The First Day

A Concert Of Our Lives
"Aww... You both look so cute..." Our manager, Shannon, screamed. She's a little young to be a manager. Wait. Too young to be our manager. She looks like in her early 20s with her side ponytail and her fringe almost covering her left eye. Kimberley and I looked at the mirror. She was wearing a bunny headband and I have a cat headband on my head. "Why must We wear these?" Kimberley questioned. I nodded, agreeing with her. Shannon shrugged and replied, "To attract customers." "This is not a kiddy playground. This is an accessories shop for... mostly teenagers?" I said. "Only the first day please... After that, you can keep it." "Yes! I'm so keeping this!" Kimberley eyes widened in excitement. She jump a few times before realizing my disgusted face. "Come on Eliza! We can wear this for Halloween!" "No." "Please. Please. Please!!!" Kimberley pestered. I looked at Shannon for some support but She just raised her eyebrows. I grumbled, "Fine..." She elapsed a cheer and thank me before going to the cashier. I stood at the end of the shop, waiting for customers. ------------- "Okay you two," Shannon announced. "Go and take your break. For 45 minutes. It's usually for 30 minutes but Since it's your first Day, I'll give you more lunch time. I took my purse before We headed for the banquet. We passed by fashion shops that tempt us to buy their products. Most of the time, Kimberley had to drag me to the banquet as I drool over the awesome clothes and accessories. Once We reach the banquet, it was half packed. We found a table at the end of the banquet, where the environment is much quieter. "I'll sit here while you go and buy our food," Kimberley stubbornly said. I groaned, "Again..." I shuffled towards the seafood store. I scanned the menu and ordered two plates of fish and chips. Balancing the two trays of food in both my hands, I steadily made my way towards our table. I put down the food and dashed to the drinks stall to buy our drinks so that Kimberley would not eat my portion of food. I was heading back to the table with Kimberley's milo and my apple juice when I bumped into someone....
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Lettice #1
Lettice #2
Chapter 4: Lol who is it?? Don't tell me it's HIM!
Lettice #3
Chapter 1: Pahahahahahahahahah I sound so girly!!!! Puahahahahahahahahahahaha
Lettice #4
Seriously. Why skarf?!?!?! They without sol