The Long Talk Which Brings Me Nowhere

A Concert Of Our Lives
"Ok ok..." I said after we are exhausted from jumping and silent screaming. "I'll talk to my mum and dad about this." "We can't miss this opportunity!"Kimberley blurted. I nodded in agreement. I skipped down the stairs, two at a time and was greeted by my the living room. "I thought You're both are eating breakfast?" I asked, trying to strike a conversation. "We're not that slow," my father hastily replied, turning over a page of the newspaper. "So what's the excitement all about?" I inhaled deeply and explained everything as fast as a lightning. "I didn't catch a word. I only heard 'K-Pop' and 'Concert," Mum said. "Can me and Kimberley go?" As I mentioned her name, She appeared right next to me. "I don't mind about her," mum said, pointing to Kimberley. "I'm worried about you." "Why wouldn't you trust me to go to a concert?" I asked stunned. "We'll explained once You're ready." Dad said as he stood up and heading for the door. "Ready?" I mumbled. "When exactly is that?" My Dad shrugged and pointed to Mum. I looked at Kimberley for some help persuading my parents but then She shrugged and ran up the stairs. I glared at Mum and She mouthed, "Later."
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Lettice #1
Lettice #2
Chapter 4: Lol who is it?? Don't tell me it's HIM!
Lettice #3
Chapter 1: Pahahahahahahahahah I sound so girly!!!! Puahahahahahahahahahahaha
Lettice #4
Seriously. Why skarf?!?!?! They without sol