Episode 2

In Love With My Own Boss?!


For Better Or For Worse


"New boss?! This is impossible! Mr Choi has been with us since I could remember!" It was late and Jiyong was getting back from work together with In Na. They crossed a street towards a block of small apartments.


"I know~ It's quite sudden that he made this decision. But I guess it's possible, you know the big man isn't getting any younger."


"Hmm I guess so noona but who will take his place?"


"That's up to him to reveal. We can only wait and see."


"Yeah..." Jiyong walked up to one of the houses on the ground floor, being careful not to hit any of the potted plants that he and In Na had placed around.


"Good night Jiyong! See you tomorrow~!" Yoo In Na waved from her house opposite his.


"Good night noona!" He replied back, wishing it would be time to find out who is the new boss. Ji was secretly excited and worried at the same time.



The sun shone bright, birds were chirping and the sounds of the morning buses and cars filled the air. Jiyong could hardly open his eyes, the morning light slipped through the blinds of his window. He raised a hand to block out the glaring light.


"Nrghh..why is the sun so bright?..."

He rubbed his eyes lazily and turned towards his night table were the clock sat. He thought he was seeing wrong and blinked a few times.


"AHHHH I'M LATE!!!"  He jolted up and dashed amongst the small area of his house. He scurried to get his uniform and brushed his teeth which he still made a point. Jiyong then ran to the roadside, hoping to get a cab. He'd normally take the bus but now that wouldn't be the best option.


And whats worse, the new boss is set to start work today.



Jiyong almost didn't want to enter the mall. He didn't want to face the harsh scolding of the new boss he didn't even know yet not to mention the embarrassment that would come after that. Well, he didn't have a choice. He sneaked past the security guards, he noticed the secretaries were already inside. Damn I'm really late.


He saw Hyunwoo with a very worried look on his face like he's telling him get your over here! Jiying tried his best to get to the boutique without causing any unwanted attention. He almost made it to his place when suddenly he felt someone clear his throat intentionally. Ji was caught, he knew he had to apologize and he can't run away.

Ji turned around only to come face to face with the most beautiful pair of eyes he has ever seen.


"So...late huh? Mr...Kwon Jiyong?" The man with beautiful eyes said. He had a low, husky...y? voice. It would smitten any girl. 


"H-How did you know m-my name?" Jiyong questioned.


"Your nametag."


Yeah nice going genius.


"Uh I'm sorry for being late ...sir..." Jiyong bowed and stayed there, thinking this person a new secretary because someone this beautiful could not be the boss.


"Ah Seunghyun you're here. Come on we got lots to discuss, let's head to the office hmm?"

Thank goodness Mr Choi came, he was speaking to this man like a friend or something. Ji deduced that the man's name was Seunghyun and may be a client of Mr Choi. Nothing to worry about. But Seunghyun did catch him sneaking in, at least Jiyong didn't have to see him everyday like he sees his boss.

So Jiyong was let off. He got to work and the rest of the day was fine.


"Yah hyung you almost got caught by that scary person yaaa" 


"Yeah Hyunwoo...scary."

But his eyes were so beautiful.


The next day...

This didn't make sense, it couldn't be. No. It's seriously happening. Jiyong stared at his lunch with the most terrible headache ever.

1 hour ago..

Mr Choi asked everyone to gather, he had a very important announcement to make. There next to him was that same man Ji had a little 'incident' with. Seunghyun Mr Choi had called him.


"Everyone, staff of Leont Mall, this man here is Choi Seunghyun, my son."


That wasn't much of a shock to most people, just a few girl squealing in joy because Seunghyun is quite a good looking man. But Mr Choi had more to say than just that.


"Seunghyun...will..be your new boss."


Gasps could be heard, people's jaws were ajar, it was shocking. Especially for Kwon Jiyong.



Present time

"This is impossible..."


"Well it was a usual move for Mr Choi to place his own son as the boss, even though his son is quite young." Yonghwa said.


"Young? He's 27 years old!" In Na exclaimed


"Whoa you know so much about him~" 


"Well I looked up. Heh" In Na blushed.


"You have a crush on him?" Jiyong asked 


"Wah? Is it a crime? Anyway most of the female workers all have a crush on the new boss. He's soooo handsome!!" 


"Err yeah..." Jiyong didn't seemed that convinced but what he did know was that the whole mall was talking about Seunghyun. They wondered if he was the right person for the job. He was the only son of the Choi family after all it would be the ideal place for him. In movies situations where a handsome high ranked person gets the job of being the 'head' normally gets into a little scandal here and there, flirting with almost every female employee and before you know it, every woman had a chance with the extremely good looking' boss in bed. Jiyong hopes it would not happen here.

He would quit his job if that happened.



That night, Jiyong couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassing it was when he got caught by Seunghyun and now that exact same person it their new boss! He could have a grudge against him or something, Ji was scared, he could lose his job if the boss didn't like him.


He can't do anything at the moment, all he had to do is just live on. With that handsome boss...what.


In the next episode:

"Kwon Jiyong please come to my office." the speakers blasted.

"What did you do?" Hyunwoo frantically tried to get hold of Jiyong who was in a state of shock.

"I-I don't know!"

"Why did Mr Seunghyun ask you to go to his office? WHY?!"

"I really don't know!" Jiyong shouted.

What trouble did he get into?




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Soon! Sorry for the wait!


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aesthetic_pleasure #1
Chapter 4: Intriguing so far :) keep it up!
Sorry for the lack of updates for a looooonngggg time studies have been to much to take... my internet had also been cut for a long time so... i will try again!!! Fighting
dian_vio #3
Chapter 4: Its funny.. hahaahhhaha... please update author-nim :*:*:*
Chapter 4: Oh my god... Found this, read it, love it, subscribed kekek please update soon ne~
Chapter 4: yay :D poor Ji.. I wonder if SeungHyun is calling him to his office because of his late appearance in work :D Hope it won´t be that much angst :D
tarepandasan #6
Chapter 4: Can't wait for their next encounter! ;)
reika_love #7
can i ask you..is it going to be angst drama? its seem interesting, but i'm not good with read some angst drama.. i want to subscribe this..
Chapter 3: It´s sad about JiYong´s father :( This going to be really interesting fic :) Hope that SeungHyun will appear in next episode? :D
Nice chapter :)
Chapter 2: So its gonna be episode-system-fic ? < don't know if thats even right lol but I like the idea
Thank you
You have all of my favourite idols in you story!!!! :) I love you for that and I cant wait for first chapter :)))))