● Jonghyun's Apartment ●

Contest Fan-fictions: ○ Circle of a Life Time ○ & ● Commuted Singularities ●
So basically we walked for hours and my feet were killing me. Even so, being the person I was, I didn’t whine about such trivial stuff like that. The pain would go away and so would the blisters. Walking in my work shoes was probably not the best thing to do. But then, I didn’t have anything else.
Oh and did I mention that we walked so long that it was actually dinnertime? Why didn’t he have a bus or a scooter to get around!
Anyway, back to the initial point. His apartment.
Jonghyun had a very cozy apartment. It wasn’t small perse, but neither was it big. I had a bathroom, kitchen, and living room like all standard homes. Then there were two bedrooms. One for him and one for a guest, me.
"Welcome to my home. I'm sorry, it's a little messy." Jonghyun apologized.
I was still getting used to that my best friend was so different in this world. This was the Jonghyun that was so happy and flirty. I really had to get used to it.
It was refreshing, new and it also gave me a new impression on him as a person.
"It's fine. I'll live." I comforted. 
He smiled and guided me to his guest room.
 It was a nice sized room and I could see myself laying in the bed, reading magazines, painting my nails and of course sleeping.
“ You can stay here for as long as you want and go wherever you like. I'll be gone most of the times anyway." He explained while draping his hand over my shoulder.
The last thing made me bit sad. I wanted him to be around me so I could more and do other things with him. If you catch my drift…
"Thanks for letting me stay." I mumbled towards the ground. 
Jonghyun lifted my chin and leaned up to my ear. 
"Anything for you y." He whispered in a low voice. 
An involuntary shudder went through my body. Did he just really call me y? I gazed into the man’s eyes and saw his cockiness in them. He knew exactly what to do to make me feel like I belonged here.
I recuperated from the attack and closed my eyes. If he wanted to kiss me, I would let him. But he didn’t. Instead he walked around me to another room.
“Can you cook?” I asked bluntly to the man that opened what seemed to be the bathroom.
He was a bit hesitant and his cheeks turned a bit red. Was he embarrassed by this?
I squealed on the inside and put a hand on my hip.
“A- a bit. I mostly just eat instant food, like noodles and such.” I made a disapproving sound and walked up to him. Not failing to sway my hips to play with his hormones even more.
I could see his eyes glued on them, going with their motions. He probably wanted to grab them and do something very… with them.
When I stood in front of him I stopped. I rasped my voice to direct his you my face instead of every other body part he would want to touch or more. Who was I kidding; it was more likely to be more. 
“Want me to make dinner? I am a fairly good cook.” I proposed.
He nodded and brushed his thumb over my lips, over my chin, down my neck and then the rest of my body… Until he settled it on my hip. I think he was a bit too infatuated by them.
“That would be great. Thank you. There are some ingredients from my… failed attempt at making dinner in the fridge. I’m going to take a shower…” He tore his gaze and then his hand off me and entered the bathroom.
Moments later I heard the shower running.
I clicked my tongue and fought off the image of a Jonghyun in my mind. I had seen it before, but that was when we were still young and I didn’t even know what my uality was.
With all this happening and all the thinking I totally forgot about my predicament. I was in an alternate universe and I still hadn’t found a way to get back to my own.
Was I going to tell Jonghyun about this? What would he say? He would probably think I am a loony.
That’s when the thought hit me. Was there even another me in this alternate universe? If there was, wouldn’t I be friends with him already? Or maybe we lived too far apart.
I shook the thought off and focused on the present. Maybe in the future something would reveal itself as a solution to getting back. For now I would have to do it with this apartment and this Jonghyun. Not that I minded this Jonghyun.
Not at all. I kind of liked him this way.

And so I made dinner. Not a whole three course one, but at least something to fill both our bellies at that time. Little did I know what was in store for me and how happy I would be afterward. 

