Meet him again

Work and Romance

You go on the rest of your shopping in some what of a blurred flash. You are so excited to get home and tell Hallimeoni that you nearly forget to go to one shop three different times. Once you finnally hav everthing you practically run back home. You are rounding a corner and still power walking down the side walk when all of a sudden you bump into a man.

You look up and see that you groceries had been spilled all over the place. You look to the man as you get up and begin reloading your bags with things. The man seems about your age and has high cheek bones, a rather sharp face. Observing him better, you notice that this is the same man that had tripped over you a few weeks back.

You open you mouth to protest to him but he hands you more of your things and sweetly tells you "you should watch where your going, a small pretty girl like you could get hurt like that."

"yeah by people like you!". You wanted to scream at him. But you where too shocked. You only nodded and he bowed his head slightly before walking on in the direction you came.

He obviously didn't recognize you from then but how could he kick someone over and not erasure their well being! That was just rude! You let it go and find your self replacing what he had said to you, mostly that he had called you pretty. His face was so nice and he was indeed handsome but that was beyond the point. He was a jerk! But he was so nice looking and he seemed nice enough. 'Perhaps he hadn't noticed that he kicked me over then' you tried to convinse yourself. No of course he knew he even looked back.

Again you could help feel that man seemed fomilar to you. Almost the way Hoon-min had. You pause and think for a minute treading slowly back to the bath house. You had no idea how his face looked like you had seen it before but you knew you had.

It hit you like a sack of tun of red bricks. 'of course he is Hoon-min's band member, he idle of that group as well!' you finally remember and can't believe you forgot. But how had you managed to meet to Kpop idols In one day, of the same group?

Was the pot of luck finally turned in your direction? It all seemed a litle bit to unreal and you couldn't believe it if it all hadn't happened to you. That was it! Of course! You where just dreaming! Thus whole intire wonderful day wad just a figment of you imagination and you where still asleep on the concrete in the middle of a rain storm over by that same bakery. It would make to much since if it were a dream wouldn't it, it would all just be to logical if it where a dream. Yes, you decided, it was just a dream and you would wake up from it doom enough.

With that thought I mind you decided that you wouldn't need to tell Halimeoni about everything, but you would still be polite because even for a woman from a dream she was a very nice woman.

You and she made dinner and ate in most silence while she teased you about liking Hoon-min. That would be one down side of this if it were a dream. You wouldn't have Hoon-min any more, and he made for such a good friend too. Also you wouldnt have a place to sleep. You thought it was sad that your mind ha gone mad and created such a delusional reality. But it did make since for a person to do that after living that way right? Anything to believe you werent truely crazy.

After dinner you washed the fishes for Halimeoni and went to wash up for bed. You would find out when you woke up in the morning rather or not you were dreaming this all up. You hoped with everything in you that you weren't.



In this chappie I use ay authorly magic to confuse ur little Minds! Muhuhuhahaha! please tell me what you think.  i just realized ow short these are and im sorry they are but the fact is that I am not using my usual median to type these up so they seem apropriete but honestly would you rather get more little short ones every da or so or wait until monday to start getting more normal ones.  regardless normal ones should start back by monday. again im sorry! please enjoy subscribe and comment


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I forgot to say...the poll was closed earlier. actually it should have been sooner. but the good news is......Hoon is the winner!! yay!!


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Chapter 24: update soon~
Chapter 23: Please update :)
Chapter 22: Please update~~ ^^
Chapter 18: omo I love this fanfic ^^ can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 14: Awesome chapter! :D

Can't wait for the next update. ^^;;
Chapter 13: Update please! C:
the halmeoni is really kind! :) you know, you relly have a great vocabulary ^^~ hehe.. update soon :)