No need to worry about me, I have overwhelming willpower.

Room For Pain

Leeteuk POV

"Teukie hyung. I don't need looking after ok. I'm fine. You need to tell the doctor that I can go."

"No Ryeowook." Why do I even do that? I am sat here with his head on my lap. I am still scared that by moving him I may have pulled out one of the wires. 

"Don't look at me like i'm crazy you do it all the time,you and Yesung. Please get me out of here."

"Ryeowook, they were different circumstances with us. we are older we can..."

"Hyung don't even try me with all them lies. Don't say it was different or do you not remember who dragged you home when you passed out in the dance studio, and who the person who stayed glued to Yesung hyung during schedules and in between dispite the fact he was so out of it he was talking to me as if i was one of his turtles. You can't pretend those things didn't happen, you can't brush me off the way you do Donghae or Eunhyuk because I deal with it not half notice it."

"Wook can't you see how different the situations are?"

"How are they hyung? You up the pain and got over it. That is all I plan to do. I have album prep and I have to go back to Taiwan in a few days. I am useless in a hospital bed."

"Ryeowook  enough if this silly talk. You've just had emergancy surgery. This your body's major way to say stop"

"Ryeowookie, you're awake and back from all the tests. How are you???Hyungie wants a cuddle~" Sungmin bounded in the room with several members in toe, showing his normal bunny like presence most likely because he knows Ryeowook hates being treated like a sick person and is so scared of being seen and weak. So Sungmin tried to keep his normality.

"So surgery means that I can't move and I am useless then does it hyung." Pabo, that was not what i was getting at. Sungmin stopped shifting between his feet the other members with him also froze at Ryeowook's tone.

"Ryeowook that's not...." I stopped feeling the absence in weight on my lap. I couldn't stop him I didn't know how without force and hurting him. He rose from the bed pulling out wires and drips breathing hard trying to mask the pain. He stood in front of me and others. At first he was leaning on the bed then he pulled himself up and we could hear the effort it took him to do just a simple task. 

"See hyung, see. I can stand. And as long as I can stand I can perform, I can train myself and others. I can keep doing schedules. I am strong hyung I can do this. This is nothing right. It's just an illness that will pass eventually. I will get some medication from the doctors. I am fine."

Sungmin POV

It was the wierdest thing, watching Heechul deal with Ryeowook the way he did. To watch him work through many step with Wook to make him feel better and consentration, was something unexpected. He just doesn't seem like the person that would think about that and cope in that way. But then I have seen the way that he act with Wook, he acts kinder to Wook than most. He won't say it but he is just as scared as everyone else and truely wants to activly help him get better. Maybe he has grown with out us noticing. 

We walked in and Leeteuk was sat behind Ryeowook they were talking about something it looked all serious. Serious isn't what he needs right now he needs us to be normal and he needs to stay calm. If we act wierd that I know that he will conclude that we think that he is weak, even though it's the opposite of what everyone thinks. We are all worried that he didn't trust us with this situation but at the same time it confirmed his overwelming inner strength and will. He hid it to protect us I know that he did. He didn't want to worry us. Sometimes I wish I could get the younger to understand that leaning on us won't make us worry half as much as this. I figure the only way to talk to him is normal and upbeat. Keep his spirts high and don't let him get freaked out. 

 "Ryeowookie, you're awake and back from all the tests. How are you???Hyungie wants a cuddle" I wanted him to know that I was here. That I could see him and Teuk. I want him to relax with my voice and then we can talk about silly things and maybe he could smile. 

"So surgery means that I can't move and I am useless then does it hyung." 

"Ryeowook that's not...." Without knowing what to do me and everyone around me just watched Ryeowook rise from the bed pulling out wires and drips breathing hard trying to mask the pain. He stood in front of me and others. At first he was leaning on the bed then he pulled himself up and we could hear the effort it took him to do just a simple task. 

