● Don't Risk It! ●

Contest Fan-fictions: ○ Circle of a Life Time ○ & ● Commuted Singularities ●
Some months passed and it seemed that Jonghyun had adjusted to that I was different than him.
I could clearly see that I was. Where he didn’t have a clue or what to do, I could easily think of something that I used in my own world. The washing machine for instance. It broke one time and Jonghyun had bought a new one, but in the mean time we had to wash our clothes with our hands.
 Mr. Idiot had no idea how to do that. Lucky for him, I used to wash my own clothes all the time when I went to college.
That was just one of the situations that happened in the time that passed. I won’t explain the others.
So right now I am laying a blanket on the grass outside the city. We had a little date today.
You can imagine that I was incredibly happy that we were already going steady. It wasn’t like we could wait with our hormones anyway.
In any case, everything was perfect… I thought.
I looked around at the fresh green grass field all around me. It felt amazing to get out of the city once in a while.
It was so dark and musky there. One time I had traveled up to the life- tree. It just looked like an ordinary tree, a very big ordinary tree. However, Jonghyun pulled me away from it before anyone saw that I was approaching their god.
That was one thing I discovered. The people around here revered the tree as their god. The one that would help them solve everything and had a cure to every illness in the world.
Humans from all over the world came to the tree and begged for a cure of their sickness or ailment.
As Jonghyun said ‘It’s sad’.
Speaking of him. He was sitting next to me rummaging around in his portable bag. He pulled put his optic screen and started putting it on his ear. But before he could even do that I snitched it away from him.
“No electronic devices. We’re on a date. Do that at home.” I spoke strictly.
He started playing along with me like always and tried to reach his belonging.
“Give it back~” He whined as he pursed his lips into a pout.
I shook my head, jumped up on my feet and ran away from him. As fast as my feet could carry me I raced into the endless field of green. That was until I stumbled and face planted to the ground. If I kept doing this I would end up with an even flatter nose or a concussion. I’d rather have the latter. I can’t have an ugly nose with my pretty face. No, I forbid it.
I heard Jonghyun laugh from behind me. He was out of breath, but he loved laughing at my clumsiness.
“Inspecting the ground now?” He chuckled.
I guessed he sat beside me and was enjoying the view. I could feel his eyes rake over my body. The ert. I got my face back from the field. Some dirt was sticking to my head, but it liked my face too much. I patted it off my clothes and Jonghyun wiped it off my face.
“You are such a klutz.” I pouted and pursed my lips.
He better apologize for that remark.
“Aw~ does my klutz was a kiss?” He teased.
Yes, this was the Jonghyun I loved. He was caring, but irritating. Even so, he did give me my kiss. Which; as usually, turned out to a full make out session.
Though I felt something weird. Some kind of tremor.
“Jong.” His name got smothered by our heated kiss.
I pushed him off and focused. Something was off, really off.
“Bummie? What’s wrong?” I sat up and gave him a quick peck.
Crawling up on my feet I scanned my surroundings. Nothing seemed out of the order, it was just the same boring old green field. Even so there was something going on.
I had no idea about what it was, but I had this worrying feeling. Like I had every time something grave would happen. Not that I was psychic, but I did have keen sense about trouble.
“I don’t know. Something is wrong.”
I heard Jonghyun standing up as well and walking up to me.
“It’s probably nothing. Don’t worry.” He tried to comfort.
Too bad that it didn’t work. I knew something was going to happen. But what? And what was with the slight tremors I felt?
My questions got their answers as I heard the  ground crack under me. I looked down and saw that there big fissure in the ground. What the hell was going on? The crack became bigger and bigger. Until the sides abruptly pulled apart from each other.
“Kibum!” I hear Jonghyun warn as yanked to one side of the crack.
“Jong, what’s going on? Why is the ground crack- Ah!” I exclaimed as the ground shook heavily.
I fell over to the ground. My curiosity took the better of me and I shuffled over to the crack. I tried to see what was in it. I could see darkness in the depth, but what was more disturbing were the roots that were moving. Like they were the ones that made the cracks in the earth.
I felt Jonghyun pulling on my arm and I gave him my attention. I saw him shake his head. The desire to keep me safe was crucial I supposed. So I crouched back to him and held on to him. His muscular arms around me always made me feel safe. It was the greatest feeling in the world. To have someone you can rely on.
