Bad Cup of Tea

I'm So Sorry But I Love You

-Jiyong's P.O.V-

She smiled and threw the towel into the wash basket. "Follow me... it's a storm out there" I nodded and followed her through the luxurious apartment, at the back of the corridor was a room which she opened and led me into. "Just relax, by morning all will be fine"

"I can't sleep now!" I protested, still worried about Seunghyun. It's not like him to suddenly disappear and stop pestering me... but I came to love that.

"Please. I insist. It's better for you to find him while you're in good health rather than soaked to the bone and hanging on for dear life" She stated, crossing her arms across her chest. I nodded and walked in, closing the door behind me. I scanned the bookcase, many books there, but one caught my eye.

'Alice in Wonderland'and the second book was 'Through the Looking Glass" I sat down and read them quietly, enjoying being taken into a fantasy world away from troubles. The last thing I remember was the book hitting my face as I fell into a dream world.


I was running around in a feild, happily. But then I looked ahead and there stood a small boy... he was crying. Every step I took my heart thumped faster, the sky became darker. The rain fell like tears as I was merely feet away from this boy. He was crying... where did this look familiar? I kneeled down and smiled, "Are you okay...?" He slapped my hand away, "GO TO HELL!" He screamed.

Then I remembered. "YOU'RE JUST GOING TO BEAT ME!" He yelled again. I hugged him, not letting go even through he was struggling, "Jiyong... calm down, in the future someone loves you very much and they wouldn't leave you for the entire world" "Who are you...?" He asked, his brown eyes meeting mine, then he realised. "You're me... so who loves me...?"

I smiled and patted his shoulder, "It may sound weird... but a boy loves you... and you love him back. Arasso?" It felt as if I was forcing him...

"Nae! I'll always love him! I promise you! But what about Chae-Rin?" I ruffled his hair, "You and her loved eachother very much... but you split because she became popular" He starting tearing up. I quickly remembered something to cheer myself up.

"But you meet other people. Youngbae, Seunghyun and Daesung, they become your closest friends and they see you as a leader. Promise not to cry anymore..." He nodded and hugged me. Then out of nowhere another little boy appeared... his outstretched hand calling my younger self's. He let go and grabbed the boys hand. I didn't recognise him... is this what I forgot after the car accident...?

"Ji... come now, you look ugly crying" He smirked. "YAH! Do you want to die!" The young me replied, he chuckled and placed a kiss on me.

"Saranghae... Seunghyun hyung..." SEUNGHYUN?!?!

~~~ I woke up in panic, it was a nightmare... I didn't know Seunghyun before school! I couldn't have. And if I did where did he go...? Did I tell Taeyang about it..? What happened after the accident? So many questions needing answers. I slowly turned my head to look at the clock... it was 10 in the morning. I got up and fixed my messy brown hair.

Then getting up and trying to sneak away from this girl. I walked quietly and quickly, but on the counter placed was ice cream and tea. How convinient. I took a bite of the ice cream, then took a sip of tea as brain freeze immeidately hit. "A-Ah I ing hate brain freeze.." I mumbled, finishing the ice cream and tea. I grabbed my jacket and then ran on.


"YAH! SOMETHING YOU WANT TO TELL ME!" I screamed as I burst into Taeyang's classroom, knowing full well he was there. He looked at me confusedly. "YOUNGBAE. DO. YOU. HAVE. SOMETHING TO. SAY?!" I questioned again, nearing his desk and flipping over some. He was scared of me now, rage built up like never before. I grabbed the collar of his uniform and dragged him to the hallway.

"What's wrong Ji?"

"What's Wrong? WHAT'S WRONG?! Explain Seunghyun! Explain the car accident!" His eyes widened then softened. A strong subject with him, since he liked Dae whom was in the accident too. "Jiyong..." He started taking a sharp breath.

"I-I'm sorry. Seunghyun left to America for holdidays before the accident. When the car crashed you forgot who he was... so I kept him and you apart, so you wouldn't be hurt any more. But when I saw hm here I knew you'd love him so I let you two make memories again" He said. I let a tear leak. No wonder I stood by him whenever he annoyed me. No wonder he was over protective... no wonder we were like a solved jigsaw. My vision began to blur and my breathing hitched. I leaned onto the wall. "JI?! JIYONG?!"

I smiled and sat down, regaining my vision very slowly... I felt weak and useless.

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Sorry I'll be cutting down the drama for a while because I want a nice break. Is this okay? Thanks love you~!!


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Dragon63 #1
Chapter 33: authornim that was amazing :D
but you ended on such a cliffhanger!!!!! i need to read the sequel now... :P :P
god seungri is such a b*tch!!!! how dare he my little ji,,,, TWICE!!!! ughhhhh
this story was so heartbreaking and i enjoyed it so muchhhh maybe a little too much??
thanks so much for the wonderful beautiful fanfic :D :D
Chapter 33: OMG what happen I Want a happy ending
Chapter 32: Happy ending pls~ ;;~;;
Yaaaa! Omg lies *u* i'll read this <33
update soon pls^^
Chapter 13: Thanks for the nice comments ^^ I thought it was pretty bad because I make it up as I go along
guriasob #7
Chapter 11: Whaaat?what s happening? Updateee sooooon please *pupeyes*
Chapter 7: oh..I like it..
Update soon please
Chapter 2: Hehe this is great. *0*
MadonnaVIP #10
Chapter 4: Good story:)