The beginning of the end

Once in a lifetime


Hana's POV


So Hana, that's my name, it's korean and American, I live in LA and was born there, but I am also korean, I haven't been to Korea ever since I was 8, which is kinda sad since my mom is in Korea and my dad is in LA, I love Korea and wish I could go there every year, but, I can't, I don't speak korean but I understand, I love their music, especially this band named Mexo, I think that's their name, well I wouldn't know, but my friend Ara does, but enough with this boring paragraph, scroll down to the next one!

it was just a normal Saturday, me and my best friend just chilling, inside my bright blue room and yellow carpets ( didnt need to know that!!!!) there on the floor lay 2 large empty boxes of meat lovers pizza, sitting right beside it were 2 large unfinished slurpies, and scattered everywhere were crumpled up wrappers of chocolate and some left over candies, there on the floor also lay, 3 seasons of family guy, 2 movies of saw, and 5 different video games, me and Ara decided to play COD, but when we just about to play, there beeped Ara' s phone, that meant she got a NEW tweet from Mexo, or something, while she was busy toodling on her phone I decided to go to the bathroom, I was just about to flush when I heard an ear piercing scream that came from Ara's mouth, I quickly grabbed the nearest thing I could find ( which in my case was a roll of toilet paper) and slammed the bathroom door open,

" what's wrong?!? Are you bleeding?!?! Omygod!!! Are you dead?!?! Did a murderer come?!?!" I asked panicking,

" no!!! Look what it says on my phone!!! Exo is looking for a pianist!!! You'd be perfect!!!! And I can come with you to Korea!!!!" She said

" no!!! Uh uh!!! Get away from me! You know what happens when I perform in front of an audience!!! No! I can't do it!!"

"come on!!!!" She pleaded, she wrapped herself around my right leg and refused to let go,

" let go!!!! " I shouted, starting to get pissed,

" only if you say yes!!!" She threathened, she started bitting my leg so I said yes, and that was a mistake Ill regret forever

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I'll post tomorrow.... I'm bummed


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Avatarjasmin #1
Chapter 2: The idea seems pretty interesting, but you should work on your grammar! Also, if you're writing on Microsoft Word, they have grammar and spell check ^^ AFF has a spell check as well :)
I like the title of your story but I didn't understand the plot!