☪ ¦ `( FAQ )

☪ ¦ `( Final Fantasy XV ) ⇢ ❝ Legend of the Lost Souls ❞ ¦ Apply FanFic


Frequently Asked Questions 

O1. Can I change my character's background and personality a bit, or do I have to keep it according to what you said in the plots?

Like I said, I like people to be creative and the last thing I want is to limit someone's creativity. You can tweak the persons background and personality a bit, but try to keep it along the same lines as to what I said. I tried not to go into too much detail, that way you all can still be creative.


O2. Can I choose another plot for my love interest, but keep the same plot of my character?

Unfortunately, no. For example; if you are the "healer" you love interest will always be "the leader". You are not allowed to be "the healer" and then have your guy be "the badass". It'll get too hecktic so try to pick the one you like best for both characters.


O3. For the style, on the application, does the style have to be from the character on the plot chapter?

Absolutely not! If you are "The Summoner" you do not have to use Yuna's outfit for your character. You can use Paine's outfit, or Rikku's etc. 


O4. I once drew an outfit design/concept for my character, can I use those designs I drew for my style?

Sure! That would be cool. As long as it's colored, I'd be fine with it.


O5. I need help; I don't know a lot of the final fantasy characters and can't seem to find outfits for my character; can you list some characters of final fantasy for me?

Go right here and you can find a list of all the girls in final fantast games, or almost all.


O6. Who am I allowed to have for a love interest? You don't have a masterlist.

I don't like to limit people to options and since this is an alternative universe apply fic and the people won't be famous, and I can create and alter the idol's personality, I decided to let you all choose whomever you want to be your love interest. It could be someone from EXO or Infinite or maybe someone from Dalmatian or 2PM. Whatever you decide, I won't mind.

update  ⇢ you may use an ulzzang as your love interest as well! 


O7. Deadline?

I'll tell you all when there will be a deadline when I think I've received all the applications I want/need.



O8. Can I change the age of my love interest?

You most certainly can.

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Final Fantasy Versus XIII becomes Final Fantasy XV~ ;AAAA; Ahhh~ I am excited for this RP, considering the fact that it has now the same title as the game.
Realmz #2
Chapter 7: Author... Do you still planning to continue this fic?
If so, could I submit my app? Or is it too late already?
hai.. since you sorta went on hiatus, i dont know if you got my app so here it is again
Hello author-nim! Whew~! My application is here at last! I hope you like her~! If there's anything wrong, please let me know! *-*


I finally finished it. I hope you like her. : ) Please tell me if you would like me to fix anything. ^___^
Chapter 3: I can see applicants already~ ^^ If there are still slots after checking them, uhm, I would like to give it a shot. :)
Chapter 1: oops! i just noticed i gave you a blog edit! Here's the actual link

it took me a while... but i hope everything looks good :)
please let me know if i need to adjust anything :)
i'm also sorry there's a whole bunch of words in there .___. i got carried away in some parts... :D

Chapter 1: I have finally finished!


Please tell me I need to change or add anything ^^