Meeting her in person

A Concert Of Our Lives
"Uhm... Zhiye?" I invited, making a gesture to go out . "Sure! You all stay here," Zhiye stood up and followed me out the cafe. We scanned the horizon. It was cold night outside the cafe. A few metres from us, we could see a blurred shadow of a lady heading towards the concert area. The both of us sprinted towards her and stopped a few steps in front of her. "Yes?" She asked in an English accent but there was a slight Korean accent in her voice. "You're a k-pop star," Zhiye started. I continued, "You're Ailee right?" She took out her sunglasses and smiled, "Good observation girls. Don't you know you two are in a TV show?" My face became pale. She continued, "It is a new show that my manager made so that my fans could hang with me backstage at a concert." "YAY! Can we?" Zhiye blurted. "Sure. You can bring your other two friends. But it's getting kinda dark. How about tomorrow?" The whole stage will still be here and some of the groups too," she added. "I'll send a limo to one of your house to esort you here. How's that?" Before I could discuss wuth the three of them, Zhiye told her my address. She bade goodbye then walked away. I glared at Zhiye but she just grinned.
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Lettice #1
Lettice #2
Chapter 4: Lol who is it?? Don't tell me it's HIM!
Lettice #3
Chapter 1: Pahahahahahahahahah I sound so girly!!!! Puahahahahahahahahahahaha
Lettice #4
Seriously. Why skarf?!?!?! They without sol