In Time

Can this possibly be a dream?

A/N: I had writers block for the longest time with this one... Im sorry T_T

Please let me know if you want a scene between a certain member or anything like that



I lift my arm up and study the remaining bruise. Its already been a month. 

I pick up my phone from my side table and turn it to silent. 35 missed calls, 50 unread messages. 

Im still not ready to talk to him yet.

The memories from that day, one month ago, float unwanted into my mind like a rushing river. 

Why cant I bring myself to answer his calls? Why cant I just.... forget...

Before the tears fall for the millionth time, I climb off my bed and walk downstairs. Mom greets me with a sad smile, and I slip on my shoes. 

She was right, I should have never asociated with idols...

I walk out the door without a word and head straight for the park. This is a regular routine for me. 

Since its around dinner, it shouldnt be too busy. I cross my fingers. 

I walk through the familiar gates, too my favorite swing, and sit down.

The sweet aroma of coffee and hot chocolate fill my lungs as I sit there, taking deep breaths to clear my head. I close my eyes and rid my mind of all thoughts.

"_____?" I hear my name being called.

Faced flash in my mind as I try to put that familiar name to a match. Curiousity gets the best of me and I look to the direction of the voice.

"I knew it was you" Ryeowook says with a gentle smile.

I give him a small smile in return, using alot of the energy in my body to force it out. He sits on the swing next to mine and takes off his sunglasses. 

"What are you doing here?" I whisper, fighting the urge to hug him.

I still miss them all.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." He says with a small laugh.

He takes a deep breath and continues.

"I just came here to clear my mind. We've been really busy preparing for our comeback, and the stress is really getting to me" He confesses.

I look to the ground and sigh.

"I also came here to clear my mind" I say quietly.

He doesnt say anything, and silence covers us for a while. He shuffles uncomfortably in his swing.

"I know you dont want to hear this..." He trails off.

I wait for him to continue, guessing what he could be about to tell me.

"Hyukjae-ah... He's really sorry. I know I cant apologize for him, but we are all worried about him. He's been staying later and later after practice and returning home dead tired... And sometimes... drunk... I hear him sobbing sometimes in his room..." He trails off and takes a deep breath.

His voice wavers as he continues.

"He's really a mess _____-ah... He walks around like a zombie, barely comming out of his room. He's really not himself anymore. We've tried everything..." He trails off again. 

This time he doesnt continue. I carefully glance at him and tears streak his face. I notice my face wet too. I didnt notice I was crying. 

"I-I... Im s-sorry..." I trail off, sobs escaping my lips unintentionally.

"Its not your fault" He whispers.

He's lying

"Yes it is" I raise my voice slightly, accidentally.

"Its all my fault!" I sob again, unable to keep it back.

"If only I'd stop being stupid and just forgive him! If only I'd returned his calls..." I trail off in a whisper as a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.

"Shh... Its okay" Comforting words repeated softly in my ear.

Instead of calming down like intended, they encourage more tears, if even possible. The next thing I know, Im wrapped in a tight embrace, not on the swing anymore. Being rocked back and forth slowely, I allowed myself to get comfortable into his chest. 

(A/N: Ryeowook sings a song to her now.. this is the link: )

I finally feel myself calming down as he finishes the song. After a few minutes of comanded deep breaths, I realize that its practically dark out. I start to sit up, and Ryeowook helps me stand.

"I should probably--" I get cut off by my stomach demanding something to eat or drink.

"Hungry?" Ryeowook smiles sweetly, hiding a laugh.

"Ani, I should probably go home now anyways" I say, wiping under my eyes.

He grabs my hand and starts to walk back towards the park gates. I dont resist or argue. He leads me over to a crosswalk and we wait for the light to change. He puts his hand, with mine, in his pocket and flashes me a cute smile.

All this time and I never noticed what a great smile he has...

The light finally changes and we cross the street with an elderly couple. I hear them making comments about us, thinking we are a couple. I blush at the thought.

