Plane Ride

Living Next Door to a Jerk

.: Saturday; 9:15 :.


Eun Ji's POV:





I walked into the plane and found flight attendants welcoming me with happy smiles. "Hello! Welcome to Delta Airlines! Please take your seats," the woman said happily while dragging her arms across the seats like she owns the place.






The plane was pretty small compared to what I've usually been in. There were three rows, with the middle one containing three seats and the neighboring ones on both sides having only two seats side-by-side at the windows.




I politely gave the flight attendant a quick smile while looking up on each of the luggage compartments on the upper part of the plane to find my seat number. After walking down the aisle for 5 minutes, I finally found the exact number that was on my airplane ticket. #30.






I huffed a big sigh before attempting to lift my heavy luggage onto the luggage compartment. Urgh... Why is this so heavy?! I heaved my luggage on top of me, trying to support its massive weight, but it seemed like that luggage was even heavier than I am. Dang... How much do my clothes weigh?!







Right before the luggage was about to topple over on top of me, someone grabbed the bottom of the luggage and my back to support me up on the ground. Wow... This is embarassing!! >~< I looked over to my side and found an ahjumma grinning ear to ear while lifting my luggage that was on my chest. Her hair was tied up halfway in a sophisticated bun and she looked like she's from a rich family like I was. Actually, it looked like another version of my mom. T__T






She automatically dropped all of the things in her hands: her purse, ticket, and pen onto the seat that was next to mine. "Here, let me help you with that," she insisted happily before taking my luggage from my arms and placing it into the compartment. I automatically bowed 2 or 3 times chiming, "Kamsamnida, ahjumma!"






"Oh, you don't have to call me ahjumma. You can call me Minae if you want to," she replied, flashing a charming smile at me. "Okay, Minae! Thank you so much," I said, showing a lot of my gratitude. She kept her beautiful smile glued onto her face and sighed a large 'huuuuuff.'







"I guess my seat is next to yours then... It'll be tiring to ride the plane for 10 hours huh?" she asked.

I nodded my head in agreement, "Yeah... We just got on this plane, but I'm already wanting to get out of here." We both sat down in our seats after stuffing all of our belongings in the same compartment on top of the chairs.






"I agree. I won't even be able to sit with my three children that is up in that row." Minae pointed at 2 guys that looked like teenagers from their back that was facing us. Hm... I wonder who's her third child?

"Oh, really? Why don't you ask someone to trade seats with you? I'm sure they'll understand," I advised, pushing her arm softly in encouragement.



She flashed me an appreciated eye smile and patted my hand that was on the arm of my chair. "Gomawoyo." she whispered before getting up.







Chunji's POV:



Gaaah... Another boring airplane ride with the members... I shook my head and my eyes roamed around the plane, scanning everything in sight. Hm... I wonder where that girl that we met is sitting at. I shrugged my shoulders and dropped all of my belongings onto my seat. 






I looked to my side and found the nearest member beside me. L.Joe. Haaah, you're in luck! "Hey, L.Joe, when you're done putting your stuff up, put mine up too, arraso?" I commanded confidently since I'm a hyung. Kekeke. "Waaaaeeee..." He whined, similar to a little kid that didn't get what he wanted, "Why can't you put yours up by yourself??" I swear... He can be such a baby sometimes.. T__T





I shook my head and raised an eyebrow at him, "Why won't you? I just need to go pee. I'll be right back.." I said in a matter-of-fact. L.Joe snickered and pushed me playfully down the aisle. "Yah!" I snapped, still looking at him, as I walked on the aisle in front of me.






I accidently almost knocked down a lady (not a noona, sadly. It was an ajumma) who was walking towards my direction. "Oh! Jwesonghamnida!" I apologized, still in shock. She returned a polite bow and said, "Jwesonghayo." I was going to continue minding my own business and walk to where the restroom was located, but before I could take two steps forward, the ahjumma grabbed my arm softly and pulled me back.






"Excuse me... But is it okay if we can switch seats? I'm sitting back there but I wanted to sit next to my children up here," she explained, pointing from her seat to the seats that were next to mine.



(A/N: Okay... I don't want anyone to get confused, so I doodled a picture for you guys!)




