
The Repeated Wish

[His Mind]

"Hey baby!" JongIn turned around and smiled when JungMae walked through the door of his apartment. He already wanted to move in together, but she wanted to buy a house together after they got married. JongIn's smile faded away when he saw a serious look on her face. "Something wrong love?"

"We-we need to ta-talk." She finally stuttered after a pause of silence.

"Sure." He patted the spot next to him as he sat on the couch and twirled ice in the glass cup that was in his hand. She shook her head and continued to stand as she started to talk.

"I have a confession. I've been cheating on you." She looked up as he gave a small, nervous chuckle.

"Hah this isn't a funny joke JungMae."

"I'm not joking JongIn. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you!" Tears streamed down her face as a loud crack was heard. JongIn looked down to see the glass cup that he was previously holding shattered on the ground.

"I-I don't be-believe you. How cou-could you do th-this?" Reality hit like a car as he felt a wave of nausea rushed over him. JongIn stood up and quickly had to grab the couch handle as he swayed.

"JongIn, are you ok?!" JungMae rushed torwards him as he lightly pushed her away.

"Do-don't touch m-me. I'm fi-fine." He grabbed his head as it started to throb in pain.

"No, you're not ok. Sit down." She tried getting him to sit down but JongIn was stubborn.

"I need space. Ju-just leave."

"I'm not going to leave, you're obviously not in the best condition right now!" She was stubborn too but he could put up a fight.

"And who made me like this?! Who broke who's heart right now?! Huh?!" JungMae quickly understood and backed up to the front door.

"I'll get going." As she walked away she turned around one last time to look at him. Slowly but surely she slipped her ring off and put it on the small table by the front door. "I'm sorry." She whispered before walking out and closing the door. The door clicked as JongIn stared at the broken glass near his feet. He didn't bother cleaning it up as he grabbed his car keys and drove to the nearest bar.


[Her Mind]

"Hello?" EunJi picked up her phone as she sat on a swing. Playgrounds were always one of her favorite places and the feeling of being on a swing had a calming effect on her. EunJi's swollen, puffy, red eyes stared at the ground as her face displayed tear-stained cheeks.

"Is this Ms. EunJi?"

"Yes this is, may I ask who's speaking?"

"This is a worker at Down Low Bar. A guy here passed out from too many drinks and his phone was open to your contact name. Do you mind picking him up?"

"Sure, thank you for letting me know. I'll be there soon." She got into her car and looked at the time.


She quickly made the repeated wish that she made for five years before driving over to the Down Low Bar in Seoul.

"Hi, I'm EunJi. Someone called me to pick up my friend." A bartender looked up from behind the dark shelf of drinks and smiled.

"He's over here!" She followed the extremely tall bartender to the other side of the bar to find JongIn passed out in a booth.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble." EunJi apologized.

"It's ok, you're friend is quite fun to talk to when he's drunk. The most fun I've had in the four years I've worked here." He chuckled. She looked at his face in the now light-up booth and noticed that he had a slight baby-face besides his low voice.

"Four years? You only look like you're eighteen or nineteen."

"I started working here as a waiter when I was eighteen and now I'm a bartender at age twenty-two. You look about the same age as me."

"Exactly the same age. Thank you for everything-" EunJi paused, not knowing his name.

"ChanYeol. I'm Park ChanYeol."

"Lee EunJi." They shook hands as JongIn quietly grunted and turned in the booth. "I should probably get him home. Is it fine if I pick up his car tomorrow? I saw it in the parking lot."

"Yea, that's fine. Do you need help bringing him to the car?" ChanYeol offered. EunJi looked at JongIn and laughed as she accepted his offer.

A few minutes later we finally got JongIn in the back seat of my car.

"I'll see you tomorrow EunJi?"

"Yea, I'll see you ChanYeol." She started driving away until she realized that she didn't know where JongIn lived. She grabbed his phone and went through his recent locations on his GPS App. She pressed 'home' on the app as it gave me directions to JongIn's place.


[His Mind]

JongIn woke up with a splitting headache as he squinted and looked around. He found himself in his bed as the smell of coffee grabbed his attention. He didn't remember going home and he had no idea who took him there. He desperately hoped it wasn't JungMae. He tried sitting up but ended up groaning in pain as the headache made him feel like a car ran over his head.

