Sunday Part 2~

Can this possibly be a dream?

A/N: Enjoy^^ Remember to tell me what you think!! PLEASE! *begs on knees* heheh saranghaeyo~


"Uh.. Hyung? What about Ryeowook and Sungmin? They have to come to practice too.." Donghae asks.

Suddenly Leeteuk's eyes go wide.

"Oh my gosh.. With everything thats been happening, I cant believe i forgot them.." 

"Its okay hyung, I'll call them now" Donghae says.

"Neh hyung.... We are just headed down to the vans..... Okay, meet us down there okay? .... Neh"

Eunhyuk is still holding my hand tightly, but not tight enough to hurt. He's keeping me right at his side. His grip tightens slightly and I can feel him stiffen when the elevator stops in the parkinglot. I give his hand a couple squeezes in return to let him know that everything is going to be okay. 

He points in a direction while nudging Heechul. They exchange a couple words while I try to see what they were pointing at. Suddenly I feel myself being pulled  sideways, and now Eunhyuk and I are in the center of all the members. They act like a barrier.

I still dont even know what is going on...

Just as I try to peek through a crack in the 'barrier', Eunhyuk pulls me around to the other side of him and puts his arm around my shoulder, side hugging me into his chest. Its just around that moment that I hear girls screaming and lots of footsteps. The next thing I know, Im being blinded by lights. All the members pull out sunglasses and put them on. Eunhyuk hands me a pair, and motions for me to put them on.

We finally get the the vans, where the managers are waiting. When they see the 'barrier' being attacked by fans, they rush out and peel the girls off and try to block them enough that we can get into the van. The vans arent big enough to hold everyone, so we had to take two. In my van, there is Eunhyuk, me, Yesung, Leeteuk, and Sungmin&Ryeowook, who just caught up with us. 

"Kyuhyun and Shindong will meet us there. They are just finishing their own business" Leeteuk informs us and the manager.

Once the other members got into their van, we start to move. Eunhyuk finally relaxes just a little. I reach up to take the sunglasses off and give them back to him.

"No. Keep them on" He says.

I just look at him, confused.

"No one is allowed to see you... There are lots of paparazi and fans outside of the SM building."

I make an "o" expression and just hold the sunglasses in my lap. Eunhyuk lets go of my hand and turns around. He grabs a bag and starts to rummage through it. He pulled out a piece of fabric and passed it to me. I spread it out on my lap, and this is what it looks like:

My jaw drops.

I recognize this! This is Eunhyuks!! He wants me to wear it?!

I look at him and he reaches over and picks it up. He motions for me to come closer, so I lean in. Suddenly I feel very nervous. Almost sick to my stomach with all the commotion inside me. My heart is pounding so fast and hard I swear he could hear it. He looks me directly in the eyes as he reaches out to my face. The fabric of the mask softly collides with my face and he tugs gently on it as he tucks it behind my ears. Thank God the mask covers my cheeks because I swear I am blushing so hard. He gives me a soft smile as he pulls away.

The van stops and I can see that we are at SM Entertainment. Leeteuk opens the door and tosses something at me. I catch it before it hits me in the face and look at it, then at him in confusion.

"Look ____.. Its a little awkward, but you probably want to change right? This is probably the most private place you will find..." He says.

I stare at him in shock.

He wants me to change... here... in the car??! What?!

"Dont worry, the windows are super tinted... We'll just wait outside" He quickly said as he rushed outside nervously. 

The other members quickly followed. I saw them meet up with the others and greet the fans and paparazi. Well, all except for Eunhyuk that is. He leaned against the van and waited.

Guess I better change...

I take a quick but careful look around to make sure there was no one around that could see me. I unfold the clothes and notice that these arent guys' clothes like I was expecting. In fact, I've seen this in a store.... and I almost bought it...


After a moment of being confused as to WHY Super Junior would have this outfit, I quickly changed. I knocked on the van door and Eunhyuk opened it. He smiled, and I got that dang feeling in my tummy again. In the blink of an eye, all the members were surrounding us, making that barrier. Eunhyuk grabed my sunglasses from my hand and put them on me, making my heart rate increase by about a million times. He pulled me into a short hug then grabbed my hand. We all started walking and I just kept my head down. Mostly because of the flashes. I swear I was going to be blind. And also partly because I didnt want any chance of the paparazi or fans seeing me. I know I have my  Eunhyuks mask on and sunglasses, but still. We enter the building. 

"Annyeonghaseyo" The receptionist greets Super Junior with a bow.

"Annyeong!" They say back, giving small bows.

Leeteuk leads us to a room, and we all pile in. I look all around.

