The Soul In Your Words Review Shop


REQUEST? Here's how
1. subscribe
2. request goes to the comment box
2. PM me the link link of your poster so I can post here as well
3. the review should be posted on your story as a chapter. tell your subscribers ahead of time ^^,
4. enjoy your review!

so lemme just breakdown the criteria for you so you'll know how i rate

Title 10

this is your story from start to finish. Think thoroughly about it! this is the frontliner of the story. the flag that sets it represents it. Beautiful. it has to be beautiful.

Poster 10

the poster should be represent the story. angst shouldn't always have to be dark and the  fluff shouldn't alway be pink. As long as it has the mood of the story and the graphics beautiful. its like a give away criteria.

Character 15

the OC should be unique and can be related to. the idol characters should be like who they really are not like some random spirit possessed them. If its Taemin don't make it sound like Heechul. the appearance is the only thing these two share.

Description & Foreword 15

make me interested and make me say dayum this is going straight to my subscription.

 Plot/Storyline 20

this is your story, own it. no matter how beautiful the other aspects are, reader will lose interest if the story itself doesn't do justice to it. make us want for more, to NEED that next chapter

Grammar 10

I am not a grammar nazi. sometimes we have to bend the rules to own it but NEVER Break It! i am not a master of grammar i kinda struggle at it too but that is not the reason why i give 10 here. as long as i can understand it and as long as it "sounds" legit and beautiful, here's a 10. creativity comes before the techinicality. 
Writing style:  20
 this is the part to pour your creativity out. the convo among the character. setting the mood. the emotions  OWN IT... OWN IT... OWN IT!!!!!!!! Put soul into your words.
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Hai unnie, i was wondering if you could review my fic. It's called Crooked Dealings. It's my first time writing a story of this genre so i was hoping you could give me some feedback on it. thank you ^^
Chapter 2: Thank you so much for the review and for Myungsoo's pic. I like it...I used it as my DP ^___^
Chapter 1: Requested...
Here's the link :