Chapter Two

The broken leader!

They were standing there, clutching onto each other in some way or the other, watching the paramedics hoisting the stretcher containing their leader in the ambulance. When all four tried to follow their leader, one of the paramedics stopped them,

'Only one of you can come with us in the ambulance, there's barely any space.'

The four looked at each other, all wanting to go, all wanting to be with their hyung when he needed them the most.

'I need to go with him. I need to be by his side to make sure that he is okay...please.'
Taemin begged as he looked at his hyung's with eyes that were filled with such sadness that none could say no to him. They all knew about Taemin’s soft spot for their leader and understood his need to be with the older, to protect him.
Key, who knew exactly how much Jinki meant to Taemin, patted his shoulder and said,

'Take good care of him maknae. We'll be counting on you then?' He tried to smile but his lips were too dry for lifting and insted his facial expression turned into a grimace. The diva took a last glance at the ambulance and his eyes were all teary, he quickly diverted his eyes away.
Jonghyun, who saw the diva's tears, took his arm on his and laced their fingers together, giving it a squeeze.
'It'll all be okay. He'll be fine, ne?'
Key weakly nodded.

Minho, who rarely showed any emotions off camera, had tears trailing down his cheeks. He walked up to Taemin and patted his shoulder.
'He'll be okay. He has us; we won't let anything happen to him. Just keep him safe until we reach the hospital, okay?'

'I will hyung...I'll go then?' Taemin wiped his tears as he nodded goodbye to his hyungs. He didn't have time for tears; he needed to be string for his hyung, with that thought in his mind he got into the back of the ambulance.

Everything was so white, from the walls to the cloth of the stretcher, to the seats, even the tubes and equipments were various shades of white. Though Taemin promised himselfo not to cry, he could not help the single drop that rolled down his cheek as he took in his hyung's battered form lying there next to him, as white and as pale as his surroundings. He could not believe that he was looking at the same Jinki hyung, whose motto in life was to be happy and make others happy. Without his trademark smile, Jinki looked so alien to him.

'His oxygen mask is crooked, fix It.'
'Don't you think that he looks very dehydrated and malnourished? Maybe we should hook him into the saline?'

The paramedics' chatter made Taemin restless. A weird aching feeling was filling his insides, a fear of losing his love before it even started. As he looked at Jinki's lifeless, sunken face, he realized that it was true. He did love his leader, more than he thought he did. He loved him to such an extent that just thinking about the possibilities of losing him was scaring him to death. He couldn't just sit there and do nothing while Jinki faded away; he wanted to do something, anything.

Please, let me suffer instead of him. Take me. He silently prayed.

Before he knew what he was doing, his hand was reaching towards Jinki's thin, pale ones. He remembered how Jinki used to say that Taemin's hands were so thin and pale that it made him look anorexic but now the same Taemin's hands looked healthy and plump next to Jinki's bony ones. Since when did that happen?
It wasn't as if Taemin did not see the changes in Jinki. Heck, all he ever did was look at his hyung. He noticed how the leader was getting thinner and skinnier but thought nothing of it because Key would always say how Jinki's done a good job of losing the extra pounds. He never saw his hyung as chubby or fat; he was always perfect in his eyes, so even when the weight loss took an extreme turn, he was still too blinded by his affection. Everything about Jinki was perfection to him. He felt like killing himself for not noticing how frail his leader was becoming,how thin and breakable.

His fingers traced over the scarred skin of the wrist. He never even had an inkling of this. Never in a million years would he have believed if someone told him that out of all the people Shinee's leader would be the one to self inflict such harm, he would've suspected them to be drunk. The Jinki he knew would never risk any life, not anyone's and definitely not his. But the deep gashes and the countless healing ones were proof that maybe he didn't know Jinki or maybe this just wasn't the Jinki he once knew.

Why did he do it? What made him do it?

