
Loved by Mistake


After what happen during Christmas Eve, Minho and I tried to put our attention elsewhere. We couldn’t afford to act so reckless like the last, although I do not regret anything that happened that night. My train of thoughts was suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice.

“Excuse miss, I was wondering if my fiancé would like to come and have lunch with me” Minho said peeking inside the office.

“What are you doing there, come on inside” I said laughing. “I thought you’re on duty today?”

“I file an early leave so I can spend more time with my fiancé before our wedding” he said and kissed me on the lips his while his hands cup my face. As much as I want to skip work days before our engagement, I can’t because there are clients and meetings that can’t be rescheduled and delayed. He must notice that my mood suddenly shifted.



I understand that Sulli cannot just leave work, she’s running a business and many job’s are on the line if she didn’t do her job well.

“Come on Ssul, don’t worry I completely understand the situation let’s just make the most out of the situation” I said trying to comfort her.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you” she said.

“Well you can do me a favor, if that’s okay” I said trying to test the water.

“Anything!” she said, her dreadful expression a while ago turning into a hopeful one.

“I know it sounds kind of lame but since I’m on leave and I really want to spend almost every hour, every minute and second… Can I hang around here in your office, I promise to behave and not disturb you.” She’s probably shock by what I said what I can see that she’s thinking about it.

“But what will you do here? I might bore you to death here.”

“Well I can bring my laptop and do my research here while you read and sign your documents” I said.




My phone started ringing and I saw my dad’s name appeared on the screen. “Hi dad, please tell me you have good news” I said sounding hopeful when I answer the call after going out the room.

“Sorry son but the police cannot trace the caller, are you really sure you want to go on with the engagement just until everything is cleared?”

“No dad, everything will go as planned. By the way, did you already talk to auntie and uncle about this?”

“Yes, they are very worried for the both of you especially that the threat is focused on Sulli.”


Six days ago, I received a call from an unknown number. “Choi Minho, if you on with this engagement ceremony, you Sulli will die!” said the caller on the other line. I cannot figure out if it’s a man or woman because the voice is distorted.

I immediately call my parents and ask the police to trace down the call I receive few minutes ago. I texted my best friend about the situation and in just minutes, Taemin is already knocking at my door.

“Minho, what are you going to do?” he asks me.

“I don’t know Taemin; I just know that I can’t succumb to that pathetic caller’s demand.”

“What if the caller really hurts Sulli, will your conscience be able to take it?”

“I’m filing an early leave, I’m supposed to file two days before the engagement but since things turn out like this, I don’t think I have a choice but to be by Sulli’s side always.”

“Do you even plan to tell her the situation?”

“She has a lot already on her plate; I don’t want to stress her out more regarding this matter.”

“Minho, she deserved to know the truth. What if she found out that you hid it from her, what will she feel?”

End of flashback

When I got back, the office is empty and Sulli’s bag is gone. I tried calling her phone but she left it on her desk. I ran outside and saw her secretary.

“Does Sulli have a meeting scheduled right now?” I ask.

“No sir, Ms. Sulli’s meeting with the clients will resume tomorrow morning” she answered me.

I ran inside the office to get my phone and car keys when Sulli entered the room. I cannot control my emotions and raised my voice on her.

“Where have you been? I have been looking for you everywhere you secretary doesn’t even know where you are!” I ran towards her and hug her very tight; I thought that I completely lost her. “Sulli, do not do that to me ever again!”

She sooth my back and said “Hey, I’m here. I’m okay, I’m not going anywhere.”

I let her go and sat on the couch, my sudden outburst drained all the energy in me. She sat by my side and holds my hand.

“Minho, is there something you want to tell me? You’ve been acting really strange, is there something I need to know?” she asks me. Instead of answering her, I claimed her lips and kissed her in an urgent manner. We were both out of breath when I let go of her lips, I lean my forehead to hers feeling in front of me. Sulli is with me right now, that’s all that matters.

“The only way I will let you go is if you tell that your heart belongs to someone else, remember that Sulli” I said to her in a whisper.

“What are you talking about Minho, you stole my heart ever since I can’t remember” she answered. I smiled, and kiss her again.