"Um..." I blurted as I scratched the back of my neck. Hm... If there are paparazzi on this plane, they'll see that I'm a good person! And they'll put "The Generous Chunji" instead of the "Ice Casanova."





I turned my head around and checked to see C.A.P's approval, but I saw a girl clinging onto L.Joe's arms instead. "OH MY GOSH! IT'S TEEN TOP!!! L.JOE OPPA!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUU!! CHEONGMAL SARANGHAMNIDA!!!" Pssssssh. I don't want to be hanging around that!






I shrugged my shoulders and replied with a small nod, "Yeah, sure! Where do you sit?" She pointed to her seat located on the back row of the first class with a girl sitting next to the plane window.





This will be interesting...



Eun Ji's POV:



"DIEEEE! DIEEEE!" I shouted at my iPhone screen with anger. When are we going to go... we've already been on here for about 91873498273482374 years... I turned the device from the left to right so my doodle jump character will land on each level.






Unexpectedly, two hands covered my eyes from behind my chair. Wth... Who is this?

"Hey there, beautiful." a mysterious voice cooed into my ear.


"Uh.... Ahjumma-ni...?"

"Nuh uh uh," he sang with his hands still covered.






I let go of my iPhone so it would fall onto my lap and automatically raised my hands to uncover the pair of hands. Something popped up in my face that wasn't what I expected.





What's his name appeared hovering over on top of my chair and a few inches away from my face. I immediately jumped back onto my seat so my head can rest on the pillow. It's that guy that winked at me earlier... What was his name?





Like he read my mind, he automatically said, "It's Chunji! And for the remaining 10 hours... I'll be sitting with you.. Whether you like it or not."





He winked, again and jumped from the top of my chair onto the chair next to me. "Yah, monkey! Calm down a little," I warned while pointing my finger at his nose.





He took my hand and kissed it softly saying, "It's nice to meet you too."







Soooo. It's been a while! :D I'm finally back with a super duper long update! ^^ What's going to happen next?? o: Hope you guys liked it; Comment, Subscribe, and Upvote! ^____^




tumblr_ml8mg8ir1h1s6vynpo4_250.gif  tumblr_ml8mg8ir1h1s6vynpo3_250.gif

tumblr_ml8mg8ir1h1s6vynpo2_250.gif  tumblr_ml8mg8ir1h1s6vynpo1_250.gif WHOO! After a million years, I finally updated! LESSS CELEBRATEEE!!



tumblr_mkua4nw2jp1qervtro1_400.gif Me (Chunji) : SO DID YOU GUYS MISS ME?!

Everyone (Niel) : Heh... We're so happy you're back... *sarcasm* LOLOL





tumblr_ml6f51Gq1R1roykm3o1_250.png  tumblr_ml6f51Gq1R1roykm3o2_250.png

tumblr_ml6f51Gq1R1roykm3o3_250.png  tumblr_ml6f51Gq1R1roykm3o4_250.png L.Joeee<3



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tumblr_ml8jbzB20C1s6vynpo7_400.png    Grouuup pictureee^^

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02.22.13. Hi guiseeeee :D Don't be afraid to comment, neh? hehehe I'd love to see what you guys think ^^


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bookangel2603 #1
Chapter 5: omg wait nooo!! update !! noww *holding up pitchforks* >:-) hehe jk hahaha i love your storyyy like there's no tomorrow haha plz update soon! oh god chunji is a flirt king haha "i want a cup of... you" hahah omgg that is just classic! i think im going to die out of laughter haha authornim you are just soo awesome!
karenlove #2
Chapter 5: hahaha i feel bad for her anyways updae soon
Chapter 5: Hahah great work dongsaeng-ah~ :DD

Keep it up :P
Chapter 5: HHaha as always you have created an amazing chapter! You captured chunji's personality perfectly! I loved it! Hilarious!
Great chapter dongsaeng :DD

hope you will update soon :D
KenzieHollingsworth #6
I don't know why but every time I see L.Joe oppa, it feels so awkward.
Chapter 4: Chunji doesnt matter what hes doing this guy makes me laugh ( sorry unnie i'm trying 2 do my math hw 2 so im slow will be done soon!)
Chapter 3: Haha the grandma!
Chapter 3: I laughed so hard on this chapter!