So, boy or girl? [FINAL CHAPTER]

Is being slim everything?

 Mrs Jung decided to organize a small get together party among her family and SuHae's family. She wanted to really get to know SuHae's family a little bit more because SuHae's parents was not the noisy type unlike their daughter which she find it ironically funny. She had informed DaeHyun and SuHae about it and both agreed. 


Finally everyone sat on the table after a long tour in Mr Jung's house. It was really big and Mr and Mrs Baek kept on saying 'wow' and 'it's really big' non stop till Mr Jung offered them to stay in their house and Mr Baek readily said NO. It was embarrassing everyone laughed. "Ok. So the purpose for me and my wife here to invite both Mr and Mrs Baek today is we feel like we should know each other more and talk about our new wedded couple here." Mr Jung let out a small smirk before continuing. "But shall we eat first before the food gets cold?" Mr Jung started picking up small amount of dishes and shared it with everyone.  

Mr Baek kept on tugging his wife's arm, unsure if he should ask. Mrs Baek nodded and decided that she should be the one to ask. "Uhh, so, SuHae-ah. How is it sitting here? Good?" "Yeah definitely! They're really nice to me here mom. Hehehe." SuHae smiled. "Thats good to hear then. Uh, I think I should get back home now its late. All must be tired. We'll get going now." She stood up and tugged her husband. Mrs Baek smiled and escorted them out.

"Yeobo, dont you find mummy and daddy a little weird just now? They looked like they wanted to ask something." SuHae tapped her chin. DaeHyun nodded. "Yeah. I saw that too. Ask them later ok? Lets sleep for now." SuHae laid comfortably beside DaeHyun and they went to sleep.




SuHae was preparing breakfast for DaeHyun when she felt a sudden urge to puke. She find it weird because she already ate and it was her first time puking after so long. She put the thought away and continued preparing breakfast and called DaeHyun soon after. While she was sitting with DaeHyun she stared into space and DaeHyun realized. 

"Woohoo. Hello. Ya SuHae. You ok? You were staring blankly. Is something bothering you?" DaeHyun asked while he shoke SuHae a bit. SuHae turned to look at DaeHyun and another feeling of puking came. She rushed out to the toilet and puked on the toilet bowl. DaeHyun came running and soothed SuHae's back, caressing it softly. "Yeobo. You ok? Not feeling well? Lets bring you to the doctors. Come." And DaeHyun carried her to the parking lot. 

"Hmm, I'm not pretty sure what's the problem. Maybe she ate the wrong food and the body wasn't used to it. I'll give her some pills to stop the vomiting for a while. Have a rest at home and everything will be alright." Doctor Han assured. 

SuHae wasn't feeling well the next morning. Perhaps the medicine wasn't working on her. She felt horrible. Her head was spinning, she felt a little lethargic and her stomach ached. She wasn't sure what was the cause of it. SuHae asked DaeHyun to send her to her parents's house because she was craving for her mother's apple crumble pie. DaeHyun sent her and she was satisfied. 

"SuHae-ah. Don't you think this is a sign?" Mrs Baek asked. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" SuHae asked while she goggled up the apple crumble pie her mother had made as soon as she got there. 

"You know,....maybe you're....pregnant?" Her mother blurted out. 

"What? No mom you're over reacting! I'm not. Maybe it's the weather. It's a little unstable these days you know?" SuHae shrugged. 

"Have you gone to the doctors? What did they say?" 

"Hmm, I went yesterday and the doctor said it was maybe because of the food I ate. It wasn't suitable with my body." SuHae answered weakly. 

"Was it in the morning?" 


"SuHae, believe me or not, you're pregnant. Trust me." 


DaeHyun brought her home and she informed DaeHyun she had a surprise for him. She wasn't actually sure if he was happy or not to hear it. SuHae was laying on the bed and that's when it started. 

"Jagiya. I've got something to say. You ready?" SuHae started. 

"Uhh, yeah sure. Wait let me change my clothes first alright?" Within 2 minutes and DaeHyun was already by SuHae's side, both laying on the bed. 

