♡ SNSD ♡

A Concert Of Our Lives
Before we even knock, the door automatically opened. Taeyeon was smiling at us to come in. The other eight members were on the floor, eating popcorn while watching the television. "Join us!" Jessica invited. When we sat down, someone switched off the television. "Where's your manners unnie?" Seohyun scowled. "Omo... We're sorry," Tiffany apologized. The nine stood up and introduced themselves. I continued by introducing myself and my friends followed. "What do you want to do?" Sooyoung asked us. "Play a game?" Hyoyeon suggested. "Uno!" Sunny exclaimed. Topmast stood up and went to the cupboard to get the game. "Don't you love the nature view of our room?" Yuri asked. The walls were painted white with flowers and plants decals. The carpet was blue like the river. "How did the door opened automatically just now?" Sadia asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh! That's not automatic! Taeyeon opened the door. We heard you ending your call with SISTAR so we told Taeyeon to opened it to welcome you," Jessica explained. "Are you sure you want to play Uno?" Yoona asked, joining us with 3 boxes of cards. "Why did you take 3 boxes?" I twitched my nose. "There are 13 of us now. 1 box of cards isn't enough for all of us to play," Sooyoung pointed out. "Lets eat while we play!" Sunny said, taking bags of nachos. "Nachos!" Kimberley yelped. Like how we play with 2NE1, we bonded with SNSD while playing Uno. On top of that, we enjoyed eating the bags of nachos. We were practically full when we leave their room. "Wait, here's a present from all of us," Seohyun gave each of us a notebook. "Thanks!" The four of us said in unison. "Enjoy yourself with 4Minute!" Yoona piped in. "How do you know?" Zhiye asked. "Somehow we just know," Tiffany replied with an eye smile. We bade farewell to the nine of them before heading for 4Minute's room. "We did not ask for their numbers," Sadia cried. At that moment, She received a message. "Look inside your notebook! -SNSD" On the first page of the notebooks were a message in English and Korean. Their individual phone numbers were at the bottom of the pages. "Awesome!" Zhiye said. "Agree!" I replied
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Lettice #1
Lettice #2
Chapter 4: Lol who is it?? Don't tell me it's HIM!
Lettice #3
Chapter 1: Pahahahahahahahahah I sound so girly!!!! Puahahahahahahahahahahaha
Lettice #4
Seriously. Why skarf?!?!?! They without sol