“I love you” I said.

“I love you too Minho, with all my heart.”




Minho and I went out to jogging this morning, instead of going to my apartment; he invited me to go to his place instead so he can make me some pancakes. I like the idea of Minho in the kitchen and cooking so we went straight to his place.

We were eating breakfast when I received a call from the security in my apartment. I excused myself to answer the call I stand up but Minho grab my waist to stop me from walking.

“Hello Miss Sulli, this is Hank. Someone broke in to your apartment this morning” I didn’t need to tell Minho because he heard everything; he took his phone and dialed a number.

“Dad, I’m afraid we have to make changes. Someone broke into Sulli’s apartment” he said on the other line. “Yes, she is okay. She’s with me right now, yes I understand. Okay, thanks dad!”

“Ssul” he said. “We need to talk.”



My nightmares are coming into life, that’s what I thought when I heard Hank, the head of security in Ssul apartment said that there was a break in the building, worst things is, someone broke into Sulli’s apartment. I called my dad and updated him with the situation, I know I must act now and I won’t take any chances especially if it’s about Sulli’s safety.

“Ssul, we need to talk” I said. I lead Sulli at the couch while I sat on the table so I was facing her. “Please forgive me for telling this to you just now, I really hope that I do not want to worry you that’s why I kept this from you.”

“Minho, I don’t understand… What are you trying to say?” she said, looking nervous.

“A few days I go I received a call from an unknown number, the caller threatened to harm you if our engagement party push through. I ask the police to trace the call but they can’t so I took all the precautionary measure I could think off.”

“Is that why you filed you leave few days earlier?” she asks me, I nodded. “Why didn’t you tell me about this immediately?” she asks again.

“Because I don’t want to worry you for something that might not be true, but after this break in incident I don’t think I can keep it from you anymore. I really hate keeping secrets from you.” I said and lowered down my head, I was waiting for her to shout at me and get angry but nothing happens, just silence.

I look at her and I saw her just staring at me, smiling. “Why are you smiling?” I ask her, “Aren’t you mad because I kept it a secret from you?”

“Do you want me to be mad at you?” she asks me.

“Of course not” I answered.

“There’s no reason for me to be mad because I understand that my fiancé only wanted to protect me that’s why you kept this thing a secret. And just so you know, I really appreciate the honesty.”



We were sitting under an oak tree in our garden, tomorrow the whole world will know that Sulli is engaged to me. Even though there is a threat in regarding her safety, Sulli agrees that there is no reason why we should stop the ceremony, and for that I am really thankful that God has given me a really strong and brave wife-to-be.

“Could you please humor me” I said. “Why didn’t you ask me to stop the engagement?”

“You really don’t know the answer to that Dr. Choi?” I nodded. “I didn’t stop the engagement because I do not want to live in fear, what if this threat continues then does it mean that we will hold our wedding for it? Heck if I can marry you tomorrow Dr. Choi Minho, I will. I’ll even marry you tonight if I can.”

“That’s it! I love you so much Sulli!”



***Another update, hope you like this one! I’m really thankful for all the readers who check out the preview of my first khuntoria story Life like Ours, I hope you can support it as much as you supported my first two stories! Thank you very much for all the love and support you all are giving to my works! All of you are the best! ***


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Chapter 1 - Neighbors


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zangsia1 #1
Chapter 15: Hello authornim. Hope all is well with you.
miss this story and thinking if you want to continue this story? If yes, it will be a great Christmas gift n birthday gift but if not Thank you for this story.
pujisuhada #2
Chapter 15: hope next chapter will coming quickly
pujisuhada #3
Chapter 14: who is the spy to sulli
pujisuhada #4
Chapter 13: luckily minho still can handle it
pujisuhada #5
Chapter 12: really nice couple
pujisuhada #6
Chapter 11: always always some emergency that disturb them
pujisuhada #7
Chapter 10: what are they doing together
pujisuhada #8
Chapter 9: what does minho want to ask to sulli about wooyoung
pujisuhada #9
Chapter 8: happy start for both of them
pujisuhada #10
Chapter 7: what will minho reaction
when he hear that