"See hyung, see. I can stand. And as long as I can stand I can perform, I can train myself and others. I can keep doing schedules. I am strong hyung I can do this. This is nothing right. It's just an illness that will pass eventually. I will get some medication from the doctors. I am fine."

I felt the tears fall down my cheeks as I came up behind him watching his knees shake underneath him.

"Ryeowook, we know you can perform but everyone needs their rest right. This is your time to rest."

"No, Sungmin." He told he turning his head to face me as he shuffled away from me and Teuk. "It's too hard for you all to cover. I need to do this. I am good. I'm good and I can do it. You don't need to worry. AHHHHHHHHHHH" he screamed as he doubled over in pain knees giving way as he feel to the floor breathing heavily. "I'm fine you don't need to worry about me."


Out of POV

A doctor and a nurse pushed through the members at the sound of the scream. The mumbled things between each other as the nurse ran out and the doctor easily scooped Ryeowook in his arms dispite his thrashing. The doctor whispered into Ryeowook's ear in an attempt to calm the panicked boy down. He placed him on the bed as the nurse returned with a collegue in toe with restraints they attacted them to the bed and then to his wrists and ankles. 

The doctor quickly explained that since they didn't want to sedate the boy so they would have to keep him resirated so that he couldn't do any additional damage to himself. The nurses were busying themselves with the various tubes and wires that Ryeowook had pulled out in his anger and the doctor turned to do further checks on the ill boy as the rest of Super Junior file into the room, Heechul slipping behind Leeteuk and giving him a quick back hug of reassurance as Yesung and Kyuhyun gather at Sungmin's side showing that they are there for the trembling figure between them. As Ryeowook cried out in pain at some of the checks a wince was sent to his 13 brothers in the room.  The doctor and nurses then left, Heechul and Geng catching the worried look on the doctors face as he left. They all wondered what they should do as one silent tear fell down the Eternal Maknae's face. 


Out of POV

After all the commotion Ryeowook swiftly fell to sleep, he had exhaursted his efforts both physically and metally and it wasn't long under the watchful of his worried brothers before his heavy eyelids fell closed. During this time some members joined Ryeowook and slept whereas the others engaged in awide range of small talk to keep the heavy silence from setting in. Leeteuk was sat next to Ryeowook with a glossy, distant look in his eye. The members who had noticed this concluded they should leave him be, it must have been something to do with what happened while Leeteuk and Ryeowook were alone and if he felt he need to tell them he would have done. They trusted their leader, especially in situations like this, with the decisions he made. Leeteuk himself was thinking about what Ryeowook had said, as the leader he felt that he should push himself harder than any of the other members, over the year he let Geng and Yesung do the same. Heechul, weill Leeteuk gave him is freedom to do what he wanted with himself, the were still only days apart and there will alway be thing with Heechul he feels crosses the line even if he is the leader. He had always done his best to keep the others from knowing this, but with Ryeowook taking a big role in the care of the group over the last 2 years he had forgotten just how much the younger had seen. This whole insident reminded him how dependent him and the other members had become on him, he was getting the biggest wake up call on it's effects on one of their youngest members. Somewhere in the back of his, Yesung and Sungmin's minds was Ryeowook's parents. Being the only child they naturally worried a great deal about him and made it known. Ryeowook's father had taken several members aside over the last year worried over his sons health. They were on holiday, Ryeowook had surprised them with on their Wedding anniversary this year. They had a week before his parents returned and Ryeowook needed to improve both physically and metally or his parents would live up on their threats to move back home where they could monitor his health properly. 

A little while later the doctor walked him, folder in his hand and told the members that were awake that all the members might need to hear what he had to say. They set to work while the doctor woke up Ryeowook. 

