A Secret Gift

Summer Dreams


[★ ★ Chapter 11 ~~``] 

[ Third Person Omniscient View ] 
**Meanwhile Upstairs in the B2ST Room ** 
Hyunseung: ARG... I'm so bored, don't want to sleep. Hmph, guys lets play a game !! (: 
Junhyung: No, how about we open the gifts from the fans from today at the fanmeet? 
Hyunseung: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES DUDE I love everything we get, our fans know us way too well. But, come on can't the hyungs get more than the maknae == *points at Dongwoon's pile* 
Manager Hyung: NO! None of you can touch your fan gifts, we still need to pack these up later for when we return to Korea. Can't you just resist for a bit? Anyways, why are you all still up! I told you to sleep because after our early schedule tomorrow, were going back to Korea! 
Hyunseung: Fine.... Hyung. But, why do you have to !!! ugh..
Manager Hyung: No whys JUST DO IT! Anyways speaking of the maknae where is he?? 
Yoseob: Hm.. He barged out of the room in a rush, he said he left something downstairs. We asked him to get us snacks but nooooooooooo ): 
Gikwang: *cough cough* *mumbles* hurhur. He went downstairs to go see his girlfriend wakakak. 
Manager Hyung: What?
Gikwang: Ha Nothing. 
Doojoon: Should I be texting Dongwoon about now?
Manager Hyung: Yea, you better or hes dead meat. Get him up here.
To : 손동운 Son Dongwoon MAKNAEEEE
Date: 10/07/2011 10:45 pm
Aigooo! Maknae, you get back here! Manager Hyung is about to kill you if you don't. 

** In the elevator** 
*phone vibrates* 
Dongwoon: Sorry, let me just check this text.
From: 윤두준 Yoon Doojoon Hyung
Date: 10/07/2011 10:45 pm
Aigooo! Maknae, you get back here! Manager Hyung is about to kill you if you don't. 
Lucica: Yea, sure sure (:
Dongwoon: Oh my gosh, problem Manager Hyung is there what to do? 
Lucica: No worries, just don't worry (: I'll say its my fault!
Dongwoon: No, no! Let's just wait till we get back up there to figure things out! 
To: 윤두준 Yoon Doojoon Hyung
Date: 10/07/2011 10:50 pm
I'm coming, I'm coming! Just wait for me, ok? I have a surprise (: 
** Out of the elevator ** 
Yoseob: WHOOO IS IT???
Dongwoon: It's me! I brought a friend along! Hehe~~ Maknae is good right?
Lucica: Oppa Er ... xD I'm kind of nervous. 
Dongwoon: Aigoo, you got Oppa right? It's ok (: 
** opens door **
Yoseob: Ah.. Who is this pretty girl ? 
Dongwoon: She's the girl who found Gikwang's phone. He should be super thankful. I made her a promise that since she returned it, we would show her around Korea. 
Lucica: Naee, oppa ! Yoseob sshi, its so good to finally meet you. *blushes & shakes hands*
Yoseob: *hehe shes so cute but maknae property! ** 
Dongwoon: Yea, so I brought her up! I really hope Manager Hyung doesn't mind. Lucica, I should probably introduce you, or well I'm sure you know them all already.
Gikwang: HAI LUCICA (: how you doing ;DD
Dongwoon: ** shoot!  Gikwang that **
Junhyung: So, where my coke eh? OR WERE U BUSY? 
Hyunseung: Anneonggg Lucica sshi (: 
Doojoon: Hai! You know I'm the charismatic leader! 
Lucica: Hehehehehe ! Hi Gikwang oppa, Junhyung oppa, Hyunseung oppa, and Doojoon oppa. You guys are really tall xD
Dongwoon: But, your cute because your so short (:
Lucica: *giggles* 
Gikwang & Junhyung: AISHHHH look.........
Dongwoon: What??? Ok, Lucica let me grab something and lets go into one of the bedrooms to talk (:
Lucica: *blushes* Um naee 
Doojoon: OOOO what's going on in there ;D
Dongwoon: NOTHING YOUR IMAGINING! STOP CORRUPTING MY BRAIN! I'm a maknae (: I'm innocent. 
*Dongwoon grabs small pink box with a white ribbon from pile of fangifts* 

Dongwoon: *pulls Lucica's hand into room*
Dongwoon: Lucica do you want to promise me something? Promise you'll call me and meet us in Korea? 
Lucica: Yea, but why are you so worried?
Dongwoon: I don't know because your something special that happened to me today. 
Lucica: En, I'm leaving tomorrow though, for Korea. 
Dongwoon: It's ok just take this.
*Opens the box of the gift* 
Dongwoon: Yay ! I grabbed the right gift, its a matching piece from a fan. (: 

[ Authors Note: HEHE HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THE CLIFFHANGER :3 NO IDEA WHATS IN THE BOX (: HEHE NOT THAT EXCITING but, hope your enjoying the update! There will be some Junhyung and Gikwang evilness later! hehe their gonna team up on the maknae! Woot (: ENJOY, SHARE, AND READ and tune in next week on Friday for a new update or probably sometime this week wakakaka <3 ] 

I missed you guys so much <3 enjoy!! 

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curious what was inside the box ;)
update soon! <3
finally you updated :]
please do update more!
i miss this story XD
lovelyfrozen #3
yayy you update!!!! xD
lovelyfrozen #4
upate update update laaar hehehehe guess who I am ;D
hamachee #5
I can't believe Junhyung's spying on them haha. *creeper*<br />
It doesn't seem cheesy to me (:<br />
<br />
Can't wait for the next update^.^
xoRynoa #6
Awuu, cheest but I liked it (= Update soon!
lol! is it true that dongwoonie needs junhyung's help rather than doojoon's? :p
hamachee #8
Awwe Junhyung's trying to help out Woonie. Whatta nice hyung(: keke~
xoRynoa #9
Awhhh, so cute! Can't wait for the update<3
i love this line! ==> "maknaes can handle things on their own !"<br />
show maknaes' power, dongwoonieeee! XD<br />
lol!<br />
please please update soon! this story is getting more excited every time you updated! <33<br />