미친 남편 ♡

Crazy Husband




I am now walking home from the grocery store with three bags on my right hand and two on the other one.

Damn that Shim Changmin!

He wasn’t like this. He even initiated to buy some groceries with me (even if there are still foods on our two fridges by the way) and drives me back home. He does not want me to bring even just a small bag of groceries before!

My nightmare came… The thing I was really afraid of came back.

Since last week, he goes back to that makes-me-want-to-rip-off-his-annoying-lips attitude once again.

He goes home at ten p.m., ignores me, doesn’t cook for me anymore and he sleeps on his ‘makeshift’ bed: the sofa on the living room downstairs. He wakes up really early and leaves before I wake up. Why is that jerk avoiding me?

What does that ert want in me? Only make babies with him? Damn. I should’ve known! I regret believing him; him and his words of ‘I love you’ and endearments!

I saw my reflection of a car that was parked. One word suits me: Stupid. I walked over to it and hit my head several times on the window.

That ing Shim Changmin. I wish we should’ve not met.

Why do two different people not blend? We’re married; we’re united as one. I thought opposite attracts? I thought my husband has learned to love me?

I stopped banging my head on the car when I suddenly felt a bitter taste with a mixture of sweetness and sourness going up against my throat. I don’t understand. I threw up on the ground. As I wiped my mouth, my head feels like it’s whirling rapidly.

I shook it off thinking that it’s just a mere migraine. I mumbled, “Changmin should be blamed for my health!”

That nauseating feeling came back once again a few seconds later.

And the last thing I remembered was… There were two old women running up to me.

Then everything turned black.


- - -


“Don’t stop me! I am going to boil this!”

“Why are you boiling grass for my granddaughter? She is not a goat; she is a human!”

“You don’t know anything about herbal medicine!”

I woke up at the loud voices and sat up. I was welcomed with a sudden pain on my head. As I pressed my palm hardly on my forehead, the angry voices just loudened even more. I forced myself to stand up and go downstairs to see what is happening. I traced the sound of the squabbling voices. And in the kitchen, I found Changmin’s grandmother together with my own grandma.

“Grandma…” I spoke rather slowly. They seemed to not notice my presence and just kept bickering. “Grandma!” I shouted and they finally turned around.

“Oh, Ae Hyun! You’re up!” said Changmin’s grandmother as she walked up to me and tiptoed to touch my forehead.

“Isn’t it obvious? My granddaughter does not walk when she sleeps!” My grandma hissed.

Thankfully, Changmin’s grandmother ignored her. Her attention is fixed on me. “How are you? Are you all right now?”

I smiled. “Yes. Thanks for the concern, grandma.” I looked at the other old woman from her shoulder. “And thank you too, grandma.”

Changmin’s grandmother sighed, which is a good sign that she’s relieved because she intends to worry so much when someone feels even just a slight headache. She is more caring than my own grandma. But don’t get me wrong, I love both of them so much.

I sat on the chair. My grandmother sat beside me after she placed three tea cups on the table. Changmin’s grandmother poured a light brown coloured drink in our tea cups.

She sat down moments later. “Ginseng is a good remedy for migraines.” I nodded and drank my tea.

“Ae Hyun ah, did Changmin and you had a fight?” I choked on my drink by the time I heard her question. She handed me a clean napkin as I coughed. I wiped my mouth and shook my head, eyes downcast.

“That’s weird. He came running back to his parents on a late hour, crying. If I am not mistaken, it was last week.”

Changmin cried?

“I was there.” My grandma said. “He cried so hard and kept on repeating ‘Ae Hyun doesn’t love me anymore’. He was drunk too.”

Wait. He said ‘I don’t love him anymore’? I gasped when I finally recalled what happened between us last week. Specifically, last Monday.

It was really unusual that I have several migraines lately. And I also vomit a lot. Changmin came home early that night and bugged me a lot if I have any surprises for him or what. I pushed him off, shouting.

He was still annoying me despite that and it irritates me! He got angry at me and I really have no idea why he is acting like that.

