○ You... are Still Here? ○

Contest Fan-fictions: ○ Circle of a Life Time ○ & ● Commuted Singularities ●


Jonghyun scanned his surroundings and gaped at the colorful plants adorning the bright jungle. The large waterfalls that clattered onto the strange blue rocks and scattered into a million diamonds. The sky wasn't blue like the one on earth. It was slightly pink purple.
It was all so damn beautiful. 
However, the soldier couldn't enjoy the environment for very long, because the boys that lead him moved on whispering away like they had done for the past hour or so. For the nth time, Jonghyun sighed. They had been exchanging whisperers the whole way, and the giggling! God that was annoying as ****. Jonghyun was highly irritated by them, if there was one thing that he couldn't stand, it were people that were probably talking about you, while you have no idea about it. 
Another giggle came from the boy named Taemin as he looked over his shoulder, towards the soldier.
The latter had half a mind to snap at them the way Key did. And there he went again. The downward spiral into the eternal sea of guilt and regret. Jonghyun's stomach turned, he had to fight not to throw up right there and then…

Winging above him was his friend who was just as annoyed as him. Anyone could see that because, if Key was annoyed, his left eye started to twitch uncontrollably. The blonde still didn't get why they regarded Jonghyun so highly.
However, if you did, wouldn’t you shut the up for the rest of the journey instead of gossiping about him? 
uttered low growl and just wished Jonghyun would set them straight... 


When they finally halted, Minho turned around. 
"Welcome to Anilea, my lord" he beckoned to the city behind him. 
Jonghyun mouth hung open out of astonishment. 
He thought the waterfalls and the plants here were pretty enough, but the city where these two boys lived was even more beautiful. 
Water was falling from the falls on the mountain that surrounded the whole of the city as a ring of stone and disappeared in midair. Houses covered with green that was such an intense color that it almost seemed surreal.
The constructions themselves resembled the style of one that only occurred in fairytales. The white concrete walls bathing in the rays of the two suns. Streets were laid the pebble stones, occasionally a flower pop out from under them while they were infested with the little ant like figures that were humans.
“Is this the capital of this world?” Jonghyun questioned.
He walked closed to the edge of the ravine. Just on the other side of it was that grand city, just staring at him. It felt as if it was luring him to it.
“Yes, my lord it is indeed. You have a good eye.” Minho stated.
“It’s not that hard really. It all looks so beautiful. You are really blessed to have such a city to live in.”
Jonghyun turned around and saw the two boys next to each other. The shorter was shuffling on his feet, his bright red hair fluttering when the wind blew through it. The boy was wearing dark red slacks and a loose white shirt that hung low on his shoulders, Thereby showing his cream white shoulders and collarbones. If Jonghyun didn’t love Key more than anything in the whole world, he would consider Taemin as a nice meal or maybe even more.
However, something told him that Minho wouldn’t be too happy about that. The older boy glared at him with fury.
He was boring a hole in the soldier’s head. The warning in his eyes was all too clear to Jonghyun, ‘Don’t touch my Taemin!’.
Just to have some fun, Jonghyun settled on having some fun with the older and pretend to scrutinize him.
The soldier glimpsed over to the frail boy and noticed how the older boy stepped forward. At once, he adjusted his gaze at Minho and began sizing him up, starting at the legs.
They were clad with black slacks just like Taemin’s, however Jonghyun noticed how Taemin wore shoes and Minho was bare.
The brunette’s eyes trailed upwards. A good size shirt was clothing his chest and showed a bit of his abs and chest muscles.
Jonghyun took note of this and looked back at the boy’s head. Long hazel curledly hair was splayed over his shoulder and equaled bronze as it shone in the sun. The boy’s eyes were a dark brown, almost black and they now housed more than a warning. They held hostility now.
So that’s what it was. Jonghyun may have been dumb on many subjects, but love wasn’t one of them.
Minho, was in love with his friend… and hopelessly at that, it seemed. That was the reason behind the whispering and giggling. 