"Don't try getting up again. It'll feel worse the second try." He heard a voice tell him from what sounded like his apartment kitchen. JongIn tried to figure out who's voice it was but the hangover wasn't helping one bit. He ignored the voice's advice and tried sitting up again.

"Arghhhhh!" The feeling of a car running over his head changed to a train running over his head.

"I told you, you stubborn dummy." The smell of coffee became stronger as the voice got louder. The door of his room opened as JongIn shook his head in disbelief as EunJi appeared. She carefully put the hot cup of coffee on his night stand as he continued to stare at her.

"EunJi, what are you doing here? How'd you know where I live?"

"Wow, how about.. EunJi, thanks for getting home last night when I was a drunk mess!" EunJi mimicked JongIn's voice with a load of sarcasm. JongIn sheepishly smiled at his former best friend. "Your GPS App told me where you live. The bartender named ChanYeol called me last night and asked me to pick you up at the bar cause you passed out."

"Oh well thanks. Sorry for being such a burdon. You can go home if you want. Your boyfriend, uhhh.. Yixing, yea that's his name, he must be worried about you." JongIn immediately regretted what he said once a tear rolled down EunJi's cheek.

"Uhm we broke up last night, but it's uhmm it's nothing." She tried being strong but her tears continued to fall one by one. JongIn ignored his throbbing head and sat up for a quick second to pull EunJi into his arms. He pulled her close to his chest as he comforted her as they lay in his bed. He hoped the smell of alchohol from his clothes wasn't bothering EunJi. She was far into tears to notice anything.

For a few minutes they lay on his bed in silence, only hearing her muffled sobs that soaked his clothes. After awhile EunJi slowly sat up and wiped her tears away.

"Uhm I made you coffee." EunJi grabbed the cup from JongIn's night stand and handed it to him. "I have to go to the bathroom." She quickly left the room before JongIn could protest. He quietly sipped the coffee that soothed his headache away.

Once he finished his coffee he realized that the apartment was quiet. For awhile he thought EunJi had left, until he heard a yell. He quickly dashed out of his room to find EunJi in the living room with a bleeding foot.

"I promise I didn't break that glass!" EunJi apologized as she tried sitting down somewhere to look at her foot. JongIn quickly regretted not cleaning the glass cup up from the night before and felt a pang of guilt.

"It's ok, that's my broken cup from yesterday. I should've cleaned that up." He assured her as he helped her sit down on the couch. After safely taking the glass out of her foot and cleaning the wound, JongIn sighed as he cleaned the glass from the floor.

"Why do you have broken glass on your floor?" JongIn stopped cleaning the glass as he looked up at EunJi to answer her question.

"I had the glass in my hand when JungMae told me... that she was cheating on me. It's over between her and me."


[Her Mind]

EunJi felt sorry for JongIn as tears held their place on the brim of his eyes. He had been head over heels for JungMae ever since highschool and they had a strong relationship. They were even engaged! Who knew the innocent girl was a cheating, stupid liar?! Well she found out through the most awkward way, but she was sure JongIn's heart broke as much as hers did. The only difference was they had different heartbreakers. EunJi was grateful that JungMae admitted it so she wouldn't have to be the one to tell JongIn.

"I'm so sorry." EunJi replied as JongIn turned to stare at the floor.

"Thanks." Silence overcame all as EunJi glanced at JongIn. She waited for the moment when his tears would fall slowly than all at once, but it didn't seem to come. The tears firmly held their place as they made his eyes seem glassy.

"JongIn, it's ok to cry." She told him. He shook his head as if she was lying.

"Cry? Why would I do that? I'll be fine without her. It's not like I loved her or anythi-" JongIn chocked back on his tears as they started to fall. "I loved her! Why would she do this to me?! Why?! I loved her! How could she do this?" JongIn shouted out his misery as EunJi quickly moved in and comforted him.

"Love hurts." She whispered as his sobs became the only sound in the quiet apartment. "You just have to stay strong."

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danger093 #1
Chapter 2: Well..... that was..... so ....... unexpected......
I can just imagine Yixing and his...... D___O
I can't even!!!!