I have been there before

Room For Pain

I sent Leeteuk back into the hallway with others. As much as I didn't want to pressure him but right now they need to feel that their leader is near by and take strength from it. I just hope that taking him for a breather has helped. So he can stay strong for them, right now i can't worry about them, we can't worry about each other because there is one member that they need to think of most. In any other day I would be talking to the rooftops about how Ryeowook was hogging the attention but even I know it's not the time, even if I tried the joke it wouldn't relax the minds of my fellow band members. I enters my mind that we haven't told the other members, by that I mean inform Kangin base, Kibum and Geng. Dispite what happens with ELF or SM we are still members we still care whether on stage or not. With something like this they need to know. I called Kibum first who is now on his way. I called kangin's base a number we have incase something happens. When I informed the person at the desk she put me through to his senior officer who will inform Kangin later. Lastly was Han Geng. I called Han Geng through the proper chanels last time I called him to do with a member personally his management flipped. But I need Han Geng's advice and I have put this off for long enough. Being here proves that I have put this call off for long enough. After finding out one of the members was in hospital and it call had nothing to do with SM his management was more than happy to let us speak, a little thought in the back of my brain told me see, he is better off. But I shook off that though this isn't about my hard feeling of Geng leaving no matter the reasons or fault, this is about Ryeowook and how to help him. The only way I know how is him.

(Italics are Han Geng)

"Hello, who is this?" 

I have missed his voice, he may not talk much but at the end of it all I miss the voice of my best friend more than I will ever care to express to anyone. 

"Geng.....it's me....."

"Heechul? Is that you? Why did management let you talk to me when I'm on my way to my next schudule? Why aren't you answering me?"

"Aish, take a breath and I might, and by the way your Korean more than it did before. I didn't think that could happen." 

"Someone hasn't changed."

"Why would I, the Kim Heechul, need to change??"

"You wouldn't even if you needed to change. But I don't think that is the reason you called."

"No it's not. ..........Geng, Wook is in hospital."

"What happened? Chul why is he in hospital? What's going on?"

"We don't know Geng. They haven't told us anything and he is still getting seen too. It's been ages surely it's been too long right?" 

"Heechul, calm down. Start with why he has gone in? What happened for him to go into hospital? Start there."

We were rehearsing earlier for our first album going over the choreography while they prepared the recording studios. I mean I saw more because I was sat out with Zhou Mi and Henry. Everyone was going over the choreography full out but Ryeowook kept stopping I mean I noticed but I didn't think anything of it. But near the end couldn't continue I suppose and he walked over to the walk leaning on it so naturally me, Zhou Mi and Henry walked over to see if we was ok. But he was trying to get in breath back glupping in air like it's water, only after a minute or so he was still doing it. I looked at Zhou Mi who looked as worried as I feel, as the elder I walked over to Wook. " Wook, are you ok." "Didn't.....List...en....hurt.....can't....bre...athe..." "Wookie look at me, In and out. Again in and out." " Not....work..ing...Ahhh" And with that he fell to the floor trying to breathe and hissing with pain. By this point Yesung had noticed and run over which caught the attention of the others. I pushed aside the flashback that tried to worm there way back.Ryeowook is not Han Geng, no. One step at a time. I rubbed his bad whispering to him that it would be ok. I stopped however when moments later the younger shook his head and burst into tears. "No...Not....sorry" he barely muttered as he feel against me. I pulled his hair from his face noting how sweaty and clammy his skin was. I could hear Yesung telling someone to call an ambulence and Leeteuk mess around on his phone, and make a call. I was shocked when, as the members were muttering their concerns about themsleves wanting to get close yet not wanting to over croud him, Wook broke into a coughing fit. But this wasn't normal, not by any standard his whole body reacting to each cough. I had truely seen nothing like it before. He had put his hands up to his mouth, i had first assumed to cover the coughs but i soon noticed the red blood dripping through his fingertips. I panicked a little but didn't want the other to panic if I could help it. I knew from experience that the ambulence men would be enough. I asked someone to bring me some tissues, I craddled the younger best I could stuffing the tissues infront of his mouth, and put some in his hands hoping it would get some of the blood from his hands. I had Yesung on one side of me and Donghae on the other, Yesung hitting and rubbing Ryeowook's back Donghae was his hair. I tried to hide the red tissues simply adding more when i thought the red was too obvious but Donghae saw, I don't honestly know why I expected him not too he had more of a view of Ryeowook face than I did. He looked up at me and I shook my head as the sound of feet thundered through the room joining the coughs, sobs and worried murmours. I whispered what happened to one of the paramedics before they took Ryeowook to there van. 

I summerised this memory best I could to Han Geng.

"Chullie, it sounds bad are you sure that you should be on the phone to me right now? I love that you thought to call me but I am not the one who needs you right now. Trust me when I say I plan to clear my schedule and fly there as soon as I can. For you and for Wook. Sounds like he needs us all."

