For the First Time

To Get To You

"I've never done this before" You timidly looked down to your hands, avoiding Eli's gaze as he sat across from you.

The both of you sat across from each other in the lounge room portion of the suite. You had retrieved your luggage and checked it to make sure everything was there as soon as you were handed it back. The rest of the U-KISS members were out for a late night swim in the resorts pool, leaving you and Eli.

"You get this strange tingling feeling at first" Eli explained before chuckling, "There's nothing to be scared of"

You swallowed the slight fear that'd make your voice husky,

"I- I don't need to do this now" You replied, trying to be sure of yourself,

The rapper scooted himself closer to you, attempting to make you feel comfortable.

"We've both had a long day" He explained, his voice melting to persuade you, "I think we both deserve it"

You flinched, ready to get up and leave,

"Yah!" You folded your arms, "All I wanted to do was get my luggage and leave"

Eli laughed, grabbing you by your wrist to sit you back down,

"It'll be quick" Eli whispered, "I promise"

With those words he rose up and headed out of the room, leaving you to your bewildered thoughts. All your friends had done it before, and you knew that Eli was known for it; but it wasnt enough to convince you, till he walked back into the lounge room with one of the goofiest grins you had ever seen.

Your eyes drifted to the items in his hands, that gave a little shine as the dim lights of the room reflected off of them.

Eli sat back down beside you, offering you the opportunity to go first.

You took a deep breath before reaching out for the shiny and slightly chilled can of Red Bull that he held. His expression lifted as you completely took it from his grasp.

"That's it" He teased, "Now just pull the ring and it's all yours"

An unsatisfied look formed on your face as you did what you were told. Your finger perfectly fitting in the ring as you firmly pulled at it, the all too familiar clicking sound following after.

Eli opened his can swiftly; anyone wouldve been able to tell that he had done it so many times before.

"Cheers!" He lifted his drink to yours as the both of you clinked the cans.

You drew the can towards your mouth, ready for your first ever taste of Red Bull; one of Eli's obsessions.

The strange liquid filled your mouth instantly, drops even hanging onto your lips. You couldn't describe the taste- it wasnt awful but wasn't so wonderful either. You knew that even after that one sip there was no way you were going straight to sleep.

"I don't think I'm going to sleep" You said plainly as Eli chugged down his entire can before crushing it with one hand.

"My bad" He replied, grabbing your can from your grasp, "Well, if youre not going to finish that"

Instantly he gulped down the entire contents of your can of Red Bull without even taking a breath.

At that moment something had clicked in your head- Eli had just indirectly kissed you... or was it that you indirectly kissed him? Either way, it was too much to process and you just wanted to crash into your own bed and head of to dream land.

"I'm going now" You said emotionless, tugging your luggage behind you.

"G..Goodnight" Eli slured before falling straight into a deep sleep. He was stranger than you thought he could ever be.

You tiptoed towards the door of the suite, even though noone else was there. Carefully, you pushed the door open, only for it to barge into the feet of an unsuspecting member.

"Who.. are. you?"

Dongho scratched his head even though his hair was damp from swimming. His english, you thought, was adorable but the current situation was too awkward to have a fangirl moment.

"Oh.." You bowed, "I'm sorry"

"It is okay" He said, trying to see if he recognized you, "You are, the resort worker?"

You looked down to your attire, and realised that he come to that conclusion since you were still in uniform.

"Ah, yes" You nodded more vigorously than normal, in case he didnt understand, "I am leaving now"

You tried to walk completely out the door but failed as Dongho tried to walk into the suite; the both of you walking in each others direction. This happened twice till Dongho stopped and let you out first.

"Thank you" You said genuinely, accepting the fact that this was how you met your ultimate bias. You were ready to head off to the elevator till a hand grabbing you by yours stopped you.

"Next time" Dongho smiled, "Don't work so late"

You tilted your head in confusion, as he finished his sentence,

"You need your beauty sleep to continue to be pretty"


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ok ok ok. lets just say you miraculously know korean & they miraculously know english....


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Donghooo <3 <3 <3 Ahhhh!!!!! Please update this :/ It's really good and I'm excited about Dongho <3 <3 Please Update
NicLuvGuiLun #2
R_Squared_Pi #3
Up... Didnt you say there was supposed to be a language
Barrier between you and Dongho?
R_Squared_Pi #4
Chapter 8: So good!!!!! Except I'm blanking out and don't understand what's going on, so I need to go back and reread the story. I don't mind though, I probably just forgot some silly detail.
icephoenix13 #5
Chapter 7: so...... when's the next chappie commin'?
Chapter 7: This is so cuttteee and funny lol update soon \(^o^)/
R_Squared_Pi #7
Chapter 6: So cute! Update soon!?!?!
g3turcray0n #8
Chapter 6: omg this is soooo good!>.<