I was stirring the food in the pot when I heard soft footfalls. I knew it was Jonghyun and judging from the sound he was barefoot. My speculations were confirmed when he walked into the kitchen with head in the sir, sniffing in the smell of my food. 
"A home cooked meal. It has been so long since I had one." He told me in an almost dreaming state.
I could see was tired and if it were up to his mind, he would have jumped into bed. However, his stomach did the talking now.
Hey, it's what they say, 'a man's love goes through his stomach'. I nodded without cognizing that I actually did. 
"What are you nodding about?" I felt two arms incase my slender figure from behind.
I completely stiffed up, not being used to this kind of hug from the person I loved. Wait, this was a different Jonghyun. I fell in love with the one from my world, not this one. Or did I? 
So confusing... Who did I love? Jonghyun that blindly followed me and gave up his dream to be with me? Or Jonghyun who was following his dreams and seemed to get increasingly more interested in me? I gave a sigh at the complicated mess in my brain.
I felt Jonghyun but his chin on my shoulder and a mumble that it smelled so delicious. Time for another teasing move. I sneakily picked up a spatula and grinned. In a swift moment I hit him on the head. Not to hard of course, I didn’t really want to hurt him.
“Ah! What was that for?” He exclaimed when he backed off.
I chuckled at the stupefied Jonghyun before me. It was pretty funny.
“Get out of my kitchen. This is no place for children.” I warned him.
Truly, his face was priceless. He actually looked defiled in an almost princess way.
Let’s just say that he looked gayer than me right now.
“I am not a child.” He defended as he carefully came up to me.
I waved the spatula around and saw him jump back like a cat. I took me most of my perseverance to keep myself from laughing out loud.
“You are enjoying this aren’t you?” Jonghyun enquired as he stood up straight.
I nodded and stifled a giggle while I was supporting my body on the countertop.
“Fine. But I’m expecting a three course dinner.” He laughed and left my kitchen.
I heard him sit down on the couch a few meters away and took a peak at him when he put on some thing. I wondered what it was. 
As an answer he stared talking to someone. 
"Hey, Onew. How are you?"
So Onew existed in this universe as well. Great, Mr. Match maker. 
"Hm, you friend Jessica?"
A million alarm bells rung inside my head and I grasped the nearest object firmly 
"A date? One date” Please say no. Please!?
“ I don't know. I met someone...”
 Yes! I was just in time. I listened in to the rest on the conversation.
“ it's a guy”. I nodded and continued dinner. 
“Well , I’m sorry for being bi Onew, but that's how it is.”
Seemed Onew didn't like having a bi friend. Probably even less... A gay one.
“ Yeah, I really like this one. He's not like the others. It's like there's something about him.”
That hurt me a bit. I wasn't the only one, but I did hope to be the last one..
"Yeah, bye. 
He hung up. So that thing was some kind of telephone? I walked over to him and saw some moving screens. And it was also a TV? Amazing! I tapped the glass, it wasn't wider than 0,3 millimeters. 
"Hey, I’m trying to watch here." He told me while smiling a bit.
I stopped annoying him and walked back to the kitchen.
After a few minutes the food was ready and I served it on the kitchen table. I turned around to get the pot of kimchi when I saw Jonghyun face peaking around the corner.
I chuckled at how adorable it looked. I set the pot on the table and beckoned him to come and eat.
“It’s not a three course meal, but then you wouldn’t be getting food before nightfall.” I stated and put his share in front of him.
He nodded and took my hand in his own and brought it to his lips. He left a small, yet meaningful kiss of appreciation on it and started to eat.
There’s nothing entertaining about eating dinner. Maybe we played some footsie under the table and I giggled a lot… And I mean a lot.
At some point I got annoyed with my own giggling. That’s saying something.
Jonghyun and I moved to the living room and he kept on saying he was so full that he was going to burst, but it was so good too. I couldn’t help but smile at the compliment.
Not many people knew how to make a good kimchi. I learned it from my grandmother.
“I have never eaten this much.” Jonghyun groaned and lay back.
He looked like a pregnant lady. I giggled again. God, I had to stop giggling. It was annoying.
“I think you have a bun in the oven.” I laughed.
He laughed with me, but stopped when whined about it hurting his belly.
His gigantic belly.
“Bummie~ Can you my pants. I can’t even see it.” He whined some more.
I shook my head and popped his button so his belly hand more room. Grinning like a madman I poked his belly repeatedly.
Jonghyun growl lowly with a hint of hostility. “Don’t do that.”
I stopped and continued another way. I left butterfly kisses all over his tummy.
I heard him chuckle and mumbling about consuming too much of the food and that I should have eaten more.
I looked up at him and saw he had his head thrown back.
Exposing a lot of his neck. The tease.
A scheme popped up in my head and decided we had done enough playing around. It was time for some action. I leaned over him and attacked his Adams apple. and it, along with the rest of his neck. He moaned a little and d my .
I think he revived due to my kisses or something, because the next thing I knew I was under him. His belly was still big, but that was okay. I liked a man that could eat my food without complaining too much.
The glint of danger made me swallow thickly. His face was so close. I had no idea what he was going to do. Then I didn’t really care anymore. He could do whatever he wanted to do with me.
I closed my eyes and gave in. He chuckled at my defeat and pressed his lips upon mine.
I felt like had time halted for us to enjoy thus moment. Electric shocks went through my body and turned me into jelly in his arms. I moaned softly to encourage him to go further than just the basic kiss and as I thought, he caught on to what I was implying.
A quick swipe of his tongue over my bottom lip made me shudder in anticipation. This was exactly what I hoped it would be like. I opened my mouth slightly, letting him pry it open. What was the fun in completely surrendering to his wishes? I liked teasing.
All thoughts left me when I felt his hands under my shirt trailing up my sides. My back curved into his touch. I had longed for this moment for years. Ever since the beginning of university. When he had been so kind and considerate towards what I was feeling after my break up.
Our tongues softly played with each other, testing the waters. Shortly after, he pressed against my tongue and swirling around it sensually.
I raked my fingers through his smooth brown hair. As I though, it was the same as the other Jonghyun’s hair. Wait when did Jonghyun in my world become the other Jonghyun? Wasn’t this Jonghyun supposed to be the other one? Nevertheless, I felt more at home in this Jonghyun’s arms than in the other’s arms.
Did I love this Jonghyun or the other? Or both? Was I that selfish?
My head spun from the thinking and I cleared my mind. All this thinking didn’t really help me in any way. I just had to focus on the man on top of me trying to undo my clothes and failing because I wasn’t helping. And his belly was in the way.
You can probably guess what we did next. Let’s just say it involved a lot of touching and… sounds.
Maybe some beds creaking and stuff.
Afterwards I was the happiest man alive. That was until I saw something concerning.
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Chapter 14: How this story hasn't gotten enough attention is beyond my guess.
Both stories were beautiful <3
Chapter 8: omg, i almost cried, this story is so beautiful. ur genius is showing :D
BeleniKate #3
Chapter 3: I lo-lo-love this :D It's so sweet and well-written, please continue :D
Chapter 3: oooooooooh this chapter was so sweet~
Chapter 2: this story is fcking amazing, and i've only read these two chapters, wow. it's unexplainable...please PLEASE continue.