(minus the people)

 Wow.... So this is where it all happens... 

The members go to the side and take off their sunglasses and other miscellaneous assesories. Leeteuk takes clothes out of a bag and hands them to Eunhyuk.

"Go change" He says.

Eunhyuk looks at him, then looks at me. I can see worry in his eyes. I take off my mask and sunglasses and walk over to him. 

"Go on, I'll be fine" I tell him.

"We'll take care of her, dont worry" Shindong says as he and Kyuhyun enter the room. 

I put my arms around his neck and give him a hug. He hugs me back.

"Dont worry about me, I'll be right here when you get back" I whisper in his ear.

We let go and I wave at him as he leaves the room. 

"He's really worried about you, you know" Ryeowook says, while putting a hand on my shoulder. 

I just bite my lip and look down.

He should be focusing on his work, not being worried about me. What do I do?

"Alright everyone, lets get to work!" Leeteuk says.

I look up to find Eunhyuk back in the room. Ryeowook gives my shoulder a squeeze and walks over to the others. I walk over to the group too.

"Uhm.. Where do I sit?" I ask, kind of awkwardly.

"You can sit right over there, in front of the mirrors" Kangin says.

I nod and make my way over there and sit down. Leeteuk puts a CD in the CD player and presses play. A remix of their songs comes on and they start a warmup. After about 20 minutes of stretching and getting warmed up, they all gather in the center and put their hands in the middle.

"One, Two, Three..." Leeteuk calls

"SUPER JUNIOR" They all shout together.

Leeteuk runs over and puts in a different CD and presses play. They all get into position and the song starts. I knew it immediatly.

Cause I can't stop
No I can stop
The first moment I saw you
I couldn't help but want you
Don't look at me like that
I haven't started the game with you yet
Focus on my fortune telling skills
I will find your perfect match
I will be that man
Cause I can't stop thinking about you girl
I'm going to make you mine
No I can't stop thinking about a girl
I want us to be together

Your youthful, soft skin
And your long, fragranced hair
When you attack me with an angry voice
There's no way I can win
I've prepared a magic trick for you
There's a ring inside this rose
I will be your man
Cause I can't stop thinking about you girl
I want to be with you
No I can't stop thinking about you girl
Don't just leave me here
Cause I can't stop thinking about you girl
I'm going to make you mine
No I can't stop thinking about you girl
I want us to be together

Your subtle scent brings back memories
My heart beat quickens whenever I look into your eyes
I've tried to forget you but it's not possible
I will run towards and find you
To make you mine, I'll risk all that I've got
I'm going to lose it all
Take note, the game has already started
Now I'm going to be your man
I'll make you want me, be attached to be (can't stop)
Cause I can't stop thinking about you girl
I want to be with you
No I can't stop thinking about you girl
Don't just leave me here
Cause I can't stop thinking about you girl
I'm going to make you mine
No I can't stop thinking about you girl
I want us to be together
Cause I can't stop
No I can't stop
Cause I can't stop


Once the music stopped, I clapped with all my excitement. I had to try really hard not to fangirl in the middle of the song. Everytime Eunhyuk would sing, he would look right at me, and I kept getting that weird feeling in my tummy..

They all looked at me and smiled. I gave them all a 'thumbs up'. All the excitement stopped when the door opened. Everyone looked at the door to see the manager with bewildered look on his face. And guess what he was looking at? Me.

(A/N: The manager is the guy in the chapter picture)

Oh sh*t. Im going to be in so much trouble.. I knew I shouldnt have come here in the first place.

My heart starts to beat really fast as his expression changes from confused to shocked to angry, and he starts to walk towards me. When he's right infront of me, he grabs my arm and yanks me up from the floor.

"And just who do you think you are?!" He starts to yell at me.

In a flash Eunhyuk was by my side, and before I could respond, Eunhyuk started talking.

"YAH! What do you think you are doing?! Let her go!" Eunhyuk yells back at his manager

"Lee Hyukjae! Who do you think you are to talk to me like this?!"

The managers grip on my arm tightens and I cringe from the pain. I can feel tears forming in my eyes. All the members are so shocked, no one knows what to do. Thankfully someone comes to the rescue.

"Hyung, please stop this. This is all just a misunderstanding. Please let her go." Leeteuk speaks to the manager in his calmest voice.

I look up to Eunhyuk and I can see that he is still really upset and glaring at his manager. The manager roughly lets go of my arm and Leeteuk pulls him away to talk to him. Eunhyuk gently grabs my arm and looks at it. I wince from the pain. I can feel him stiffen, and I look at my arm. There's a small bruise from where the manager was holding my arm. He lets go of my arm and starts to walk in the direction of where Leeteuk and the manager are talking. I can tell he is going to yell at him again. I quickly grab his wrist.