The quick glimpses and sweet smiles. They hadn’t been talking about him. Minho was simply trying to make Taemin laugh.
Because any guy would love to see his love happy and laughing.
A bitter feeling arose from Jonghyun stomach. In love with his friend… just like him.
A flash of Key’s smile dawned in his mind. How the defined cheekbones rose higher as the blonde’s full lips curved in a shape of a crescent.
How those eyes looked so lovingly at him, treasuring everything about his friend. Now Jonghyun thought about it… Key smiled exactly the same way as Minho. Did that mean that-
“Well, Mr. Jonghyun. The chief’s house isn’t far now. Let’s keep on walking.” Taemin snapped the brunette out of his recollecting and sped off.
What got into him?...
Key smiled when he discovered that Jonghyun had found out exactly what he had just a few moments ago.
It was written all over his face. The bitterness and sorrow, but also realization and a faint hint of happiness.
The blonde was glad that Jonghyun had finally caught on to his feelings. Hopefully they could move forward now.
I whatever way that was possible…
They arrived at a large house. It was decorated with embroider cloths with – what Jonghyun guessed to be – the weapon seal of the family.
He followed Taemin through the heavy looking door, which the boy pushed aside with ease.
Either he was stronger than he seemed or the door wasn’t as arduous as it looked. As they entered the grand hall where the chief was suppose to be, Jonghyun looked at the chairs in front of him. There were three in total.
“Stay here, I am going to get my father.” The red head ordered and strode away.
Wait… father? Shock evinced on the soldiers face as he got to know this new piece of  information.
Taemin was the chief’s son and therefore the rightful heir to… this city or the planet? He didn’t know which one it was, only that the boy had a significant amount of power. And to think that Minho loved this kid. The latter must be a er for pretty face with power… but then wasn’t he as well? Key had a great amount of power when he was alive, being the son of one of the most well faring companies in Seoul.
Jonghyun went over the attributes of power in his mind and looked at his surroundings.
Apart from the chairs that were embellished by gold and gemstones, there were red silk cloths draped over small tables with sheeny crystal lights on them. 
Rich.’ Yes, Key had certainly been that. Buying all kinds of fashion and accessories every day.
During the time that Jonghyun was scanning the room, Taemin and his parents had pranced into the room taking their rightful seats in their thrones. Pride.’ If attitude was a form of pride, then yes. Key was prideful. 
He was also spoiled, but not once had the brunette heard him whine about hard work or about anything that was not truly annoying. Plus, the blonde was one of the most caring people Jonghyun knew. Not at all like all those other rich people that had stick up their .
“So you are him?” In his lack of attention, Jonghyun hadn’t noticed the chief walking circles around him.
However, he didn’t miss the sarcasm in the older man’s voice. He wanted to snort, but withheld himself in doing so.
He was in attendance of –what in his world would be seen as- a king.
“You are quite short aren’t you? But there is something about you… no, not you… something that’s with you.” The chief mumbled wonderingly, just loud enough for Jonghyun to hear it.
What the hell was this nutcase talking about. Something that was with him.
“Right… next you are going to tell me it’s something paranormal and that if I am not careful, I will die because there are goblins take me away in my sleep.” Jonghyun scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“So you do not believe me? Very well, I will show you.” The old nutcase lifted his ritual staff -that only now came into sight- to the soldiers head and mumbled strange words.
A sharp sting tore a yell from Jonghyun throat. He quickly backed away from the wooden cane and covered his forehead.
“What the hell were you trying to do, you weirdo. Burn away my brain?!”
Sharp gasps came from all around the room. Servants whispering at the rudeness of this young man and that he should be punished for his display.
“Hey! You would say the same if some old dude you hardly even knew was trying to boil your brain!” Jonghyun hollered.
He got dirty looks from almost everyone, except the person in question.
The chief looked a bit too amused by the scene. He liked some rebelliousness time and again.
“Calm down, you may not have noticed, but there is a symbol on your forehead. I would say you are a man in love… aren’t you? However, your loved one is not among the living anymore.” The chief closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as to feel into the spirit realm.