Donghae POV

I was woken up by a hand on my shoulder as it shock me. When I opened my eyes I saw that Shindong was the person shaking me, I blinked up at him confused, he looked like he was going to say something then changed his mind and simply pointed to the doctor in the room  instead. I understood straight away the doctor had news to tell us, but as I sat up and looked arounded I realised that all of the members were being woken up Ryeowook included and I felt my heart beat faster. What could the doctor want to say that all of us had to know? It was either really good or really back and I can't tell from the doctor which of the two it is. 

Then the doctor cleared his throat and spoke. He was long winded, pause a lot and kept glacing at Ryeowook who simply nodded taking in what the doctor was saying. Not flinching nothing. The doctor was telling him he needed further surgery and he was just nodding thinking over the words. It was more Heechul and Geng who grilled the doctor about what was wrong with him. The doctor explained to us the because his stomache was weak the tear hadn't healed right so they would need further surgeries to fix it. Ryeowook would be in pain and have to take a lot of medications. But he would, under the right conditions recover. 

The doctor left us after the news and everyone, including myself is falling to pieces. It's actually Ryeowook who is sat with Leetuek whispering to him from his restrained state, while the room was filled with tears and discussions on the doctors words. Fear filled the air. Normally one surgury would have been enough, that with bed rest should have been enough. We have all been through stress and we are aware of just how far this has gone simply by what the doctor has said. Given our job we are in and out of wards set up on drips here and there, even finding ways around surgery's in one case. So we all know this must be the last resort for the doctors and SM will surely on their backs for a quicker resolve. 

"Can someone go and get the doctor, I have a few questions. And could I talk to him alone please?" Ryeowook asked no one and yet everyone.

I noticed Kibum leave, and Leeteuk still teary begin to push everyone out of the room. But I just had to talk to him before we left. Over this whole thing none of us have really talked to him bar Leeteuk, we have talked about him and talked at him but not yet too him. And maybe that's what he needs.

"Ryeowookie" I said doing my best to hug him. "We can do it together ok. You can get better."

He simply nodded at me as I heard someone walk into the now silent room, and I took it as my que to leave. 

Heechul POV 

I don't like this. Not one bit. I can tell by looking at the doctor, this is more seriously than any of us thought. He will need more than one surgery to correct this. That is never a good thing to hear and I know from experience. Then I see Geng and this is killing him inside, this afterall was the reason that he left us. But I don't think he thought it could be one of us to fall instead. I can see that he is thinking that the possibilities, that this  could have been him and his role in the overall stress that we have all helped pile of our Maknae. He is acting strong, because he knows that Leeteuk is nearing his final straw but it hurts how close to home it is for him. 

But right now I can't worry about him as much as I would like to, as much as my being wants to jump on my best friend and sort out his head, I need to think of the younger who has gone out of his way to help and some would say fix me. I need to act like the hyung I am and help him in anyway I can. Which for the most part will be myself. Realistically I can't care for people the way Leeteuk and Geng do, I set the mood and that is my best quality. So all I know how to do for him is to make him feel normal. Sometimes I wish I could possess the qualities that make me show my feeling and know how to care for him the way he needs. But it's not my style or personality. I can only be me and not anyone else. So this is all I can do. 

Ryeowook just know that this is all I can do and please see the care in it. I can't show it but you have grown to see it right? The care behind some of my actions. Maybe I can demand your worries about this out of you. And I will do my best too. You know you can't stand against your Hyung for long, my will is too great and my words are too persuasive for you to ignore.

Ryeowook POV 

I hope that the doctor can understand. I can't let them worry about me right. 

So we have dicussed the option of combining two of the surgery's together, my rest period will be the same but if I talk to the manager about putting off going back to Taiwan for two weeks we can make it work. 

I don't want to be ill again and I will have no choice but to lighten my schedules in Taiwan but I can't burden them with my absence. I'm down there is no sence in dragged more members down with me. By that point we will have 4 weeks in Taiwan before I have to come long as I come back once for a check up it can be done. 

So this is my plan. 

Bare the pain and accept some support. Afterall I can't let this beat me. 