“Ae Hyun?” Both grandmothers said in unison, waking me up from trance.

“Y-Yes…” My voice trailed as I stuttered, still not looking at them in the eye.

“What problems do both of you have?” Changmin’s grandma asked first.

Then my grandma followed, “You can tell us.”

“It’s o-okay.” I stammered at the okay word. I felt guilty at lying. “We’re fine, it was just a little misunderstanding. We fixed it right away.”

“Oh…” Both of them nodded and shifted to another topic.

My mind is still occupied about Changmin.

What did I do wrong? I never told him I don’t love him! But why was he like that?

“Oh my! Your friend’s granddaughter is turning eighteen next month? Then I’ll set her up with Ae Hyun’s cousin. That boy also has the same age as hers.”

My grandmother’s voice slipped through my ears… Eighteen…

I stood up as I realize something. Two pairs of eyes looked at me in flabbergast.

“Ae Hyun, you scared us!”

I looked at both of them and smiled.


- - -


I dialled Changmin’s number for the nth time. He’s still not answering.

Without losing hope, I dialled his number again.

“O.” My lips curved upwards when I heard his voice.

“Changmin! I just… umm… want to say… something.”

“Speak now.” He answered back with a monotonous voice. My smile faded.

“Please... uh, go home early. I have-”

“Excuse me.” I was cut off by him. On the other line, I heard someone spoke. “Chief Marketing Officer Shim, the meeting is about to start!”

My right brow cocked. Was that Changmin; whose voice was pitched high?

“You heard my secretary. I still have to attend a meeting. I’m busy. Don’t call me again.” With that, he hung up.

That bastard! I gripped my phone and gritted my teeth.

‘Chief Marketing Officer Shim’ does not have a female secretary! The last time I visited him at the company, there was a male worker who greeted me and claimed to be his secretary. So I was right; that ‘secretary’ who interrupted our phone call was just himself. He changed his pitch higher to sound like a girl.

Heh. Shim Changmin. You cannot fool your wife! Damn it.


- - -


The sky turned into a hue of burgundy after the sun sets and the night time came.

I smiled as I looked at the little romantic dinner I prepared.

I got everything I need: candles, gorgeous looking lavender Jackass… umm, that does not sound nice… Jack… and Jill…? Oh yes! Jacquard tablecloth, nicely folded napkins, crystal glasses, fresh purple flowers, romantic music, grape juice… I am not a good drinker and I must not drink so omit the champagne in this dinner. Juice and the ginseng tea are the only available drinks for tonight. Don’t forget my very own French cooking! I put a lot of effort to it, knowing that I am not a good cook.

There’s only one thing left though. Me.

Hehe. I skipped off to the bathroom happily to prepare for myself. I need to look good for my husband. I hurt his feelings. Now’s the time to apologize!

After an hour and a half of grooming myself, I finally went out of our room. Yes, it took me over an hour. I chose to wear a strapless, flaming red evening dress.

There was one time when we went shopping and we passed by a boutique that displayed this dress I am wearing now. Changmin told me he wants to see me in this dress, but shook that idea when he thought that I am not the type to wear y dresses. He is right though. Since I kind of wanted him to be happy, I bought this dress secretly and saved it in my closet. Luckily, he never found out. Until this day, I am going to wear it just for him. I decided to just not tie my hair. It’s cold… because of this dress.

I glanced at the time on the wall clock. A smile appeared on my face. He’ll be here any minute.


That mosquito is very annoying.

It woke me up! But I did not bother to open my eyes. I still want to sleep. Why does it keep on brushing my cheek?! I shooed it away once again.

This annoying mosquito resembles Changmin! Annoying and irritating ugh. It never stopped disturbing my sleep. I waved my hands in front of my face, desperately shooing the insect when a droplet of water landed on my cheek.

My eyes fluttered open, only to find my husband crying. I slowly raised my head up. He backed away and sniffled whilst wiping his eyes that kept on producing more tears.

Changmin is a complete mess. His hair was tousled and looks like it is really hard to untangle. He does not have a blazer on and the first three buttons of his shirt were not buttoned up. And his strong scent reeked alcohol.

