Falling In Love??

Live To Die For You


Fany got home and threw herself on her couch. She placed her phone on her chest and took a deep breath.

"What just happened? That was... so weird." Fany repeated again. She looked through her phone and gasped, sitting up.

"What? Who took this picture?" She asked looking at the picture of Siwon and her kissing earlier. She thought back and looked away.

"Did I accidentally take it earlier?" She said then looked at the picture again. Her eyes soften with a confused look on her face. She fantasized about the kiss earlier and smiled touching her lips.




"Choi Siwon..." Fany said with her lips still pressed against Siwon's. He looked at her awkwardly. "Huh?" He asked.

"Um... you can... move back. This is awkward." She said with their lips still pressed against each other. Siwon looked at her eyes confused then down at their lips and backed off.

"Oh, I'm... sorry. I didn't mean to." He said scratching his head. She chuckled nervously. "It's... it's okay. It was my fault." She said looking around.

"Um..." he said looking at lips. He saw her lipstick smeared a little on the corner of her lips and reached for it to wipe it off.




Before Fany got done fantasizing, she got a call. She looked at the caller ID and jumped, standing up.

"Appa!" She answered. Her father was playing golf at a large green field. "Hello dear, how is everything going?"

"Good... I miss you daddy. Are you going to come visit me soon?" She asked pouting her lips. Her father sighed. "I'm trying to set up a schedule, but we're still very busy trying to make a move on the Choi Gang." Fany sighed annoyed.

"Dad... why don't you just let them do it? Isn't that why you have your helpers? You have to be careful." She said. Her father smiled.

"Yes dear, I'll always be careful. YOU just be careful okay? Don't make friends with unnecessary people. Never trust anyone so easily okay? The world is not safe right now. Do you understand? I've sent Eunhyuk there to look after you since I don't trust you living there alone. So stick with him a lot, okay?" Her father said.

"Dad, I really don't need Eunhyuk. Please send him back. I can take care of myself. I really can! Eunhyuk is just always stalking me. I don't like it. Him stalking me... isn't that making it that much more obvious?" She asked. Her father sighed and smacked his lips.

"I guess if you say so. I'll tell him to keep his distance. But he'll still be there for the meantime incase anything happens... okay?" Fany sighed and hung her head down low.

"Whatever is best for you sir." She said in a monotone voice. Before she knew it, her phone went busy. She looked at it and gasped.

"What? He hung up already? Yah... he's always doing this." She said sadly, sitting down on her couch again. She held onto a pillow on the couch and smacked her lips, hugging the pillow tight towards her.

"Appa... I just want to see you. But instead, you send freaken Eunhyuk? Gosh, it's so awkward being around him. Ever since we broke up. He's so awkward to be around with, seriously." She said whining.



Eunhyuk and Fany used to date. Well, secretly that is. He'd be her protector and bodyguard. Because of that, they're always together so whenever she has any problems or anything, Eunhyuk would be the person she talks to.

Well, he's the only one she could talk to. Everyone else is way older and erting. Eunhyuk... he's quiet at times. Mature even though he's younger than her by a couple of months. He's honest. Annoying. She liked him for that... but, she also broke up with him because of that.

Well, that's not the whole story. He was being too over-protective. He was too mature to never joke around with her. He'd always think everything is for real and he'd always speak the truth.

They were going fine, until he started acting weird. He was somehow... always asking her where she was going. Like, it's his job to know. But just everytime he sees her, he'd always question her day, who she met with, demanding to know why and what they talked about.

It was getting annoying. She felt he didn't love her anymore... but rather he was trying to stalk her. If that makes sense. So, she decided. And she broke up with him. She changed her bodyguard and driver but after that incident with the Choi Gang, her father moved her, and now... now he's back again.



Siwon looked at the black board in front of him. Fany's pictures were placed everywhere with information on what she does and basically everything. Siwon placed a picture on another board that had a picture on there already.

"Second attempt... mission successful." He said then wrote the word lipstick kiss on there, right under the picture.

The picture before that one was of Fany, and under that picture wrote "First attempt... mission successful. Lunch and House."