I just, don't plan to tell the others about my plan. It's not harming them if they think I am getting better quicker afterall they are going to baby me now whether I like it or not. I am going to became a weak little boy they must all protect whether they realise they are doing it or not. So, i might get the space I need too. 

The others started to come back into the room after I assume the doctor told them I just asked some questions, although he isn't all round convinced I'm not planning to bolt or claw at my own stomache so the restraints have to stay for at least a few more hours. I wish he would take them off. I'm ill not crazy after all. So why he is treating me like some metal patient I don't know. 

The looks on their faces, they look like they have been told I am dying or something. 

"You guys are being worse drama queens than Heechul Hyung. I am going to be fine. I will not let this beat me. So what is another couple of surgery's? I can cope and get better. I don't want to be driven crazy babysitting cats, dogs and turtles all day either. And I don't care what you say Yesung your turtles don't make great conversation and Heebum is a worse diva than hyung. If the thought of being ill for long is like that I have no choice but to get better right?"

"Hey, I don't know whether I should be insulted that you called me a drama queen or that you think that my cat can fulfil the role as the diva of Super Junior better than I can" 

"We chullie, to fight on Ryeowook's side he learnt from the best. That cat was already a diva you just made it's tendicies worse" HanGeng and Kibum mubbled almost in unison, setting the whole group into laughter. 

Well, this is the most it has felt like home in a long time. Maybe they aren't as broken as I thought they were. Maybe all we needed to fix things was each other.


A/n: I AM SO SORRY GUYS, but this month we have been having work done on the house meaning clearing and storing etc, I have had writers block, been disaplined at work, my hours have increased, interveiwed and trialed at another job. I feel really bad because I promised this chapter one month ago but life doesn't like to help me keep my promises. 

But I don't plan to give up anytime soon, I was going to try and Increase my updates which is why i promised you however the increase realistically isn't going to happen and I am sorry for that. I will write when I can as I have.

Sorry for being a bad author and thank you for sticking with me anyway. 

Much love nikkijade17 

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I know I am really late in updating but there is less than two weeks till my mum's surprise party. That and work have been draining my energy so soon!


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Dian_K #1
Aahhh.. why so late to know this story? :(
I really love how you make the characters so near with realist! It made me always think that's all really happened everytime I read T__T ryeowook-ie ah can't see you in so much pain like that! *hiks my tears flow whenever read your great story
HeeWook moments so priceless!! I love that you made Heechul like Super(hero) brother XD
Please finish this story author-nim ... I'm really bagging you !!
Chapter 17: update?
Chapter 17: Ugh why didn't i discover this fic earlier! I finished this in one go. This is so gooood. I love the way you portray the members' feelings and concerns, the struggles they are facing. And the most of all, I'm glad they stuck to one another - how kibum and hangeng returned. On the side note, I'm really curious about eunhyuk's pov. And i realised that um sometimes there are spelling errors (so I had to figure which word you wanted to type out) no hate tho. I really love this fic. Sigh, tbh ryeowook's really stubborn.. I wish he'd listen to his hyungs for once. It's not that he's useless or anything I wish he take time off to recover. Won't it be better to fully recover before taking part in any schedule? ;A; really breaks my heart to see wookie suffer </3 I look forward to your next update. Fighting!
Chapter 16: to encourage you to update thid fic sooner i will subscribe your fic because it seems fun
Chapter 17: omg you're back! *throws confetti around*
thanks for the update!
Ryeoluv #6
Chapter 17: You're back! *clings*
=D I know how you feel dear ;-; I'm going through the same thing but this little update was good ~~ and it's inspiring me to continue my work as well!

Hopefully my updates (no matter when they will happen) can help you through your updates! Let's pull each other forward to continue our work >D
Will you continue this? I'm really curious about what will happen next
Chapter 9: I'm crying on every chapter! oh my goodness!! T-T
LoveLab #9
omgeeee!! its so nice