I stood up and stared at him while he is crying endlessly. The corners of my lips curved upwards. My hands slowly reached his face. “Changmin ah…” I whispered gently.

He put his hands away and looked at me directly in my eye. I know he has a blurry sight now because of his tears so I grabbed the napkin on the table and wiped it away. My smile never left my face as I said, “I’m sorry.”

Changmin shook his head. “I should be the one who’s apologizing. I am a terrible, selfish, childish husband. I am sorry, Ae Hyun.”

“I understand. You thought I don’t love you, eh?” He nodded and I chuckled. “You know I am not good with dates.”

“I acted rashly. I am so sorry.”

I playfully hit his chest and he yelped. “Quit saying sorry!” I glanced at the wall clock behind him. It says 2:46 a.m. So I slept for more than seven hours. “I’ll wait for you no matter how long it will take.”

“Really? I don’t think so. You’re the impatient type.” My smile grew wider. My Changmin is back.

I tiptoed and pulled his face closer to mine. Curse this guy for being so tall! He leaned and our lips made contact with each other. After a few seconds, we pulled away.

Changmin hugged his stomach and sat down. “Ahh, I’m hungry.”

“Hungry, eh? You ate outside! You even went home drunk! How dare you!” I slapped him repeatedly and he dodged my hits.

“Because I was depressed!”

I stopped hitting him and put my hands on my hips. “Depressed? Why, because I forgot your birthday?”

“Who wouldn’t get sad if your spouse forgot your special day?”

“Is that an enough reason to ignore me for ten days?!”

“What would you do if I forgot your birthday too?”

“Ohh, so you’ll forget my birthday on purpose?”

He waved his hands in front of his face and stood up. He stopped it once I gave him a fake smile. He returned it with a sly smirk. “You look y tonight…”

“Well, I’m sorry to tell you Mr. Shim Changmin that I did not dress up for you.” I joked.

His face soured. “What do you mean?”

“When did you have a female secretary?” I chuckled evilly as I saw his expression. His face is totally like ‘Oh I got caught.’ Hahaha. Adorable.

“That was just me… I lied.”

I turned my backside to him. “Okay. That’s it. We’ll end up our marriage here.” I stomped on my way to our bedroom.

He followed right away. “Hey what was that all about? I’m sorry!”

“You’re a liar! I don’t deserve a husband like you!”

“Ae Hyun, please don’t do this!” And he continued explaining.

When we got to the bedroom, I opened my closet and pulled out something beneath the pile of my folded clothes. I turned around to face him with my hands behind me. He stopped talking and stared at me. Probably wondered why I faced him suddenly.

I fought my smiles to appear when I saw his face. He is on the verge of crying again. “Aww, my poor hubby. Are you going to cry again?”

Changmin bit his lip and his expression changed into a pissed one. “Never joke something like that to me ever again!”

I chuckled. He walked over to me and peeked over my shoulder. Before he could see the thing I hid behind me, I walked away backwards, facing him so he could not see it. He raised his eyebrow. “What is that?”

“Open your hand and close your eyes.” He hesitated but did anyway.

I put the thing on his palm. He then opened his eyes when he felt the thing on his hand. Changmin stared at the thing, wide eyed. I smiled and said, “Gift.”

His lips curved upwards as his gaze is still on the pregnancy kit. It has two red lines.

Finally getting out of the state of being stunned, he hugged me tightly. “I will never give you problems, ever again! I love you so much, Lee Ae Hyun.”

“I love you too, Shim Changmin.”


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rudelysweetk21 #1
Chapter 1: aww sweet end :D
Chapter 1: waah! Love it!
jellybean28 #3
Please update!! I really want to know what happened when they did it.. Haha i'm such a byuntae...
kima #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha!!!
What a childish changmin..

How can a child raise a kid then?

Thx for the sweet story author-nim..
meluvme2 #5
update soon. Can't wait to read. :)
kima #6
Can't wait for the sekuel..
Please update soon authornim..