After  passing a few stores, we finally turn into one. Ryeowook leads me over to a secluded corner and we sit on either side of the table. 

"What can I get for you two?" A petite woman asks, holding a pen and notepad.

I shake my head, telling her I dont want anything. She nods and turns to Ryeowook. 

"Two hot chocolates please" Ryeowook answeres with a warm smile.

She nods again and walks away. I turn to Ryeowook with a shocked expression. He flashes me another cute smile.

"I would like to stay in contact with you... If thats okay?" He turns serious.

I nod my head.

"Of course" I respond, reaching into my pockets for my phone.

"Darn it" I mutter.

He gives me a questioning look. 

"I left it at home..." I explain, kind of embarrassed.

He makes and 'I understand' face and thinks for a moment. I reaches into his pocket and hands me his phone. 

I insert my name and number into a new contact, and he suddenly slides into my side of the booth.

This time I give him a questioning look.

"Picture!" He grins widely.

"I dont like my picture taken!" I whine.

"Too bad, we are doing it whether you want to or not" He states matter-of-factly.

I pout and he slings his arm around me. He takes his phone from me and extends his hand, pointing the camera at us.

"Be cute!" He demands excitedly.

I puff out my cheeks and put the 'v' sign over one eye.

I hear the click of the camera and he looks at the picture. 

"Waaah so cute!" He cheers, pinching my cheeks.

I scoff and push him off. He slides back into his own side and the waitress comes back with our drinks. 

"Thankyou" Ryeowook and I say in unison.

A couple minutes and a burnt tongue later, Im finally able to drink my hot chocolate properly.

"Would you like to come back to the dorms with me this weekend?" Ryeowook says out of no where.

I just about choke and do a spit take on the remaining bit of my drink. I forget to respond; thoughts running through my mind.

"You dont have to... I just thought----" He explains.

"Ani....uhm... I want to..." I cut him off softly.

"Jincha?" He asks, shocked and excited at the same time.

I nod my head slowely, thinking over what I just agreed to.

Dear God.... Please dont let this be a mistake...





A/N: THERE. I hope you enjoyed it.... Please tell me what I can fix to make this better, and what you want to see in the future. I also need to know if any of you want to see a particular member more? I will see if I can incoorporate it. If I made a poll would that make it easier? LET ME KNOW.

To be honest, Im not even sure if there are any people reading my story anymore.... the thought kind of saddens me, but I can cope. 

because I feel so bad about not updating in a while, I will post an update tomorrow. I promise. 

ALSO! VOTE FOR SUPER JUNIOR IN MTV 2013 ITALY. They are losing to someone and they dont deserve to. I have all the info on my blog, with the link. DONT CHEAT OKAY?! ELF DONT CHEAT.

I thought this is just too cute~
They take my breath away every single time...
This is actually really cute... my feelings and my heart... wahh
Oh Hae.... You cutie
I feel this way right now.... I dont know why...
But I also feel this way.... I think Im going crazy
And now I leave you with this picture of our oppa's, our Super Men. Forever 15~
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Thank you!
I apologize, dear readers... because Im trying to update 2 stories... I dont know how much time Im going to have to update. BUT I will update whenever I can


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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 15: My heart broke for them
hazelbell #2
Oh my gosh! This is soooo cute!! Please update soon!
partysami #3
Chapter 2: I like this story!!
saphirebluelove #4
Chapter 12: Don't deleted it is awesome your fanfic i love it
Yeners #5
Chapter 12: Yay! An Update! ^_^
Amalabdullahi_ #6
Chapter 9: KYAA I'm loving the strory please update soon!!<33
Chapter 5: Hohoho kyu is that a little jealousy I'm sensing??? O.o
Chapter 1: Wait is this only the first chapter? Are you kidding me? Omona this is beautiful
XD I'm in the library reading this on my phone smiling like an idiot and people walk by looking at me like I'm and idiot
Oh well you're story is just to good XD
Yeners #9
Chapter 5: Please Update Soon!!!
jeastories #10
Chapter 3: update please...really soon,can't wait... >.<