Siwon drank his cup of coffee beside him and looked at the folder with Fany's information again.

"Donghae?" Siwon asked with his phone pressed against his ear, still sitting in front of the blackboard.

Donghae was sitting in front of a mirror putting mud mask on his face carefully.

"Donghae is alive and speaking. What's up man!" He answered. "Yah... what are you doing?" Siwon asked. "Duh, taking care of my beautiful face. What else?" Donghae said. Siwon chuckled and leaned back against his chair.

"Look, I'm not supposed to be calling you and asking for help, but don't tell father okay?" Siwon said. "Dude. Never have. Never will Secret's safe with me." Donghae said.

"Yah, you seem to know a lot about girls, right?" Donghae nodded. "Yep, what is it?"

"Okay... I need your help then. If you were a girl, what would the most surprise meet be for you?" Siwon asked. Donghae scrunched up his face.

"What are you trying to say? Speak right!" Donghae asked tryin to not ruin his mask.

"Like if you were to just randomly meet a guy you like... where and how would you want to meet him?" Siwon asked. Donghae thought for a while.

"Mmm, I would... want to bump into him accidentally..." Donghae said. "I already tried that... and we went out for lunch after that." Siwon said.

"Ooh... I see you got that from the pro HAE! You're welcome." Donghae said raising his hands up in the air. SIwon laughed and rubbed his forehead.

"Yah, I'm serious. I need your help." He said. Donghae fixed his shirt and coughed.

"Okay... what have you done already?" Donghae asked taking out a piece of paper and pen.

"Mmm, I've accidentally bumped into her. Then pretended to be pathetic so she'd feel bad and take me out to lunch." Siwon said then heard Donghae laughing.

"Yah... you're pretty good. But... you sound too desperate." Donghae said. "Yah! Then what am I supposed to do?" Siwon asked.

"Well... you have to not pay so much attention to her. Make her question herself as to why you're not interested in her. Then she'll soon find herself interested in you, and start to like you." Donghae said. Siwon looked at the ground confused.

"But anyways... of course a person like you won't understand a girl's heart. Just keep on doing what you're doing. Girls fall for you that way either... I don't even know why." Donghae said making Siwon chuckle.

"Yah, what are you trying to say?" Siwon asked. "Nothing... so, continue?"

"Okay... well, we met today... for her it was accidental... but for me, I knew she was at the park. We went out to eat and when we were going to depart, we... kissed a little."

"WHAT!!!! KISS???!!!!!" Donghae asked shocked, standing up from his seat. He looked at his mask that was ruined already.

"Yah! How can you kiss her after just two days of meeting her?" Donghae asked.

"Well, it was just the right time. And... we exchanged cell phone numbers as well. SHE asked for mine first." Siwon said proudly. Donghae scoffed.

"Yah, you do remember why you're there in the first place, right?" He asked.

"Yeah... I know very well. Don't worry. I'm sticking to it." Siwon said.

"Why are you saying that?" He questioned Donghae. "Because... I'm just... I just feel weird about this." Donghae said.

"Why? What's weird?" Siwon asked. "It's just all this... playing around and everything." Donghae said.

"Don't worry. I have it all under control. I just need to get information from her and return back then get revenge." Siwon said. Donghae smacked his lips and took a deep breath.

"Okay... whatever you say. Just... never mind. Yah, just do something to get closer to her where you'd see her everyday. And when you do that, just don't pay so much attention to her. Make her come to you. Ask her questions and just hurry back all right? I don't want you to get hurt." Donghae said. Siwon chuckled and shook his head.

"I'll be fine. How's father?" He asked. "He's... doing fine. Working everyday as usual. Nothing has changed." Donghae said. Siwon nodded his head and looked down, in his lips.

"All right, I need to go now. I'll call you again sometime." Siwon said then hung up. He looked at Fany's picture and crossed his arms in front of him.



"Yah, why is it raining?" Fany asked looking at the sky from in front of her workplace.

She doesn't have a car, so she walks to work most of the time, or she rides on her bicycle. But since she needed to clear off her mind, she decided to take a walk instead. Wrong choice for her tonight.