I flinched slightly at what Geng said he made it all sound so easy and simple. This was a phone call I had been putting off for a couple of days now yet he made it sound like an automatic reaction or something. 

"Well, there is kind of something more to it Geng. Whatever this is he has had it for a period of time. I don't know how long but he has been hiding it. You are the only person who I know how has been through something similar how can I make this outcome different. If there was still time to change your decision what would I need to do?"

There I said it.

"Well, talk to him dig and find everything you think he isn't telling you. Remember that whatever he is thinking, keeping and hiding he thinks it's the best to protect everyone around him. Some of the things maybe small, or seem silly but get as much as you can. There are still things I haven't told you about that I was thinking during that time and I still wish I had turned to you guys sooner than I did even if the outcome was the same I needed to share the burden. And Chul think about it Ryeowook has always tried to fix things or make someones day brighter or defend those who can't defend themselves. It's who he is, honestly I think he is worrying about the group far too much for the amount of work he is doing. I can think of one job he will most likely of taken by himself and I bet there is more."

"You know Geng, for someone you doesn't talk much you sure have alot to say."

"Sadly, I know alot about this subject and I know Wook. My poor little Li Xu"

"What did you mean by jobs, and worry. I mean we all have them."

"That's true, but Ryeowook worries very much like Teuk. But he hids behind his timid yet childish yet aunt like personna to fix things quietly and unnoticed. Like I don't think anyone knows this and I can't imagine that Ryeowook has asked for help since he worries about sleep during promotions as it is but we went through the fan mail together."

"What do you mean you went through the fan mail. You two have no right to do that. Why would you?"

"Simple. SM send us all the mail whether it's love or hate did you ever wonder why Zhou Mi and Henry's hare mail decreased after about a month of M promotions? We wanted to protected him at least from the sheer number of these hateful words in the mail. Since there hasn't been an increase it means Wook still does this. But to you understand how long it takes? Then you have to hide and dispose of the hateful letters unnoticed. While making sure that the other letters are resealed properly."

"Geng, does he really do that? Did you guys really do that?"

"Shi de....I mean Yes"

"Then what else isn't he telling us, what else is he doing?"

"That's what you all need to find out."

"Contact me with information of when you can fly out or if you can. I'll keep you undated but just through your phone. Sort out your own management. Come Back soon I think that Wook will need our perfect combination."

"Ok Chul, Bye"

I just stared at my phone. Taking in the words and the thoughts of Ryeowook and what he had been doing all this time. 

I mean we always say he is one of the members that fans don't see the effort of. 

But what if we are just as blind.


A/N: adding some of this update that was in a different POV to the next chapter just because there is alot to take in here. Again there will be mistakes and such but I hope that you have enjoyed (if thats the right word) this chapter. 


Also thank you all for the comments, I have bad esteem as a writer but that chapter just didn't seem to fit in my head because of my lack of knowledge so I really want to thank you for the support you left for me. I don't always comment on how much the comments mean but trust me when I say they help me to continue writing so thank you so much. I'm going to stop bugging you all now and let you enjoy the rest of your day/night depending on where you are ^^

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I know I am really late in updating but there is less than two weeks till my mum's surprise party. That and work have been draining my energy so soon!


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Dian_K #1
Aahhh.. why so late to know this story? :(
I really love how you make the characters so near with realist! It made me always think that's all really happened everytime I read T__T ryeowook-ie ah can't see you in so much pain like that! *hiks my tears flow whenever read your great story
HeeWook moments so priceless!! I love that you made Heechul like Super(hero) brother XD
Please finish this story author-nim ... I'm really bagging you !!
Chapter 17: update?
Chapter 17: Ugh why didn't i discover this fic earlier! I finished this in one go. This is so gooood. I love the way you portray the members' feelings and concerns, the struggles they are facing. And the most of all, I'm glad they stuck to one another - how kibum and hangeng returned. On the side note, I'm really curious about eunhyuk's pov. And i realised that um sometimes there are spelling errors (so I had to figure which word you wanted to type out) no hate tho. I really love this fic. Sigh, tbh ryeowook's really stubborn.. I wish he'd listen to his hyungs for once. It's not that he's useless or anything I wish he take time off to recover. Won't it be better to fully recover before taking part in any schedule? ;A; really breaks my heart to see wookie suffer </3 I look forward to your next update. Fighting!
Chapter 16: to encourage you to update thid fic sooner i will subscribe your fic because it seems fun
Chapter 17: omg you're back! *throws confetti around*
thanks for the update!
Ryeoluv #6
Chapter 17: You're back! *clings*
=D I know how you feel dear ;-; I'm going through the same thing but this little update was good ~~ and it's inspiring me to continue my work as well!

Hopefully my updates (no matter when they will happen) can help you through your updates! Let's pull each other forward to continue our work >D
Will you continue this? I'm really curious about what will happen next
Chapter 9: I'm crying on every chapter! oh my goodness!! T-T
LoveLab #9
omgeeee!! its so nice