Chapter 2 — Successful Attempt

Water Fountain


You tried to ignore the fact that Kai might be planning a plot against you, a big plan. "Hey, what took you so long?" Jaemin went to you with her tray. "Oh.. Stuff." You replied, and she made a face. 

"Go buy your food." Jaemin said and she started gulping down her food. You nodded and headed to the kimichi store, you bought ramyun and kimichi to go with it. You made a duck face, waiting for your food, when it was ready for pick up, you paid for it and walked towards the direction of Jaemin's table, not knowing what was awaiting you.

"Guys... I don't think its a good idea.." Baekhyun said. "Don't act like you're innocent, pretty boy." Kai rolled his eyes. "Come on, she's coming!" D.O said. "Go go go, Sehun!" Kai signaled and Sehun nodded.

He went closer to you, and...

"BOO!!!" Sehun shouted, and quickly dodged back to his original position, the sudden scare caused you to trip over the leg of the chair, and caused you to land on your bottom, your ramyun soup started to fly, and your kimichi did a back flip, while your hands and legs flailed around.

"OUCH!!" You shouted, and you saw that everyone in the surroundings was laughing like mad. You could feel tears burn in your eyes, but you refused to cry. *Not now. Not ever again.* You thought, but your cheeks flushed red. 

"HAHAHAHA!! I told you that would be hilarious!" Kai said and hi-fived the EXO-K members, but Baekhyun refused to. "That's mean." He said. 

"Can you believe he's our friend?" Chanyeol said and Suho shook his head, "Good job maknae." Suho hi-fived Sehun and smiled. Kai smirked at you, *You will never beat me, .* Kai thought. 

"Lets go, gang." Kai said, and Baekhyun sighed, following them.

"Are you okay??!" Jaemin ran to you, helping you up. "I-I'm /sniff/ ok-kay.." You gulped, as you sat down, refusing to get up. You hung your head as your face overwhelmed with pressure, as you told yourself non-stop not to cry. *I can do it.* You thought, as you slowly got up. 

You kept a straight face, but no one knew what you were feeling inside. Embarrassed, Angry, Scared, and bullied. 

It was the end of the first day of school, in short, the worst place on Earth. You ran home and jumped on your bed, tears overflowing. *I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life.

I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life. Those words kept ringing through your head. "Who could have embarrassed me?!!" you shouted, when a sudden flashback went through your mind.



It was such a concidence that Kai had to be the closest one walking beside you, and it just so happened that the water that you were drinking suddenly went haywire and splashed on Kai. You could feel yourself wanting to dig a hole on the ground and hide inside it without anybody noticing, but you couldn't.

"S-Sor" "! You spilt it all over my new jacket!" Kai cut you off, and you could feel yourself cringe to the corner. *Gosh, I messed up big time.* You thought.

"You'll pay for this. And don't say I didn't warn you." Kai and the others gave you a deep glare, except Baekhyun. They walked away like gangsters should, leaving you stranded in the middle of the school. *What did I just do...* You thought.

End of Flashback

"You load of . I hate you."


✉ A/N

So.. Um. That's the second chapter. COMMENT!! And please check out my new fic!




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livingzombie #1
Please please update TT.TT
Chapter 2: That was mean.cant believe sehun did that!!!!
KimSeokjinwifey #3
Chapter 2: Aww. Why is Suho mean in here :(
but that's okay. It's just a fanfic
Chapter 2: Aww bad Suho too XD
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 2: Kai you A.S.S. I wish Bacon would've helped her though
katsu-sayuri #6
Chapter 2: ahhh Kai! You! >o<
Chapter 2: That was so mean. :(
At least Baekhyun is nice. I wish he did something though. :(
Chapter 2: please update soon authornim!!!
Chapter 1: wow kai! love him!