A Special Cellphone ~~``

Summer Dreams

 ★  ★ Chapter 4 ~~``

[ Oh__________ (POV) ]

Inner Thoughts

[ After contemplating on whether you should or should not copy the contacts from Gikwang's phone, you decided that it would be best if you didn't. ]

[ What should I do? Should I talk to my mom or something? ] 

*walks back into hot springs pool*

You: Mom, someone dropped their phone outside the hot springs changeroom. What should I do? Shall I call them and let them know?

Mom: Obviously! Lucica .. What were you thinking of doing it with the phone?

You: Well... I sorta think that maybe it might be someone from B2ST's phone.... *mumbling*

Mom: What? Did you say B2ST, that Korean group you like? Are you even sure... 


Mom: Well if your so sure.. WHY DON'T YOU TRY CALLING ONE OF THEM THEN D:<

You: Uhm. What//... NO! Of course not... I'll text them. Yea... That seems smart.

Mom: Alright, whatever you want.. 

You: Ok then I'll be right back! 

[Out of Hot Springs back to benches]

*thinking again*

sigh -O- , I can't do this! 

But, its only a text so .. what its fine i guess... 

hehe... kekeke ~~ who shall I text about this? Dongwoon [ I'm so evil that I still stick to my bias ] 

To: 손동운 Son Dongwoon 

Date: 10/07/2011 7:30 pm

Whose phone is this? 

I decided to go with a more direct approach... Definitely got to make sure whose phone I have right here. 

*vibrates*  [ 5 mins later ] 

To: 이기광 Lee Gikwang

Date: 10/07/2011 7:35 pm

Silly Kwanggie Hyunggg ~~ This is your phone ... DUH :D kekekek ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅅㅁㅅ 


[ Dongwoon's POV ] 

:O Omo , I got a text ~~ 

*After seeing text* 

Haha, silly Kwanggie Hyung... 

Fine.. I'll text you back anyways even though I'm pretty sure your just joking around with me! 

I know the phone is yours! but ok ... Anyways, I'll play along even though I can still see you in the hotel room. 

Kekekeke >:D

[ Oh Lucica (Your) POV ]

Omo.. What to doooo? 

Im freaking out and he didn't even reply yet =="

*vibrates vibrates*  new message


To: 이기광 Lee Gikwang

Date: 10/07/2011 7:35 pm

Silly Kwanggie Hyunggg ~~ This is your phone ... DUH :D kekekek ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅅㅁㅅ 

Aigooooo ... Why is he making this so hard xD and He's my future husband

*cough* But, he doesn't know that yet.... 

How should I reply? There is no way I can with this text response ><" 

How? With what?

I'm not your hyung? ... Your hyung left his phone? ....... 

I don't know ㅠ ㅇㅠ  


[ End of Chapter 4 ]


Hope this chapter was okay? :P Was sorta of disappointed with it, honestly xD i dunno or is it me ! haha hopefully the next chapter will be awesome.. Until next time :D probably on Friday ! See you then <3 My lovely subscribers or new readers!

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curious what was inside the box ;)
update soon! <3
finally you updated :]
please do update more!
i miss this story XD
lovelyfrozen #3
yayy you update!!!! xD
lovelyfrozen #4
upate update update laaar hehehehe guess who I am ;D
hamachee #5
I can't believe Junhyung's spying on them haha. *creeper*<br />
It doesn't seem cheesy to me (:<br />
<br />
Can't wait for the next update^.^
xoRynoa #6
Awuu, cheest but I liked it (= Update soon!
lol! is it true that dongwoonie needs junhyung's help rather than doojoon's? :p
hamachee #8
Awwe Junhyung's trying to help out Woonie. Whatta nice hyung(: keke~
xoRynoa #9
Awhhh, so cute! Can't wait for the update<3
i love this line! ==> "maknaes can handle things on their own !"<br />
show maknaes' power, dongwoonieeee! XD<br />
lol!<br />
please please update soon! this story is getting more excited every time you updated! <33<br />