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(Double update so be sure to read chapter 2~)


“SU KYUNG!” Ji Eun held her hands with a very worried face.


“What’s wrong?” she tilted her head, beginning to feel a bit nervous after seeing her expression. Ji Eun is never worried. Not even before a giant exam or when she's 500 feet of the ground. And when Ji Eun is worried, that means nothing good is going to happen. Su Kyung looked where Ji Eun was pointing at and paled, breaking out into cold sweats.


“Oh my god, no. Crap! Not now! Why now?!” She flapped her hands around like a bird and bounced in her spot, obviously looking stressed. She started look around frantically as if looking for something or someone.


“Where’s Chanyeol when you need him?! Crap, Ji Eun go stall them please!” Su Kyung pleaded her. Ji Eun didn’t protest at all and went running to the entrance from where she came from.


“Where’s your friend?” She asked Baekhyun, wide eyed. Su Kyung was starting to get even more stressed out as Baekhyun was watching curiously. “What’s wrong?”


She stopped spazzing for a moment and eyed him for a moment before letting out a giant sigh. She abruptly took one of his hands in hers and looked him in the eyes with a desperate look. Baekhyun had a bad feeling about this. “Please, please, please. I have no choice honestly. I can’t find Chanyeol anywhere and you’re my last choice. I’m begging you just help me once!” She desperately pleaded.


“With what?” he raised an eyebrow and looked at her with an odd expression.


When she saw the figures getting closer to them, she started freaked out even more. “Just this ONE favor! Please, just say you’ll go along with it! I'll do anything you want after this. ANYTHING!” At this time, she started to jump up and down, tugging on the hem of his shirt.


Baekhyun’s gut told him to refuse but at the same time, his heart said to say yes so he did. “”Fine, I’ll help you just this one time.”


“Great! Thank you sooo much! Just act natural!” she thanked him as she started calm down, face returning back to her regular color. She now turned around to face the five people approaching them including Ji Eun who was trying to pull them back. Su Kyung nervously glanced at Baekhyun who was at her side and made a quick face of apology.


“Oh boy, this doesn’t look good,” Baekhyun whispered under his breath.


He had no idea.


Baekhyun’s POV


Aish this girl. What does she want? I know I agreed, but to tell you the truth, I’m only doing this because she was going to help me with Ji Eun. My gut tells me something bad is going to happen and most of the time, my gut is right. But I really hope this time it won’t be.


Three guys and two girls including Ji Eun walked up to us. Ji Eun seemed to be stressed about something also. Damn. Are they wearing black uniforms? They must be from the other branch. Yeah, I know I said little people get into the elite schools, but I’m telling the truth. Actually, it’s the mostly rich people that come here. They only non-rich people that attend here are on a scholarship for whatever their talent is. Should I explain more about YJS?


Well to actually tell the whole truth, there are two elite schools that they made. One branch is the studies focused, the one we’re in. It’s mainly focused on economics, business, stocks, etc. Most of the people that come here are rich like the ones that are children of a business parent or the heir to the business so they have to learn this stuff including me.


And that other branch is the arts department. You know like visual arts, music, dance, sports, etc.That school’s studies aren’t the best but are decent since they spend all their time focused on arts mainly. A lot of idols and actresses are produced from that school so it has a good reputation and many wanna be famous people strive to attend there.


But the thing is…the students there aren’t the nicest. Some are delinquents, but they have some kick talent so who cares? Their school wears black and red uniforms while we wear white and gold uniforms. We aren’t like rival schools are anything. We’re on good terms actually.


Our school comes together for school events like sport events, overseas trips, festivals, dances, and other stuff. So totally we collaborate about 10 times a school year. It’s actually pretty fun, but I don’t have any friends that attend there so I don’t actually know how it's like there.


I guess this girl have a few friends there. There were three guys

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Chapter 49: Wow this story is amazing. i love it
Chapter 44: I really thought it's Baekhyun and Su Kyung's wedding. Hahaha......... ^_^
Chapter 27: I really don't believe in love at first sight. I find Woohyun's feelings here ridiculous. OOppppsss!.... Sorry. It's just that it's too soon for him. Hahaha..... Gonna finish this.
dinochenni #4
Chapter 37: I love it when sehun and baek have the "talk"hahahaha they should've include GD too...finally I'm so happy for subaek!!
Chapter 48: It's really cute and sweet and awesome ughh i love it!! I'm happy too if they're happy. But, ah, i wanna know the baby, it would be nice if they have twins baby, a girl and a boy :D
shinnqqq #6
Chapter 48: Jjang jjang jjang. A few errors, but nah the story is good enough to cover them. BACON and PUPPY will forever be remembered.
Chapter 8: If Su Kyung is born 2/14, older than both Sehun and Kai and even Tao but Chanyeol is her oppa... That would make her birthdate 2/14/93?
Chapter 48: Ouhmee~ this story is so good! I really like it. Kyaaaa~
Chapter 23: Brb going to punch a wall for a while. Heol..Why the heck is there such a thing as a love triangle?! But i guess it'll be boring as if there isn't..
New reader here!!
Chapter 48: I love this story so much...♡♡♡