○ The Sacrifice ○

Contest Fan-fictions: ○ Circle of a Life Time ○ & ● Commuted Singularities ●


Being in the dark room again, the lights were still shining and illuminating his way, Jonghyun strode towards the tree. After days of skimming through the pages of the dusty old books Key had summoned up for him, he had found a solution. However, he wasn’t too eager about it. Key was going to hate him for it, but in the long term, he would see that this was the only way he could save the people of this planet. In addition, he could feel that the blonde was trying to stop him for doing what he was about to do…
Indeed Key was trying to stop Jonghyun from his mistakes. He flew right through him every time he tried to. Even if it was the only solution that was effective, he just couldn’t do this. The ghost wouldn’t let him. Though he knew in the back of his mind that he would be unable to stop Jonghyun from it, even if he would have the ability to stop him in his tracks…
Halting in front o the sick tree, Jonghyun sighed and took out the C4 he had stashed in his bag. If he did become some sort of hideous monster, he could be killed before he destroyed what he was suppose to save.
Making sure the bombs stuck to his body he bend over to his right boot and got out the golden engraved dagger he had taken when he left the science station. The irony of it all was, that this was the first time he was going to use it, and the engravings rather resembled the ones on the big glided door, which he still wanted to take with him as a trophy. As if, it had come from this world in the first place.
He grabbed the blade in his other bare hand and gripped it tight. He slowly slid it out of his grasp and gasped at the sting it distributed through his hand. It goddamn hurt, but he had to do this.
He chuckled when he heard soft footfalls behind him. Of course, they would come and check on him. It was only customary to look after your guests, although most guests didn’t normally die for you.
He slowly turned around, blood running from his hand and dripping to the earth beneath his feet. As he though, there stood the chief, Taemin and Minho. A scowl adorned the youngest face but quickly turned o worried when he saw the blood dropping from Jonghyun’s hand.
“What are you doing!” The boy hollered.
Jonghyun shrugged and gazed at the chief who took a step forward, hope radiating in his eyes.
“Have you found a solution?”
The brunette closed his eyes and nodded “Yes, I can only hope this works.”
“What is it? An antidote or some kind of ritual?” The old man inquired curiously.
Jonghyun opened his eyes and took a step back toward the tree. He was still anxious, but he had to do this. Whether Key would be mad at him was irrelevant. He was doing what he thought was right.
“It’s a ritual. The tree and I will have to connect throughout life essence, in other words… our blood. I hope that after we join the poison will penetrate my own body and leave the tree entirely. I don’t know what will happen afterwards.” Jonghyun explained thoroughly.
Taemin shook his head. “But that will kill you!”
The soldier grimaced and agreed with the boy, but told them that this was the least he could do after they had housed and bore with him for so long. In summation, he couldn’t just let these people die.
“Don’t try and stop me… I am ready to die. I have place bombs on my body, that incase I become some kind on monster it will detonate, unless you pull this red string” He showed which string hi meant and waited before all three knew which one he meant.
They were quiet for a while until Jonghyun spoke again.
“Better to have known love, then to never have loved at all… whoever said that was stupid. He probably never experienced the pain of knowing you cannot go where your love is.”
The chief and his son stared at him, confused by what he had meant by those words. However before he could even answer the question, he sliced the trees stem and slammed his own wound on the tree’s. He abruptly felt a painful surge going through his body.
“No don’t! Get away from the tree.” Taemin shouted.
So the boy did care about him huh? Jonghyun shook his head sank through his knees.
The pain was almost unbearable, he felt empathic towards the tree. To have suffered through so much pain for such a long time. This was certainly a strong being.
“No Taemin. This is for the both of us, you will get to live on, and I will be with my love again.” He tried to smiled, but his face contorted in pain…
“You can’t do this Jonghyun, please.” Key cried out as he sat on his knees next to the suffering man.
Tears slid down the blonde’s cheeks while he kept repeating the same sentence.
“You need to live on Jongie, please… you promised!” …
The three men rushed to his side and lay the brunette down on the ground gently. The latter could see sorrow in Taemin’s eyes; he asked if this love was dead. Jonghyun nodded shakily and closed his eyes. “His name is Kim Kibum and he was killed more than a year ago. He has been coming into my dreams lately, telling me to go one, live. However, what he doesn’t get is that I can’t live without him. I have tried for a year and ever since I came here and I knew that he is here, watching me… I felt like I had a home again. Yet, it felt as if it was still far away from me.” The soldier told them as he opened his eyes again.“Home is where the heart is, and my heart belongs with Kibum. Wherever he is, is my home...”
Taemin nodded in understanding and smiled. He guessed this guy wasn’t as bad as he seemed to be.
Jonghyun turned to Minho and mention for him to come closer. The tall boy was holding him up as he whispered in his ear. “When you find love, never let go. Protect it with all your might and nourish it to grow into the sky. If you don’t, you will regret it your whole life.”
Minho nodded and smiled one of his charismatic smiles. It made Jonghyun believe that he would not let those words be left to waste.
A couple of fierce coughs ripped from the brunette’s throat and he became increasedly pale. The soldier glimpsed behind him and saw something that made him smile.
The tree, it was flourishing again. The angry black blobs were decreasing and the purple arteries were no longer in the stem and braches. Instead, they were on his body, away his life as the same essence rushed back into the tree.
“I’m sorry I was so mean to you Mr. Jonghyun.” Taemin apologized with a downcast look.
“I hope you find Kibum in death, you deserve it.” Minho wished after he shared an eye lock with the chief’s son.
The latter nodded and thanked him for his sacrifice and that it would not go unnoticed.
After all of the poison was drained out of the tree, Jonghyun’s eyes became blurry, the corners tainted with black. He still wanted to say one last thing.
“Thank you for… being here…. I hope you… get to be happy… and find love…. Like I…. have…”
He blew out his last breath as he though one last thing…
‘I’m ready Key. Take me to the place where you are.’


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Chapter 14: How this story hasn't gotten enough attention is beyond my guess.
Both stories were beautiful <3
Chapter 8: omg, i almost cried, this story is so beautiful. ur genius is showing :D
BeleniKate #3
Chapter 3: I lo-lo-love this :D It's so sweet and well-written, please continue :D
Chapter 3: oooooooooh this chapter was so sweet~
Chapter 2: this story is fcking amazing, and i've only read these two chapters, wow. it's unexplainable...please PLEASE continue.