"So what's up?" 

"Uhh, promise me you're not gonna freak out. Ok? Because even I'm shocked." 

"Yeah ok promise. Now shoot." 

"You know why I've been feeling sick and nauseous these days? And yesterday morning I had a really bad headache?" 

DaeHyun nodded slowly and let out a slow 'yeah'.

"Well firstly it wasn't because of the food I ate it was perfectly fine and secondly, I was having morning sickness."

"Morning sickness? What's that?"

"Its like you get headaches and vomits and everything. And it's only in the morning. Usually pregnant moms get that often in the morning." SuHae paused to see DaeHyun's reaction after hearing the word 'pregnant'. DaeHyun was taking everything inside his head. He was slow, to be exact.

"Wait. Did you say pregnant?" DaeHyun faced SuHae, a look of uncertainty written all over his face. SuHae nodded. "Ok. So you're saying that, YOU'RE PREGNANT?!?!" DaeHyun squeaked aloud. 

"Uhuh. So? Are you ok with it? Cause we've never planned on anything about having a baby and so I'm kinda worried about your answer. I'm really really really excited to have a baby and I'm all in in this." SuHae smiled. 

"Yeobo. THIS IS....UNBELIEVABLE!!! YAY!!! IM GOING TO BE A DADDY SOON WOOHOO!!" DaeHyun got up and jumped up and down, spazzing about the thought of it. SuHae was just laughing her heart out. She wasn't expecting for this expression from DaeHyun. "Ya! Keep it down a little your parents are gonna hear you! It's 2am already!" SuHae giggled while DaeHyun was still spazzing about it.

DaeHyun got up to their bed and kissed his girl endlessly. "Thank you jagiya. I love you so much." DaeHyun mumbled under the bed sheets. SuHae looked at him and gave a peck on the cheek and muttered a 'I love you too jagiya. So much.' DaeHyun touched SuHae's tummy and came closer to hear the baby. If he could. "Ya. It's still 2 months you know. Just coming to 3 months so you can't hear it kick yet or anything." SuHae giggled while she messed DaeHyun's hair. "I know that." DaeHyun answered with a silly face on him. He definitely didn't know that. He was too excited he couldn't think straight. 

"So when are you going to announce it to the family?" DaeHyun asked. "Well, actually mom knows about it already because she was the one who told me I was pregnant and she promised me she won't tell daddy just yet. She'll wait till we announce it. I don't know you plan. Hehehe" SuHae gave DaeHyun a cheeky smile. 

"Hmm, I think we should tell them soon. I'll think about it. We'll go to the hospital tomorrow for a checkup, ok?" DaeHyun caressed her hair. "Mhmm." SuHae mumbled and she went to sleep. 


SuHae spent the rest of the week with morning sickness and she was mostly in bed all day. She started reading books about pregnancy and babies that DaeHyun had bought for her from the bookstore. She loved to look at babies and giggled to herself too. She drank and ate food that are a little bit healthier than before. DaeHyun wanted to announce to his family but didn't have the time to because Mr Jung was away all the time. 

"Mom, dad, I've got something to say." DaeHyun announced. He held hands with SuHae, assuring her that this is it. He's going to tell them. "Ok. Shoot." Mr Jung's attention on DaeHyun. 

"Ok so, you guys know that SuHae here has been feeling abit unwell, right? And, that's because she' know....pregnant." DaeHyun paused. Mr and mrs Jung looked at each other and smiled widely. "WOW!! Congrats!" Mrs Jung giggled as she caressed SuHae's hair. "How long already? Is it a boy or a girl? Tell me!" Mrs Jung getting all excited. 

"It's been 3 months now and we don't know about the gender yet. We are planning to not find it out beforehand. A surprise would be fun. Hehe" SuHae blushed. Mr and Mrs Jung nodded and they asked many more questions pertaining her pregnancy with mrs Jung giving her tips and advice. She's experienced anyway. 

