Taemin is a Man

Yes, Taemin Watches


“Hyung, I think we need to go,” Taemin muttered slowly, looking at the onslaught of people outside the store. “Manager-hyung will have a fit and he might not let me use his room anymore…”

“Tch!” Key snapped. “Don’t worry! We’ll be there in time; I just need to find the right pair of jeans to match this top.”

“But you already have a million pairs of jeans!” Taemin’s whine was noticeably a few pitches squeakier. “Why can’t you just choose from them?”

“Why don’t you just hush up so I can do this intensive selective process with proper concentration? Fashion isn’t just a willy-nilly thing. And besides, you don’t always have to use Manager-hyung’s room all the time, son. If you really need ‘to go’, then use the bathroom… just don’t get the laptop wet.”

Taemin’s chocolate brown eyes widened at the words coming from his supposed mother’s mouth. “Wh-what?!”

“Taeminnie, we all know you watch in manager-hyung’s room.” Onew’s head had popped up out of nowhere from behind the clothing rack that Taemin and Key were now standing by.

“I – I do not!” The young teenager looked at his hyungs, flabbergasted and frozen on the spot.

Key frowned. “We all have these urges, so there’s no need to deny them. Heck, Jinki has those urges all the time, anyway.”

Onew gaped at Key. “I… what?

The fashion-savvy rapper looked over at their leader with such apathy. “You need to lock the door sometimes. It’s starting to get unhealthy for me to always walk in on you ‘bringing it to town’.”

“B-but… I-I… You can’t j-just… Why don’t I ever see you walk in on me?!” Onew spluttered.

“Walk in on you doing what?”

The three boys looked up to see a tall figure walking up to them. Minho stood by Taemin and leaned on the clothes rack, waiting for an answer.

“Nothing…” Both Onew and Taemin said softly.

“Taemin and Jinki have urges,” Key told Minho, blatantly.

“Urges…?” It took Minho awhile to comprehend what he said, but after he finally understood, his eyes widened (as if it could get any bigger) and breathed out an “Oh!”

“Hyung!” Taemin cried childishly. “I don’t watch !”

“Well, what do you know? Our little Taemin is growing up.” Minho acclaimed triumphantly, placing a hand on the maknae’s shoulder.

“So, that explains all those dirty sites in my internet’s browsing history,” Jonghyun said contemplatively.

The four boys glanced up at the shortest member, who appeared all of a sudden next to them.

“Hyung! That’s not me!” Taemin said.

“I always thought that was Jinki,” the main vocalist replied.

Jinki’s ears were now reddening with shame. “I-I don’t know what you’re t-talking about.”

“We should all just have a gay to satisfy those urges, for all I care.” Key shrugged.

“Pshh…” Jonghyun scoffed. “’For all I care.’ Please, Kibummie, we all know that you want one.”

The remaining three boys backed away from their so called mother figure.

“Don’t touch me,” Minho muttered.

Key stomped his foot. “Lies!”

“You have been getting a little too close to Minho and Taemin lately…” Onew said slowly, holding up a book to hide behind in case Key decided to release his wrath on him.

Taemin and Minho took two more steps back.

“I think I’m scared now,” said Taemin, who was now clutching onto Minho’s forearm for protection.

“You shouldn’t be surprised if you find Key inside the bathroom with you when you’re done taking a shower,” Jonghyun shrugged. Minho looked at Key with an expression laced with extreme shock.

“That can’t be true!”

“It’s not! I don’t… Jonghyun, you…” Key sent a look of daggers towards his hyung, clearly pissed off. Jonghyun sheepishly smiled and hid behind Onew, who was still using a book to act as shield in front of him.

“Great,” Minho said, breaking the tension. “Taemin’s all grown up, Jinki-hyung jacks off frequently, and Key-hyung finds special interest with… other preferences.”

The other rapper rolled his eyes. “Oh, please, don’t act like you’re all innocent.”

“Well, I am, aren’t I?”

“I saw your ‘collection’, Minho,” Key said pointedly. “You’re just as as Taemin.”

“My collection? What is that?” High pitched confusion weighed down his usual tone of voice.

“You know… your… ‘collection’.” Key whispered the last word, as if he thought that it was too NC-17 for someone like Taemin.

“Hyung, I have no idea – oh! That!” Minho began to chuckle lightly. “That’s not mine. That’s -”

Jonghyun spoke up. “Min – don’t!”


The other three looked at Jonghyun, whose face was comparable to that of a beet.

“Well, now we know who makes the biggest impact in Taemin’s life,” Onew said.

Taemin, clearly frustrated, looked up to the ceiling. “Ugh! I hate my life! That’s it! I’m walking back home alone.”

“You can’t! There are people outside!” Key grabbed a hold of the maknae before he could move.

“I don’t care,” Taemin pulled his arm away from Key’s grasp. “At least they aren’t accusing me that I watch .”

“If you don’t, then what are you really doing in there?” Their leader asked him.

A heavy sigh was pushed out of Taemin’s plump lips. “Fine, you must really know…” The younger boy reached into his pocket. He fumbled inside for a few seconds, until he pulled out a tiny doll figure of Minho during their Lucifer promotions. It was latched onto a small string and clasp. “I was making these cellphone charms for everyone. It was supposed to be a surprise for all of you, but you guys just had to ask what I was doing. So, there. Happy now?”

The four guys inched closer to the charm that Taemin was holding up.

“Aw… Is that for me?” Minho said, looking up from the cellphone charm.

“It has your name,” replied the maknae. Minho tousled the boy’s hair.

“It’s cute.”

“Where’s mine?!” Key spoke up loudly. The other two members were still looking down at the charm with Key closely next to them when his sudden burst of a question rang right next to their ears.

“I’m still making yours.”

Onew stood straight up, after closely examining the doll figure. “I hope mine looks as good at Minho’s.”

“Yeah, me too,” Jonghyun added. “Where did you learn to make those?”

“Did you take lessons or something? I honestly didn’t know you were quite crafty,” said Minho.

Taemin smiled smugly. “It’s easy guys. I watch video tutorials.”

“Video tutorials?” Key inquired. He made a little mental note to check it out sometime. If anyone was going to be “crafty” in the group, then it was definitely going to be him.

“Yeah, on .”

The four boys looked at each other, a thick environment of awkwardness was quickly forming among them. Taemin smiled to himself… until he realized what he just said.

“I mean Youtube! YOUTUBE!” He spoke hastily. “Not ! W-what is that? I don’t even know what I’m saying!”

“Shall we now conclude on what Taemin does inside Manager-hyung’s room each night?” Jonghyun asked the group. Everyone except the youngest member nodded.

“Hyung… I hate my life,” Taemin muttered. He hung his head in shame.

Onew patted his shoulder consolingly. “It’s okay, Taeminnie…” The boy looked up at his hyung, who was giving him a warm smile. “Just continue watching your . You’ll feel better.”

“So..." Minho spoke up suddenly, interrupting the tension once again. "Does that mean you didn't actually make that cellphone charm?"

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Chapter 1: HAHAHAHAHA that's all, Thank you!
I feel bad for the people who are reading this, and don't know what is, and decide to search it up. May they R.I.P
Chapter 1: omo! that was really funny! i thought Taemin wasn't really watching but it looks like is . XD
i really like your story!
SadisticSinner #5
Chapter 1: Ok...that was weird and so fcking funny xD
lol, poor key. and Minho is the only innocent one?!
Lol Onew...your h.orny dubu <3
Chapter 1: LMAO!!! that was soo funny i can't stop lolz love the ending
skattered-fragments #7
Chapter 1: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL ROFL . I'm forever laughing at that last part XDDD