Taemin traced over the words that Jinki enforced on his skin. Did he really believe all these about himself? Did he really think so little of himself?
Fat? He thought he was fat? But the lying skeletal form on the stretcher was anything but! He barely had any meat on his bones. He would rather have a chubby Jinki with cheeks full of smiles than have model thin Jinki with a lifeless face.
Ugly? Jinki was probably the most handsome man Taemin have laid eyes on. He still remembered how flustered he was when he first saw Jinki on the rooftop of the sm building. He fell in love, at first sight. He wasn't ugly in any way, he was perfect inside out.
Stupid? He was the 2nd in his whole damned school and though his jokes might not make sense to most, to Taemin they did. He was a smart and witty guy who made the maknae fall even more in love with his charm. The way he taught him maths and science and managed Shinee so well was the proof of it. He was anything but stupid.
Unwanted? Taemin loved him to bits and as far as he knew, so did the rest of Shinee. They were a family damn it. How could he be unwanted by his own family?
Taemin let his tears roll, he clamped his fingers over his leader's as he softly whispered,
'We all love you hyung, please don't give up.'

Throughout the whole ride, Taemin just sat there, holding onto Jinki's Fingers. He was scared to let go. He was scared that if he let go of the hand, Jinki would slip away from him and be lost forever. Every now and then his gaze would fall on the leader's barely moving chest and his own would clench around his heart, suffocating him. No matter how hard he tried not to think about useless things and about 'what ifs', they just crowded his mind. He was too scars to even think about a world without Jinki, it'd be meaningless. Would he even be able to survive without him? No freaking way. The leader has always been his lifeline and without him Taemin would just fade away too.

'Hyung, please don't leave me.'

One of the paramedics laid a hand on the maknae's shoulder and soothingly said,
'Don't worry. He'll be okay once we get him to the hospital. Most cases like this turns out to be a success.'
Taemin knew that the guy was just trying to be nice but all he heard was 'most cases'. His mind took those words the wrong way. In most cases? What if hyung's case wasn't like most cases? What should they do then? What?

His mind was still occupied by those thoughts as the ambulance halted to a stop and the paramedics were scurrying around to open the door and get their patient to a doctor. His attention was finally snapped back as the same paramedic from before patted his shoulder and pointed at his hand.
'You need to let go so that we can get your friend here to the doctor as soon as possible.'

He didn't want to let go of his hand, he wanted to hold on to it for the rest of eternity but the sane part of his mind made his fingers unclasp from around the other's frail ones. The rest was a bit of a blur to Taemin, all he could work out was that Jinki was taken into the emergency area and he was left alone outside, lifelessly staring at the white walls of the hospital hall.


I'll just serenade you AWSOME people who subscribed, commented and read my story.... I LOVE CHU ALL <3



This is just too precious <3 . <3 (yes Jinki...WHY ARE YOU getting so just PURRRFECT?????)

Their faces though??? LOL....dying from laughter <3

Got to be my favourite gif of Onew (for today at least <3)

That smile is just too precious...i hope and pray that he never loses it <3





(why the fudge is he so adorable? and why is minho's face being all cute all of a sudden...NOT FAIR.)

That is all from me today....

WAIT....leave some comments please :P

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aurelia-shawol #1
Update pleasee. please .. Please..
Chapter 3: ;---; update soon! OuO/
Chapter 2: I love the story it's amazing especially since its about my all time favorite....JINKI I live Jinki so much I want him to get better I hate to see him sad, sick and not smiling :'(
Inspire #4
Please continue to update this story soon!!!
michelle101 #5
Chapter 3: That last line made my heart drop :( *sobs*
parang-96 #6
Chapter 3: Wae?! Why is this happening to Onew! *sobs x10000* please let him be okay. You write him better right? Spare my heart, spare Taemin's :(
Chapter 3: Bad news? *squeezes bunny plushie in fear* oh no Jinki get better quick! Your SHINee dong saengs are waiting for you! They love you Jinki! Don't leave them! Even the ever strong Minho was crying!