
The Unexpected


-Hyuna pov-
"Wha-what is this?..." I muttered. I turned to a snoring Hyunseung. He looks so cute when he sleeps...could he have written what I just read? 
Junhyung I will kill you
It kept on repeating in my head making me feel a little dizzy. I took the sheet of paper and slipped it in my pocket. But while I grabbed the sheet, his pencil rolled down the side of the table and hit the ground making a "thump" sound. I looked over to Hyunseung again hoping he didnt hear.
 He changed sleeping positions but luckily he wasnt awake..yet.  As I bent to grab the pencil, something caught my attention. On the floor and side of the table was Hyunseung's...Diary? It was at the bottom of a stack of books covered with some cloth. It was well hidden actually..its just that the pencil laid right in front of his diary which was exposed a little because of the positioning of the cloth and the diary'a bright vivid red colour. 
Should I take a peek...? Maybe it will explain why Hyunseung wrote that he would kill Junhyung..
I grabbed the cloth and threw it to my side. I took a hold of the book at the bottom and slid it out. 
Wait..I shouldnt..having second thoughts
I had regrets even discovering the note he wrote
Junhyung I will kill you it had said
I took a deep breath, put the diary back where it was and gently placed the cloth back on top.
Not now Kim Hyuna. No more snooping around for today. Too many surprises already...but if I change my mind again, I'll always know where the diary is..unless he changes the place... 
I walked over and flicked the light switch. It now it was dark with some moonlight shining from the window. I tip toe to Hyunseungs bed and laid down. Thought were swirling around in my head. 
I'll ask him tomorrow about the note...
I decided and tousled around trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. Yawning, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Junhyung appeared and stared at me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer roughly. He put his mouth near my ear and started whispering. 
"Dont you ever do that again, Kim Hyuna"
I was confused. What was he talking about?
"Do wha-what?" I stuttered
He rolled his eyes
"You embaressed me!" He shouted. His voice was full of fury which didnt startle me as much. Honestly, this was regular of him. Blaming me for what he did wrong. Physically hurting me for his sin. Taking his anger all out on me. It was only seconds until he would start slapping and kicking me. 
Junhyung took a deep sigh scratching his head. He glanced back at me and came closer and closer. His arm was raised and hand ready to come in contact with my cheek. 
I then did something I wouldn't have ever done during my relationship with Junhyung or in fact, to anyone. 
Instead of him hurting me physically, I Slapped him.
He wore a stunned expression and he was clearly taken aback. I took that chance and started to run away.  I didnt care where I went, anywhere but near him. Memories of Junhyung abusing me started to come to mind and tears streamed down my face
The scene then changed..
It was cold and the whistling wind blew against my skin chilling me to the bone. It was night and the moon was gleaming brightly. A lone house was nearby and the lights were on. I looked around me to check my other surroundings. Trees, grass, flowers and a park beside the house. 
Ive never been here before...
Confused and curious, I walked over to the swings and sat down enjoying myself. The violent wind soon died and now was a soft breeze which was so refreshing and made me sigh a happy sigh. It was still cold though..
I heard some noise coming from the house and the door suddenly flew open. I got off the swing and ran away fearing someone would discover me on their property. I kept on moving, my legs feeling weak for some strange reason. 
Ive only ran a few meters..
My body dropped to the ground, exhausted. I closed my eyes panting just letting myself go. 
"Excuse me miss?" Someone had asked. It sounded so familiar...but I was too tired to even think about it
I tried to open my eyes but I wouldnt let myself. I was too tired.
"Miss?" The voice still asked "Are you alright?"
"No..Im not.." I finally made out. I was shivering. 
I felt myself being lifted from the ground and being carried away. I heard a door slam and suddenly I started to warm up. I got the strength to open my eyes and take a glance at who saved me. 
My eyes widened and he gave me a warm smile and laid me down on a bed. 
I shifted and reached out to an empty spot near me on the bed. I yawned, stretched and got up walking to the washroom.
What did I just dream about?
I splashed my face with cold water and stared at my reflection in the mirror. 
Was it really him?
I rubbed my temples and walked back to Hyunseungs room, ignoring the first part of my dream with Junhyung and continue thinking about the other guy I saw in my dream...
Why would I think of you? It was so long ago...Why must you come back into my thoughts, Lee Joon?
There ya go :D Long chapter for ya guys cuz I didnt update in a long time :(( Hope you like! Thank you to the viewers, commenters and subscribers! :)))
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Chapter 17: Sweet ending ^^
Chapter 17: Too Sweet.
Chapter 16: first it's junhyung now it's leejoon!!! I don't like it!! I want 2hyun together till the end!
Chapter 16: She should have read his diary, I would have lol. After a note with him saying he was going to kill someone and me staying under the same roof...yeah, that diary would have been read lol. Sigh...then you have wifebeater junhyung...which leaves no hopes for Junah :( So complicated!!!
Chapter 16: I'm sorry what? LEE JOON?! WHAT ARE YOU GETTING AT?!
Chapter 15: Oh man, i hope that was just an angry rant and hyunseung isnt that crazy!
Chapter 15: He will kill Junhyung?!?! o_O
Update soon~~
Chapter 15: Update soon please :)
Chapter 14: Wow i did not see the junhyung abuse thing coming! Please update soon!
Chapter 14: Look like you wrote this one in your notes on your ipod kekeke.. :)