Chapter one. First accouter

Tell me you love me.


"Oh, my little baby! You're getting so big! So fast!" mum held you close. "I'll miss you too mum!" You pull away from the hug. "Group B please board the plane." The announcer called. "That's me." You look at everyone who came to wish you farewell. "Have fun in Korea sis!" You siblings ran at you and bear hugged you. "Be careful." Payton hugged you. Payton, your best guy friend from forever back. Almost like a brother. "Thanks Payton. Bye everyone!" You wave and get in line to board the plane. Finally it's your time to board the plane. You turn and wave. You see everyone waving back. "Is Payton crying?" You think. You board the plane. You find your seat and get settled. "A window seat" you smile. You look out the window. "Korea, here I come." You whisper.

Someone sits next to you. You look ahead as the flight attendant did their thing. You know. Breathing masks. Falling into the ocean and dying. Getting set on fire. That thing. "Hawaii, Japan or Korea?" The person next to you asks. "Korea. You?" "Same." He responds buckling his seat belt. "Why are you going?" He asks. "I got accepted into a arts school." You start to find your seat belt. "Really? Which one?" He leans over and grabs you seat belt(which you where trying to find like a mad man) you blush. "Thanks. (Not a real school) Wae Jung school of arts." "CHINCHA? I'm going there too. While I have a break." "What do you mean?" You finally look at his face. "Sss.. Suu..Sungjae?" You gasp. You know me?" Sungjae looked surprised. "Of course! I'm a big fan of, well, anything Kpop." You finally buckle your seatbelt. "Really? Wow, well, Peniel will be glad to meet you!" He starts to get settled.

"What do you mean?" You ask. "Oh, nothing. How old are you?" He grabs his IPad. "I just turned 14." "Then I'm your Oppa!" "I guess." You grab your iPod. "How did you get into Wae Jung?" Sungjae asks. "I entered a contest." You reply. "Wait. Do you sing? Or did you dance? Draw?" He's really interested. "Um. Yes. But for this. My brother recorded me. He's a recording major." You feel awkward. "So you sang!" "Umm, yes." "You must be good. I mean you got in to one of the best arts schools in Korea." "I guess I am." You blush. "Due to storms, we will be having a layover in Hawaii." The flight attendant spoke. "Hawaii?" You think. You push the help button. The flight attendant comes over. "How may I help you?" She ask. "How long will the layover be?" You ask. "Three hours at least." "Three hours? Oh, thank you." The flight attendant leaves "three hours?" You breath. "Is something wrong?" "Um, I don't know."

You start to shake. "Are you okay?" Sungjae puts his hand on your shoulder. You grab your waist. You've gone pale. "Hey fourteen!" Sungjae starts to shake you. You grab his shoulder. "Please. Hold onto me for a bit." You ask "Uh, okay." He holds your hand. A few minutes later you're back to normal. "What happened?" He asked. Still holding you're hand. "Noting. I'm sorry." You let go of his hand. "Okay, well, you're sure you're alright?" "Dae(yes). Komowo(thank you)." You say in Korean. You put your head phones in and close your eyes. "Okay, remember, regulate your breathing." You think. "Breath in, breath out." You do the breathing exercises. You calmed down, and quickly drifted off to sleep. "Hey, wake up. We're in Hawaii." Someone shakes you. You sit up and see Saungjae smiling at you. "Well, we're not in Hawaii yet. But in a few minutes we'll be." He smiles at you. "Oh, thank you."

You slightly bow. You and him start to pack up. Finally the plane landed. You get off and sit down in the nearest chair. You grab your cell phone as fast as possible. "Mom" "Sweetie? How are you using the phone on the plane?" "I'm not. I'm in Hawaii. On a layover for at least 3 hours." Your voice is shaky. "Calm down, it'll be okay sweetie. Just find someone you can sit with." Mom assures you. Sungjae sees you shaking and walks over. "Okay, bye mom." You hang up. Sungjae sits next to you. You're shaking. He puts his hands on your shoulders and holds you. "It's okay." You just keep looking down. "Why is it so bad to be in Hawaii?" He pats your shoulder. "My Dad was murdered here when I was six. I witnessed it." You shiver. "Oh, I,I," Sungjae stutters. "It's okay. It's just like a bad dream to me now." He holds you close. "I'm so sorry." "He's.. Hugging me?" You think. He lets go. "Do you wanna do something fun?" He asks and grabs your hand. "He's holding my hand." You're surprised. "Isn't he famous? Why would he wan to be seen with me?" You whisper under your breath. "Did you say something?" He looks into your eyes. "Huh? No, fun? What kind of fun?" You try to avoid his question. "Well, we have three hours to do anything." He grabs your hand. "Let's go!"

He drags you to the exit. "Wow! It's beautiful!" He spins in a circle. He calls for a cab. Once it gets to you he tells the driver to goto the boardwalk. "Why are you going there?" You ask. He puts his finger on your lips. "Shh, it's a surprise!" You two stare at each other for awhile. You can feel yourself blush so you turn away. "Okay, we're here!" The cabbie calls. You two step out. You look around. It's a perfect day, warm breeze, you can smell the ocean. Everything is so beautiful, you feel a hand on your shoulder, "Isn't it nice?" Sungjae smiles. Two and a half hours flew by. You had the time of your life, playing games, eating cotton candy, riding rides, and splashing each other.

Now, you're back in a taxi, "Did you have fun?" Sungjae asks. "Dae, it was so much fun! Komowo!" You respond. Finally you reach the airport. Sungjae pays the driver and you two walk to your plane. "Now boarding flight A-22" you two look at each other, "That's out flight." He grabs your hand and you start running. You've never had such fun in your life! "Bali!(faster)" he yells. You feel like you're flying you're running so fast. Finally you're at your gate. You're breathing so hard. And laughing, mostly laughing. You get on the plane and find your seat. Sungjae sits next to you, again. "I guess we're neighbors again." You chuckle. "If you're fine with it, I'm perfect with it." He smiles. A few minutes later your up in the sky. You look out the window, "it's so peaceful." You think. Your headphones are in, and Sungjae may be sleeping, you don't really want to look over. You lay your head against the window. "Time to sleep" you whisper. Swiftly you fall asleep. 

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kpopnlock #1
Chapter 1: Sorry, this is my first time posting on this site. I hope you enjoy it!