"Eunhyuk" I say.

He turns around and I can see that he has many emotions right now. Mad, worried, and hurt, just to name a few.

"Im okay" I reassure him.

"No you are not. Are you stupid?! Have you seen what he did to you?!" He snaps at me.

Im taken aback by how he just snapped at me. I let go of his wrist and take a couple steps back. I feel the tears comming back. He immediatly softens and reaches for my arm.

"____... Oh my gosh, Im so---" He says

I cut him off

"Dont. Just dont" I say

Before he can touch me, I take another step back and run out of the room, trying to hold in my tears. Since I dont know my way around the building, I run into the lobby to look for a bathroom. My vision became blurry with tears and I end up running into someone.

"Im s-s-sorry" I say and try to continue finding a bathroom.

"Are you okay miss?" I hear the person yell from behind me.

I just ignore who ever it was, and keep on going. I cant find a bathroom, so I come up to a hallway that looks unoccupied and slide down the wall. I just cry, and I dont care who hears me. Okay, maybe Im blowing this out of proportion.. I just cant believe his said that to me.

Am I just being too sensitive today?

Once I've finally calmed down a bit, I hug my knees to my chest and just sit there.

"There you are.. Are you okay?" I hear someone ask

I look up to find Heechul kneeling infront of me. I nod, but tears start to form again, so I quickly put my head back down.

"Hey, hey... dont cry....." He crawls around to beside me and puts an arm around me.

After a couple minutes, I think I've cried myself dry. I look up again when I hear Heechul standing up. He holds a hand out for me.

"Come on, lets get you cleaned up so we can go back. Everyone is worried about you." He says

I grab his hand and he helps me up. I whipe my face quickly, then he lets go of my hand and reaches in his pocket. He pulls out eyeliner and smiles at me.

"Close your eyes" He says.

I do as Im told, and I can feel the coldness of the liquid eyeliner being spread across my eyelids. Im just hoping he's doing a good job and not making me look bad.

"Alright... now open" I open my eyes and he smiles at me again.

"Perfect" He says and grabs my hand again

We start to walk back to the practice room, and Im dreading it. I dont want to be in the same room as Eunhyuk. We come to a stop outside the practice room.

"Hey, dont start crying again. I dont want you to ruin my masterpiece!" He says, jokingly.

We both laugh a bit. He opens the door and we become serious again. I can feel everyone looking at me, so I just keep my head down.

He leads me more into the room. We stop infront of someone, and I can tell its not Eunhyuk, so I slowly look up. Sungmin's worried face meets mine and he immediatly gives me a hug.

"Good, you stay with her. I've got business to take care of" Heechul says and walks off.

Sungmin releases me and Ryeowook, Yesung, Kangin, and Shindong all come over. I look over to where Leeteuk, Heechul, Eunhyuk, and the manager are talking. They arent fighting, but I can tell there is serious talk going on. I turn my attention back to the group, and realize that everyone else is here. Except for Kyuhyun, I dont know where he is... Heechul walks back over to us.

"____, Im going to take you home. Im sure thats okay with you, right?" He says.

I nod my head and wave 'bye' to everyone. I walk out of the room with Heechul, avoiding Eunhyuk's eyes.


A/N: Holy.. That took along time to write. Im kind of getting writers block >V< poor Eunhyuk.. and poor you! sad times D:  

The next chapter will be Eunhyuks POV so you can know what he was thinking and all that fun stuff~

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I apologize, dear readers... because Im trying to update 2 stories... I dont know how much time Im going to have to update. BUT I will update whenever I can


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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 15: My heart broke for them
hazelbell #2
Oh my gosh! This is soooo cute!! Please update soon!
partysami #3
Chapter 2: I like this story!!
saphirebluelove #4
Chapter 12: Don't deleted it is awesome your fanfic i love it
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Yay! An Update! ^_^
Amalabdullahi_ #6
Chapter 9: KYAA I'm loving the strory please update soon!!<33
Chapter 5: Hohoho kyu is that a little jealousy I'm sensing??? O.o
Chapter 1: Wait is this only the first chapter? Are you kidding me? Omona this is beautiful
XD I'm in the library reading this on my phone smiling like an idiot and people walk by looking at me like I'm and idiot
Oh well you're story is just to good XD
Yeners #9
Chapter 5: Please Update Soon!!!
jeastories #10
Chapter 3: update please...really soon,can't wait... >.<