared from it only when the other pains of this illness can't into play. To be more specific the respetory trouble he has had made the tare bigger and bleed to a more dangereous extent. He will need to be kept on oxygen for the next 24-48 hours depends on how well he responds to treatment. He is going to need a lot of care and understanding from you guys. He will need to take a series of medication to help him recover. What worries me the most is that he has covered this illness for months, the pain in this illness especially at this stage is extremely painful. It's my suspision that he will have collasped from the pain a few times, and that he could completely hide all of his emotions. You need to work with him, get him to speak to you and all support him right now. He is also going to need a long recovery period if you can get your company to agree. If you have anymore questions you and your group are welcome to talk to me or another member of my team."

I tried to listen and intake all of the information I was told. Months. He had been covering this more months. The doctor suspected that he had collasped from the pain. I know that I was shaking. I stumbled back and found the wall. How could it have got this far?I found comfort in the wall behind me. 

" I need to leave to help with another emergancy but under the circumstances you can all stay in Ryeowook's room, and this nurse will show you the way. You can tell them" He nodded to the worried, mostly tear stained faced behind them. "I figure that you will know best how to talk to them. "

"Thank you doctor. For everything you hae done for us and Ryeowook. I will talk to them in the privacy of Ryeowook's room if that is ok." 

The doctor nodded and left while the nurse told me that they would be moving Ryeowook to his room shortly if we would wait patiently in his room. I followed her, forgetting to tell the others to follow although they were smart enough to. The doctors words are flying around my head. We got into the room and I had 11 pairs of eyes gazing at me for answers. So where do I begin?

*Time jump Teuk repeated what the doctor said in his own words. He stumbled over his words but they got the whole story*

I wanted to brake down during telling them the story but I have to be strong at least for now. My tears were warn away when as I finished the details that I knew I saw Heechul of all members slope down the wall and sob into his knees mumbling something that none of us could hear. The last time I saw him like this was last time we were here and Geng told him he was leaving, although he stayed from enough to break down in the toilets away from Geng's eyes. The only reason that I knew about it is because I walked in on him. All the members were stunned and most had broken into a new set of tears. It was a lot of all of us to process. We all stayed quiet keeping to our own thoughts when a nurse walked in and hooked our eternal Maknae to drugs and machines. He looked so small and frail in the bed. She left and I pulled a chair next to Ryeowook's bed, tears dripping down my face. But I put my hand on his leg reassuring me he was there as I tried to fight off my emotions. 



A/N: Sorry for the late update on this and on all of my stories. I have had writer block which is annoying. I know what I want to write but I can't find the right words. This is why I haven't been updating. So I'm really sorry and it makes me a crap writer. Anyway here is hopefully the first update of the flow again. And I hope that you enjoy the update. I have done some research but I don't think everything here is accuate. 

Thank you for sticking with me even though I haven't updated. 

*Clings to you all*

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I know I am really late in updating but there is less than two weeks till my mum's surprise party. That and work have been draining my energy so soon!


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Dian_K #1
Aahhh.. why so late to know this story? :(
I really love how you make the characters so near with realist! It made me always think that's all really happened everytime I read T__T ryeowook-ie ah can't see you in so much pain like that! *hiks my tears flow whenever read your great story
HeeWook moments so priceless!! I love that you made Heechul like Super(hero) brother XD
Please finish this story author-nim ... I'm really bagging you !!
Chapter 17: update?
Chapter 17: Ugh why didn't i discover this fic earlier! I finished this in one go. This is so gooood. I love the way you portray the members' feelings and concerns, the struggles they are facing. And the most of all, I'm glad they stuck to one another - how kibum and hangeng returned. On the side note, I'm really curious about eunhyuk's pov. And i realised that um sometimes there are spelling errors (so I had to figure which word you wanted to type out) no hate tho. I really love this fic. Sigh, tbh ryeowook's really stubborn.. I wish he'd listen to his hyungs for once. It's not that he's useless or anything I wish he take time off to recover. Won't it be better to fully recover before taking part in any schedule? ;A; really breaks my heart to see wookie suffer </3 I look forward to your next update. Fighting!
Chapter 16: to encourage you to update thid fic sooner i will subscribe your fic because it seems fun
Chapter 17: omg you're back! *throws confetti around*
thanks for the update!
Ryeoluv #6
Chapter 17: You're back! *clings*
=D I know how you feel dear ;-; I'm going through the same thing but this little update was good ~~ and it's inspiring me to continue my work as well!

Hopefully my updates (no matter when they will happen) can help you through your updates! Let's pull each other forward to continue our work >D
Will you continue this? I'm really curious about what will happen next
Chapter 9: I'm crying on every chapter! oh my goodness!! T-T
LoveLab #9
omgeeee!! its so nice