He opened his eyes once again and look straight at the spirit beside the soldier. The boy’s eyes widened as he saw that the chief gazed directly at him. How was that possible?
“We here, on this planet are much more connected to the spirit realm than you people from Earth. This is why I know everything about you… Kibum is it?” The old man smiled kindly.
Jonghyun snapped his head up at the name. “How do you know that name?!”
The chief only laughed. “My dear boy, have you not heard anything I just said… that mark on your forehead. It is heart shape, with inside it an, I must say, elegant ‘K’.”
The brunette brushed over his forehead slightly and frowned. This chief guy either had some weird humor, or he had magical powers of some kind.
“Then… can you see-”
“Yes, my boy. I can see the one you love quiet clearly. He is standing right beside you… He has blonde hair, quite the cat-like eyes, and heart shaped lips. Oh, and he is clothed rather extravagantly.” The old man told Jonghyun.
An instant mix of sadness and happiness washed over the soldier. Key was still here… looking over him? Why? Shouldn’t he have moved on yet? Go to heaven where he could be at peace?
Jonghyun grimaced at his own stupid thoughts. Of course Key wouldn’t go on… if he knew anything about him. He was someone that stuck with his best friend until that friend had found peace. And seeing Jonghyun hadn’t found  peace in the slightest sense… Key was still here…
“Baby, I am sorry I couldn’t protect you.” Key heard the brunette whisper as he fell to his knees.
He smiled at the new nickname and yearned to hear it more.
“I’m sorry for keeping you here, I have been so unfair to you.” Jonghyun continue, feeling himself tear up.
The blonde shook his head and crouched down to kind of brush the elder’s bangs out of his eyes. He was such a foolish man that Key wondered why he even loved him.
“Don’t apologize you idiot. If you had let me go, I wouldn’t have experience all these wonderful things like going to another planet. In some weird way… I should thank you.” Key whispered and hovered his lips to the other’s cheek…
The chief smiled and shook his head. “For a living human to be in love with a spirit and vice versa… it is truly bittersweet.”
Silent teardrops fell from Jonghyun’s eyes onto the marble floor. He didn’t have the energy to bawl his eyes out.
The people in the room were still whispering things about him, but he couldn’t care less at the moment.
“Taemin, son. Would you so kind and guide Mr. Jonghyun to his chambers.” The chief asked, although it was more an order.
“But-” The boy started to whine, but was quickly silenced by the strict look from his father. “Okay.”
Taemin sighed and stood up from his throne. He sauntered over to the kneeling soldier and helped him up on his feet.
“Come one. I have to bring you to your room now.” Jonghyun nodded slightly and stumbled over the carpets on the floor.
He was completely out of it.
“And give him some… appropriate clothing. I will be expecting him in the strategy chamber after he got some well deserved sleep.” The old man called when they exited the throne room.
“Yes father.” The son replied agitatedly. 
To him, his father was a nag and his mother a drama queen, but they were benevolent people when they had to be.
Too bad that was never so when their son was around.
Jonghyun’s head was spinning from all the new developments. First this new world that seemed like it was some kind of utopia, second those two boys, Taemin and Minho and finding out they were –or rather Minho – in love. And last but not least, finding out that Key was always next to him, watching his every move.
The brunette had never felt the guilt seep through him so abrasively. Just the knowledge that it was his fault that Key was stuck in the hell of being dead, was enough for Jonghyun to come and join him so he would be alone. Yet, he knew that if he were to do that, he would be in for some harsh kicking…
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Chapter 14: How this story hasn't gotten enough attention is beyond my guess.
Both stories were beautiful <3
Chapter 8: omg, i almost cried, this story is so beautiful. ur genius is showing :D
BeleniKate #3
Chapter 3: I lo-lo-love this :D It's so sweet and well-written, please continue :D
Chapter 3: oooooooooh this chapter was so sweet~
Chapter 2: this story is fcking amazing, and i've only read these two chapters, wow. it's unexplainable...please PLEASE continue.