"Ugh... how long are you going to rain for?" Fany asked sitting down on a bench nearby.



Siwon got out of the shower and heard his phone ringing.

"Hello?" Siwon answered not looking at the caller.

Fany held her phone against her ear, feeling a sense of guilt.

"Oh, Choi Siwon... um, sorry to call you so late. But are you sleeping yet?" She asked. Siwon smiled and looked at the time: 12:45 am

"Um, I actually am not sleeping yet. I couldn't sleep, so I'm still up. Why?" Siwon asked. "I uh... I don't own a car... and I didn't ride my bicycle to work today. And it's raining..." she said then looked down.

"Do you have anyone to come pick you up?" Siwon asked. "Um... well, Eunhyuk... but... I uh..." Fany tried to think of something to say other than "I don't feel comfortable around him." or "He's my old bodyguard my dad sent back to look after me and I don't want him to come!"

"He's probably sleeping. I don't want to bother him." Fany chuckled nervously. "Well, I could've been sleeping too." Siwon joked around. Fany scoffed and looked down.

"Well, I hope you wouldn't. And you aren't, so..." Fany said unable to ask him to come pick her up. Siwon sat down and waited for what she was going to ask.

"Um... can you... um..." Fany didn't want to sound desperate. But she really needed a ride at the moment. She in her lips and closed her eyes.

"Can you come pick me up please?" She blurted out. Siwon smiled and looked down. "Right... um... I uh, I actually can't right now. I um, have a late appointment to do at the office. So..."

"Oh," Fany said sadly, pouting her lips. "It's okay then. Bye!" She said then hung up fast. Siwon looked at his phone after she hung up and walked to get something to drink from the fridge.



Fany looked around the street and saw only a little amount of people walking by. She looked down and got up.

"I guess... I have to make a run for it." She said then sighed and shrugged her shoulders up.

"Why can't the rain just stop?" She whined. She rubbed her arms from the cold since she was only wearing a thin cardigan. She took a deep breath and lifted her bag over her head.

"Okay... deep breaths... ready... set, go!" She said then ran as fast as she could. She squinted her eyes and felt her clothes already soaking wet. She went to hide behind a small shelter and wiped the water off her soaking clothes.

"Man, I'm all wet." She said sniffing already. She shuddered from the cold and rubbed her arms again. She took another deep breath.

"Okay... again..." she said then ran off, but some kind of force stopped her. She looked at the hand around her arm and looked up at its rightful owner and found Siwon in front of her. He held an umbrella over her was warmly clothed in two jackets.

"Oh... Choi... Siwon..." Fany called him shocked. He looked at her and scooted closer to her, releasing his hand when she calmed down. He covered the both of them with his umbrella and took off one of his big jacket.

"What are you doing here? I thought..." Fany said looking at his eyes that weren't looking back at her. "I was supposed to be at work." He said then wrapped his jacket around her and looked in her eyes.

"But then you were more important than work right now. So I came to you." He told her with a warm smile. Fany felt her heart sink to the ground.

"Are you cold?" He asked zipping up the jacket. She still had her eyes on him, not leaving them for a minute. When he was finished, he looked at her and chuckled.

"What?" He asked. "Someone's in love with me. Hehe, I don't blame her. Who won't fall for my charms?" Siwon thought to himself.

Fany was still in shock, her eyes wide opened. Siwon gently placed the palm of his hand on her cheek. She twitched and came back to reality.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked with a short chuckle. She looked away from his eyes and gulped down her saliva.

"Uh... you just... you just surprised me. I uh... I didn't expect you to be here." She said. He smiled and removed his hand from her face.

"Well, here I am." He said then wrapped am arm around her shoulder. "Sorry, I don't own a car either, so I'll just walk you home." He told her. "It's more romantic on your part... isn't it?" Siwon thought to himself.

"It's okay. We can just walk. At least I have someone to walk with me… and an umbrella to shield us." She said with a short chuckle.

Siwon smiled and walked off with her, releasing his hold on her shoulder. If he saw right, she pouted from disappointment that he didn't hold her shoulder longer. He scoffed in his mind proudly.



