


No one really wants that kind of pain. It was the kind where your heart is buried eight feet under and the blood that’s running through your body is just enough for you to live, enduring the pain and struggling to move forward.


Valentine’s Day. 2013. Hiding away from the fading winter, Nichkhun strode into a familiar coffee shop with his hands submerged in his pockets. “Cappuccino,” he replied to the barista and claimed his drink before settling himself down into a seat comfortably.


 A blinding light from a passing car obstructed his eyes for a brief moment, making him bring his hand up to his eyes to create a visor as he looked through the large window. His eyes began to wander again, examining the window from top to bottom, glancing at the seats, the cappuccino in his hands, the positioning of the table he sat in, and the tables around him as well. A wrenching feeling emerged, tightening in his chest as the memories replayed in his head.


“I like Nichkhun so much,” is what she wrote that ‘Christmas’ they spent together. At that moment, he was content. There was similar word, also beginning with an ‘L’ that he wanted to hear but he knew he couldn’t ask so much of her then.


He turned to the window, reaching out as he traced those words she once wrote on that day’s foggy window. “What happened, Victoria? I didn’t know it would fall apart so quickly...” Nichkhun could never predict that when he said he wanted to do more with her in the coming year, that in that coming year. His thumb rubbed against the brim of his cup, chuckling as he looked down at the floating white layer, “I should have taken that foam kiss.”


Fond flashbacks of them together reeled through his eyes like an old film. He thought of her smiles, how endearing she could be even when she was jealous, or how he’d fix her bangs, smiling down at her as if no one else existed. Then his emotions came pouring in,


I miss you, Victoria. I miss you so much more than you know.


I should have fought for you.


I could be spending this day with you today.


Abruptly, he stood rose up on his heels again. The reminiscences of this place were damaging him just as much as they were doing him good. Nichkhun found himself on the street again, wandering quietly in the early evening. As much as he wanted it to, the cold weather wasn’t washing away any of his emotions. His head hung low as he walked mindlessly, not minding the few people coming his way, not even minding the direction he was headed.


The hood of his jacket was tossed over his head and his fingers were shielded in his pockets. A running figure ran down the street, practically sprinting by the time it bumped roughly into him. Nichkhun barely was knocked off his balance but it sure pulled him out of his hazy state. He looked down to see a girl with long, dark flowing hair rushing to gather the scattered contents of her bag.


“I’m so sorry… I’m so soo sorry,” she kept repeating she placed each item back into her bag. “I was in a hurry because I thought I saw someone snooping and I just started running like crazy, you know?” Her rambling just continued on. A soft chuckle released from his lungs, as he listened to her talk about her hectic experience. He couldn’t help but feel her voice was familiar, but he reached down to help her like the gentleman he hopes he is. His hand reached out to pick up a pack of tissues and handed it to her. The girl’s eyes shifted upwards, meeting a pair of eyes, those of the poor victim she managed to run into in her rush.


“Victoria..,” he muttered. The girl who disappeared in his life was once again in his presence. “Where have you been for the past two years?” he questioned with a gentle voice, full of sorrow.


Victoria froze for she did not know how to respond to him but she knew they couldn’t be speaking in the middle of the streets. “Nichkhun, we can’t do this here,” she said quietly, struggling to hold in her emotions as her gaze fixated at the man that two years ago, she failed to admit she loved. 



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Fairly short. I haven't read over this even once, so there's probably a lot of mistakes and it probably . I'm not a great writer but I figure there's not enough fics of my OTP. ^^ Tell me what you think and tell me if you want this to be more than a two shot. 

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BaoRue #1
Please update this fic. i will not lose hope and will keep waiting! fighting!
Kpopcornluvr #2
Chapter 2: will you be updating this fic? i hope you do!
Khuntoria_6110 #3
Chapter 2: So sad, but great fanfic! Please update soon!
RedGem #4
Chapter 2: HUHU when are you going to update? I've been checking back for this fanfic to continue but I guess youre really busy T_T please update soon.
RedGem #5
Chapter 2: Weepeee! Thank you for writing the 2nd chapter!
So it was Khun who ended things between them, and regretting it in the end. I hope the next chapters will explain why he does so.
Thank you again and I'll be waiting!
aarasa #6
Chapter 2: First of all, Yay yay yay! thank you for deciding to make this into an actual fic instead of a 2 shot! I'm so happy :D Secondly, ooh this chapter is good! As much as I wanna whack Khun for making Vic cried, I think there's some underlying reason why he said those cruel words to her. Hmmm....I guess I'll have to wait till the next chapter to find out what really happened between them. Overall, it's a very good start of (what I'm sure is going to be) a very good fanfic! Keep up the good work ^^
RedGem #7
Chapter 2: OH and one more thing it would also be good idea if you are going to follow both of their real lives, I mean what happened in reality to both Khun and Victoria, it would be something like going "behind the scenes".
RedGem #8
Chapter 2: aarasa's suggestion is really good. Hey, no worries. You can update as often as you want (but don't make it too long :))
But really you have to continue this fanfic. Like I said this is really a promising story AND you definitely have to make Khuntoria end up together in the end!
aarasa #9
Chapter 2: Just giving you some ideas. First, Khuntoria must end up together pls! preferably a happy ending would be nice.
Second, judging from what you wrote in the 1st chapter, there are many ways you can make this story longer. Ex, a suspense/drama fic. Vic was in a hurry, running away from someone she thought was snooping around. If you want, you can make it so that there really is someone snooping/stalking Vic (okay, I know you'll need to think more about the details of the plot, but it could be a start) Or you could make it a melodrama-ish kinda story. In the 1st chapter Khun was reminiscing about his time with Vic and he asked her where has she been for the past 2 years? Well you could think of something dramatic-ish that could have happen during the past 2 years that prevented them from seeing each other. Or you could even do a rom-com fic. I know that the tone of your 1st chapter doesn't scream rom-com, but you can turn it around in the 2nd chapter. Some misunderstanding, she blames him, he blames her, they fight trying to out win one another and fall in love again in the process? hahaha I'm just blabbering to be honest. I just want to read Khuntoria fic and I think you have what it takes to write a good story :)
P.S. sorry for the long comment :P
aarasa #10
Chapter 1: what are you talking about? this is great! Please make this a long story. I totally agree with you that there's not enough fics of Khuntoria! ^^