Episode 1

In Love With My Own Boss?!


Sudden Changes


The soft rays of the sun shone across the sky, it was early yet the streets were packed with cars. The large shopping mall stood out from the other buildings, with it's grand entrance within minutes of opening. It was just another typical day for Leont Mall. It was one of the richest and most popular malls in Seoul, in what ways you ask? It had shops ranging from boutiques, famous cosmetics brands, expensive shoes and high class restruants, everything was fit for upper class people but the CEO of the whole operation is a kind man, adding a few of the 'normal' shops that a usual mall would have so that people of all walks of life can still shop here. This was what made Leont Mall the most busiest and well earning shopping malls in Seoul.

The CEO always took care of the mall, he is the boss afterall. He could have just put someone trustworthy as the boss for this mall because he had other progressing malls and things to take care of. Why poke your nose into a already successful mall? He loved that place, and he wouldn't let some random person who happened to work there, take over the place. He wanted someone truly fit for Leont to further prosper. And  Mr Choi Jae Won already had someone in mind.


"Hurry! CEO is here!"

The empolyees of Leont lined up along the exterior of shops. Doing final adjustments to their uniforms, hair and making sure that they are neat. One thing the mall did have was an exquisite staff. Since the mall had a few levels, all the workers had to assemble at the first floor to greet the CEO.


"Good Morning CEO"


The whole staff respectfully bowed once Mr Choi stepped foot into the mall, his secetary instantly informing him of statistics reports and news. But today, he seem to not pay any attention to any of his secetaries. Something was on his mind and his face showed it heavily. Once he entered the lift to go to his office, the Leont workers quickly got into their shops/positions and the mall is finally opened and shoppers start to walk in.


"Yah! Did you see CEO's face today? He totally ignored Secetary Jang!"

Lee Hyun Woo started, looking at his friends Kwon Ji Yong and Jung Yong Hwa. They were making their way to their respective places.


"Ye, it seems something was bothering him..." Jiyong answered


"Or maybe he was deciding something...something more important than mall stats" Yonghwa quietly said.


"What could that be? Hmm...such a mysterious person this man is...." Hyunwoo bit his lip and stared at the ceiling, as if to figure out some kind of secret he could squeeze out of their boss.


"Hey, you can't say that about our boss." Jiyong argued


Hyunwoo shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever"



Jiyong turned to the left corner of the first floor and entered a boutique. He was a sales assitant there. He liked it, he was surrounded by high class fashion which he has intrest in. It didn't bore him, he got the chance to see different ranges of clothes and accessories almost every day. He wished though, that he would be able to buy them, even just one piece of branded clothing. There was his friendly noona, Yoo In Na. She is a bubbly and energetic pal and also happens to be Jiyong's neighbour. She works as the cashier.

Yeah it seems like people working in Leont are all well to do, that's why they got the job in the first place, but no. Not everyone.


Jiyong was helping a lady pick out some clothes for her, she had a large fur coat, designer high heels, a huge black sun hat and a velvet dress on. Jiyong figured out what she liked and started to recommend a few pieces for her. He insisted she try on a wonderful peach dress with silver embroidery.


Big mistake


Within seconds of the words "You should try this on Ma'am" left Jiyong's mouth, he felt a powerful blow to his face.

His eyes widened.


"I HATE the colour peach, don't ever give me such a thing again!" the lady screeched.


It pierced through Jiyong's ears, shocked with a side of embarrasment, he kept his head down and said an apology. He bowed. The lady seethed through her teeth and mumbled something under her breath as she continued to look through the aisles of clothing. There was a sudden piercing heat on his cheek as Jiyong brought a hand up to his face.

She slapped me because she didn't like the colour peach?

Rich poeple. He grunted and continued to trail behind the customer.


It was his job after all. To deal with such people.



It was lunch time. Also a change of shifts for some shops. Staffs gathered in the private lunchroom, ordering what they wanted. Jiyong sat with his friends, setting his tray down, he slumped next to Hyunwoo.

Jiyong couldn't understand why rich people had to act this way. It's not like they were born to be like this, eveeryone was born the same. But yet there was a total different attitude these people had towards others that are not on the same level as them.

He wondered if his father was one of them.


Kwon Jiyong never knew who his father was, all he knew was that he had left him and his mother alone and ran away. It had been a very long painful time growing up without a father. Soon with enough effort, they had found where he was living.


"Sir sir! May I know where is the man who stayed here before?" Mrs Kwon asked


"Hmm? In apartment 235? Oh that dear man, I'm sorry Ma'am but that man has passed away."




"Mummy, what's going on?" A young Jiyong tugged on his mother's skirt.


"Yes. Sad indeed. He was talking about how he married the wrong person, how she wasn't rich and all. Then one day he just decided to end his life."




"Umm may I know, are you his relative or something?"


"T-Thanks for telling me what you k-know..."

With that Mrs Kwon turned and dragged her son out of the door.



"Hey say Ahhh~~"

Hyunwoo was about to spoonfeed him when Jiyong snapped back to reality.

"Hey I'm not a baby!"


"Well you weren't even eating your food so I thought you needed someone to feed you."


"Yah! I can very well feed myself."


A meeting was called, the heads of department immediatly headed for the meeting room. Jiyong wondered what was going on. Right now though, he had to concerntrate on putting a smile on his face and dealing with customers.

The day passed by rather quickly, Jiyong wondered if he would be able to reach home in time for the next episode of--

"Manager!" In Na exclaimed.


Their shop manager entered the boutique, his face had a long expression. It seemd as if he couldn't decide wether to be happy or sad.


"Manager hyung.."


He took a deep breath.

"Guys, looks like we will be having a new boss..."







Yep looks like the chapters will be about this long ><''

Episode 1 done! I hope you like it ^^ Do support 'No Turning Back' too!




In the next episode:

The new boss is revealed?!


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Soon! Sorry for the wait!


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aesthetic_pleasure #1
Chapter 4: Intriguing so far :) keep it up!
Sorry for the lack of updates for a looooonngggg time studies have been to much to take... my internet had also been cut for a long time so... i will try again!!! Fighting
dian_vio #3
Chapter 4: Its funny.. hahaahhhaha... please update author-nim :*:*:*
Chapter 4: Oh my god... Found this, read it, love it, subscribed kekek please update soon ne~
Chapter 4: yay :D poor Ji.. I wonder if SeungHyun is calling him to his office because of his late appearance in work :D Hope it won´t be that much angst :D
tarepandasan #6
Chapter 4: Can't wait for their next encounter! ;)
reika_love #7
can i ask you..is it going to be angst drama? its seem interesting, but i'm not good with read some angst drama.. i want to subscribe this..
Chapter 3: It´s sad about JiYong´s father :( This going to be really interesting fic :) Hope that SeungHyun will appear in next episode? :D
Nice chapter :)
Chapter 2: So its gonna be episode-system-fic ? < don't know if thats even right lol but I like the idea
Thank you
You have all of my favourite idols in you story!!!! :) I love you for that and I cant wait for first chapter :)))))