They were walking on a slow pace, as if they were enjoying their time in the rain.

"Gosh! Can't you walk faster? I need to get back home too." Siwon thought to himself.

"Wait... since I'm here, this is my chance to ask." He thought then looked at Fany and smiled.

"So... why do you live by yourself?" He asked her. She glanced up at him and forced on a smile. "Well, it's kind of complicated. But that was just how I was put. So... that's why." She said.

"Psh, kind of complicated? Just say your pathetic father wanted to desert you with no protection because he thought we won't find you..." Siwon moved aside from his thought and smiled.

"Oh... aren't your parents scared that someone might kidnap you or rob your house or something?" He asked. She scoffed and chuckled a little. "They are... that's why they left me out here by myself. But...  Eunhyuk is here... well, he's supposedly here to protect me. Psh, it's so annoying." She said with a scoff. Siwon looked at Fany confused.

"So... Lee Eunhyuk... you're here to protect Ms. Hwang Fany... hmm..." Siwon glanced at his watch and noticed it was almost two in the morning.


"I am so tired! What am I doing here?" He cursed himself for being there. He calmed himself and tried to act normal.


"Why is he annoying?" He asked. "Well, it's just stupid. My dad thinks that me living far over here will be safe for me. He leaves me by myself, and rarely comes to visit. Then out of nowhere, sends Eunhyuk to come and "protect" me. It's just stupid. Why can't he just come do it himself?" Fany asked with a little anger in her voice.

"Well, where does your dad live now then?" Siwon asked. Fany looked away and sighed. "It's... just someplace... someplace far away..." she said.

"I guess he got you to hide it from everyone else too..."

"Well, where's your mom? What does she think about all this?" He asked. Fany pouted her lips and chuckled from her breath, looking at him. "She... doesn't live with us anymore. She left us."

"Well I can see why. Who wouldn't?" He thought to himself.

"Oh... I'm sorry." He said. "No, it's okay. Sometimes I think it's better for her to leave us anyways. I mean, if she were to stay... she'd be in a lot of misery right now."

"Why's that?" Siwon asked. He looked ahead and could see the front of her apartment coming to view. "It's a long story." She said looking down at her feet. He smiled and coughed a little.



When they got to the door step of her apartment, Fany turned to face Siwon with a smile on her face.

"Thanks... Choi Siwon... for walking me home." She said looking down. "You must want me to kiss you... ha! That must be the cue." He thought looking at her flicking her keys in her hand.

"You're welcome." He said just standing there. She looked at him for a while.

"Fany! Just get inside! This is so awkward!!!! Again... ugh, why are you standing there? Carry your legs inside! Right now!" She thought in her head.

She looked at Siwon who was looking at her with a warm and handsome smile. Before anything could happen, Fany quickly unlocked the door.

"Good night!" She said quickly then closed the door and locked it. Siwon stood out there and scoffed.

"Good night to you too." He said then looked around her apartment. He slowly walked out and looked back at the living room light that was . He straightened his face and took a deep breath.

"What are you doing here?" He heard someone say. Siwon focused his eyes on the image that was appearing from the corner, showing slowly from the side light.


A/N: Uh-oh... who is it?? Fany's appa?? Eunhyuk? His father?????????

It shall be revealed soon!!!! Muahahaha...

Welcome new subs! And thanks to everyone for all your lovely comments!

Until next time, Saranghae!!! <3

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Chapter 1: it is a nice chapter
please write more
PrettyInRed #2
Chapter 18: Sequel please!!!!!!! ^_^
That story is daebak! (Y)
claribelmiranda #3
Chapter 18: Awwwww... What a sad ending though :( but nice story after all kekeke ^^
PianoSica #4
Chapter 18: Please make a sequel
MellyJoice407 #5
Chapter 18: What happen to Donghae?
I love this fanfics.
Sequel sequel sequel
Chapter 18: Although it's hard to wait till fall, still want a sequel!! :D
Chapter 18: noooooooooooooooo :((( . sequel please , but i don't want fany with another guy ):> ..