DaeHyun told his fellow members and SuHae told her friends. Both parties were just shocked and happy at the same time. They're going to have a new member! "Ya, so how was it? Good?" Yongjae asked, giving a dirty look. "Huh? What's good? Everything's good and fine." DaeHyun answered, giving a normal look. "Nahh, nothing. Tell SuHae congrats on the baby." Yongjae answered sheepishly. "Yeah. Ok. Hey guys so sorry I gotta get back home. SuHae's waiting for me. Bye!" And DaeHyun went off without turning back. 




"Take care at work ok? I know you've been busy for your comeback. What's the title? Coffee place? Coffee.." SuHae paused, tapping her chin. "It's coffee shop darling. Hahahaha ok you too. Don't do heavy work it's your 9th month. The baby's gonna be out sooner or later. Anything just call me kay? Bye darling." And DaeHyun kissed SuHae's cheeks before heading out. 

SuHae was watching the tv when she felt a contraction around her stomach. She felt a little uneasy and uncomfortable and kept on watching the tv and had agreed if it gets any worse she'll call DaeHyun. She didn't want to disturb DaeHyun what more in the middle of his practice. The contraction kept on for 3 hours. She didn't know what to do and she was already on the ground, struggling with the pain. 

Mr and Mrs Jung both weren't home. They were overseas both busy with their individual work. She called DaeHyun and she was already sweaty with the contraction acting up badly now stronger. "Dae..DaeHyun-ah, stomach. The contrac..tions are acting..up. Please..please" And she hung up. DaeHyun panicked and went running and grabbed his things as fast as his legs could carry him. He called the ambulance on the way and he was already sweating. He was really worried on how SuHae was doing at home, alone. 

SuHae was already lying on the floor when DaeHyun reached. Taking small breaths and giving small pushes with her legs apart to let easy labour. "SuHae-ah! This is DaeHyun! Can you hear me?! SuHae-ah! Stay a little bit longer ok? The ambulance is here when we get there just listen to the doctor's instructions ok? Stay calm I'm here with you. You can take her now." DaeHyun helped the staff to carry SuHae to the bed and then the van. 

"Now push! Push! Push! Take a deep breath, and then push again. Just continue that cycle ok?" The doctor instructed SuHae who did a good job at listening and doing the right steps. "Aaahhhhhh! Phew, phew." SuHae calming herself down eventhough the pain was excruciating and it was the worst pain feeling she has ever experienced in her whole life. DaeHyun was holding tightly to SuHae's hand and he kept on turning his head away from her because he couldn't see blood. It was his worst fear. 

"Ok! Just 2 more big pushes and you're done! Come on! You can definitely do this!" The doctor cheered. "Yes! Come on! Jagiya, you can do this! Take a deep breath and...push! Good, one more! Take a deep breath and...push!" And they heard the sound of a baby crying. "It's out!" The doctor took the baby and wiped the remaining blood. "So, is it a boy or a girl?" DaeHyun asked curiously. "It's a boy!" The doctor answered and passed the baby to DaeHyun and SuHae. 

"Jagiya, look! It's a baby boy!" DaeHyun gave SuHae who was weak but she got a sudden strength to hold the baby in her arms and give it a light kiss on the cheek. "Awhhh, he's handsome! Just like the father! Hehe" SuHae giggled and gave a wide smile to DaeHyun who was blushing. "Well..." DaeHyun mumbled. "Cheh. Wow looks like BAP's got a new member in their group! Hahaha" SuHae gave a weak laugh. 




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FlamingCharisma_1 #1
Chapter 25: PERFECT...!
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 25: awwww.....happy familyyyyy! ^^ kekeke done reading this <3
Chapter 25: waaaahh baby boy ^^
waaaahhh just reading the tittle already make me feels like 'this is gonna be interesting' .. >.<
VocaThaDesu #5
Chapter 22: Cute~ Ahah~
YEAH, Come to my Town, Paris~
VocaThaDesu #6
Chapter 20: Maybe just a cousin, or one of his childhood friends...?
Chapter 17: I showed this to my friend who is in the same situation and she loved it! She said it inspired her to love her size! Btw i LOVE this story!! Please Update Soon!! :]