“We need to move. It’s too dangerous to stay here.” Jonghyun pulled me up and started running towards the city.
He held my hand tightly, not wanting to risk losing me. I knew that the city would be even more disastrous for our lives. However, this was something for Jonghyun to figure  out on his own.
We jumped over the gapes and cracks in the earth and the city dawned in the horizon.
As I though, the city was even more chaotic. Screams were hell to your ears. There was blood everywhere… Jonghyun looked back at me and I shook my head. There was no escape from this massacre.
“We can’t just stand here. We have to do something!” He urged me.
I understood where he was coming from. I could have been him if this was my planet, I would have wanted to safe the people in it… However, this wasn’t my world, so I didn’t feel anything for risking m life. Not for people I didn’t even know.
Jonghyun pulled on my hand to get me with him, but I refused to go and retracted my hand from his grasp. He looked back in shock. I knew that he was scared, worried and had the common good in his head. But to risk his life for that… it was foolish. I didn’t want him to go… no, I wouldn’t.
“You can’t help them Jonghyun. You said it yourself. One of these days, the tree would become our undoing… and you were right. Just look at the carnage in front of you. I don’t want your blood to join there’s!”  I felt the earth shake once again.
“I can’t bear losing you… Not like this.” The whisper was barely audible and was devoured by the screams coming from within the city.
I saw the anger in his eyes, but also cognizance. He knew that I was right. The tree would kill him, I knew it would. However, I also knew that he was leaving behind people he loved. His parents, friends, and colleagues. The acquaintances that we had small talk with. All these people would die, if they weren’t dead already.
“What do you want me to do then!? Stand here doing nothing and let death take me!? Take us both!?” He shouted.
I cringed at raised voice and shook my head. What was this feeling?
Why was I so calm? I was going to die… or was I?
“I can’t lose you Kibum. I- I love you too much.” He pleaded desperately.
The three words shot into my heart and took a special place inside it. He had finally said it.
I smiled brightly and held him close. “We’ll find a way. I promise.”
We stood like that for a while as the world fell apart around us. It was only when we felt the ground under our  feet dissolve that we moved. We ran on, and on. Through small forests where the small trees had fallen and branches slapped across my face making scratches on my face. The sky had turned into an ominous mixture of red, orange, purple, and black.
We stopped when we were standing at the base of a cliff that was formed by the earthquakes and the roots of the tree.
“What is that?” Jonghyun wondered and pointed at something.
I followed his gaze and saw what he was talking about. There was a black hole in the middle of nowhere. A root was turning circles around it. Was it conjuring black holes to up this world?
Why would it do that? Wouldn’t it kill itself too?
“That’s a black hole! Jong, maybe I can get back to my world this way!” I yelled over the sound of gust blowing violently.
What Jonghyun did next surprised me. He hugged me tight and whispered in my ear.
“Go. I can’t leave with you. This is my world and I will die with it. Eat well, sleep plenty, and find someone to share your life with… I love you.” He let go and forced me in the direction of the black hole.
I shook my head and fought back, I couldn’t abandon him here in this desolate world. However, when the black hole’s anti gravity stream caught me I was done for. It swept me of my feet and me towards it.
“No, Jonghyun!” I screamed as I tried to grab hold on something, anything.
I just couldn’t live my old life again. Never having those buff arms around me. Those big brown puppy eyes pouting for one last kiss and those lips that fit so perfectly on mine. However, I couldn’t find anything to hold on to, and Jonghyun was running farther and farther away from me. Until he was nothing more than a little dot on the horizon.
The last thing I saw was the world crumbling under the strain of the tree’s roots. I guessed Jonghyun just wanted to safe what he could… He was just too good for his own good.
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Chapter 14: How this story hasn't gotten enough attention is beyond my guess.
Both stories were beautiful <3
Chapter 8: omg, i almost cried, this story is so beautiful. ur genius is showing :D
BeleniKate #3
Chapter 3: I lo-lo-love this :D It's so sweet and well-written, please continue :D
Chapter 3: oooooooooh this chapter was so sweet~
Chapter 2: this story is fcking amazing, and i've only read these two chapters, wow. it's unexplainable...please PLEASE continue.