Chapter 1 — Interaction

Water Fountain

The bright sun rays shone through the see-through curtains. You refused to wake up after several rounds of turning on the bed. It was as if the sun was screaming 'WAKE UP!' at you violently. 

"Okay! I'm up! Sheesh. Who creates those curtains anyways?!" You raised both your hands in defeat as you walked towards the bathroom. It was a new start for you. It was a new start for everyone. It was.. High School. 

"Its a new start.. Haneul." You took a deep breath as you glanced at the mirror. *Just don't embarrass yourselves. Like you always do.* You mentally rolled your eyes as you played with the ribbons on your shirt, casually walking to your new school.

You lived alone. Your parents weren't there for you anymore, they divorced and went their seperate ways. Leaving you with your auntie. Who knew that she passed away so soon too, she was one person that you could count on, one person that you could trust, one person that you could spill all your secrets to. You hoped deeply that you could find another person that you could count on, trust and spill all your secrets to.

"I'll make you proud, auntie." You muttered as you entered the gigantic school. You felt mummers all around, like you were walking in the middle of the hallways. You tried to shrug it off though.

"I'm all alone now.. You have to survive on your own." You hung your head, deeply in thought. 

You went to the office to pick up your time table, when the bell rang. You watched as everyone talked to their friends as they ran aimessly around the school, everyone knew everyone, except for you.

You ducked your head as you saw a book fly past you. *What kind of school is this!?* You thought as you hurried to your class. "Ahh. Mrs. Haneul. You're late." Mr Kim said, in a low voice. 

"Mianhae.. I don't know my way around here..." You mummered. "I'll let you off with a warning this time. Sit beside.. Choi Jaemin. Jaemin, please raise your hand." Mr Kim boomed, it felt like he was screaming his head off everytime he was 'talking'.

Jaemin raised her hand and ducked it when you had seen it. You took little steps there, wondering if she was nice. "Annyeong! Choi Jaemin, you?" she put a hand in front of you and you stared at it.

You snapped out of your thoughts as you took it and said, "Jung Haneul.." You mummered. "Gosh. You better speak up if you're in drama lessons." She said as she sighed. "N-Nae..." You said.

"I was kidding." She chuckled. "CHOI JAEMIN!" The teacher boomed, again. Jaemin blinked and nodded. "Don't worry about Mr Kim. He just booms, he doesn't give detentions or whatsoever, he's the best teacher yet." Jaemin said. "Arraseo.." You mummered.

"Speak up, won't you?" Jaemin said. You smiled sweetly and nodded.

The bell rang, signalling break. You and Jaemin talked the whole lesson, getting to know each other. "And it seems so that our lockers are right next together and— KIM JONGIN–WHAAT?" She seemed a little emotional. 

"Um. Who's that?" You asked, a little louder now. "I won't tell you about him. He scares everyone, but me. Tch." Jaemin said, stuffing her books into her locker and slamming it shut, loudly. You noticed the sudden mood swing and you wanted to know why, but she was in a bad mood, and you didn't want to make her even more mad.

"Kim Jongin.. Who's that?" You thought to yourself. 

"Let's go." Jaemin smiled, but your throat was a little dry. "Um.. May I go and drink some water at the water fountain first becau—" "Upupup. You're the boss of you. Go go go, I'll meet you at tabe 15." Jaemin waved and went to the cafeteria alone. It was then you realised you didn't even know your way around the school. "Aish! Stupid Haneul, you forgot to ask Jaemin for directions! I'm so stupid." You face-palmed yourself as you went down the halls, searching around like a lost puppy.

/Turn Left For Water Fountain/ a sign pointed. You mentally thanked it and went in the direction of the sign. You felt like your throat was going to suscide if you didn't give it any water. 

You finally reached the water fountain and searched for a sign, a sign that says 'NO drinking' Since you couldn't find one, you started to drink from it. It was plain water, like all water should be.

"Hyung, I'm hungry." Sehun whined, sticking to Suho. "Sheesh... We're heading for the cafeteria.. shut up and be patient, won't you?" Suho rolled his eyes. "I can cook if you want." D.O popped into the conversation. "Your food tastes horrible." "Your food ." "Yeah someone vomited it out." "Hey, don't critizise umma." Baekhyun said. "Sheesh." They said in unision.

"Hey is that a new girl?" Chanyeol asked, "She's hot." Sehun said, earning a knock on the head. 

"Don't influence the maknae." Baekhyun pushed Sehun behind him. "We've already spoilt Kai and he's the second makn"

"Oh for goodness sake could you guys STOP arguing?" Kai blurted. "Arraseo..." They echoed. As the members walked closer to you, you could feel your heartbeat increasing. *What's happening?* You thought but you continued drinking anyways.

It was such a concidence that Kai had to be the closest one walking beside you, and it just so happened that the water that you were drinking suddenly went haywire and splashed on Kai. You could feel yourself wanting to dig a hole on the ground and hide inside it without anybody noticing, but you couldn't.

"S-Sor" "! You spilt it all over my new jacket!" Kai cut you off, and you could feel yourself cringe to the corner. *Gosh, I messed up big time.* You thought.

"You'll pay for this. And don't say I didn't warn you." Kai and the others gave you a deep glare, except Baekhyun. They walked away like gangsters should, leaving you stranded in the middle of the school. *What did I just do...* You thought.


✉ A/N

So.. Um. That's the first chapter. COMMENT. PLEASE. I HAD A HARD TIME WRITING THIS.








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livingzombie #1
Please please update TT.TT
Chapter 2: That was mean.cant believe sehun did that!!!!
KimSeokjinwifey #3
Chapter 2: Aww. Why is Suho mean in here :(
but that's okay. It's just a fanfic
Chapter 2: Aww bad Suho too XD
glotterjongup #5
Chapter 2: Kai you A.S.S. I wish Bacon would've helped her though
katsu-sayuri #6
Chapter 2: ahhh Kai! You! >o<
Chapter 2: That was so mean. :(
At least Baekhyun is nice. I wish he did something though. :(
Chapter 2: please update soon authornim!!!
Chapter 1: wow kai! love him!