Are you just teasing me?

I knew it...

When Jongup finished his long shower, he turned off the water and made himself dry. He put on his boxers then and put his hair back in model. Since his hair was still pretty wet it didn't got back in model but it got even more messy.




Jongup mumbled annoyed and decided to leave his hair like it was now; messy. Zelo probably would say it looked funny, then at least someone liked it.  Jongup walked out of the bathroom and then into the livingroom. He heard some noises and knew the some of the others came home already. Before entering the livingroom he listened who was inside, he didn't heard anything except for the TV. He did hear Daehyun, Youngjae and Zelo upstairs, finally cleaing their room. He didn't heard Yongguk and Himchan somewhere. Maybe they were still gone? Oh well, there must be someone in the livingroom otherwise the TV wouldn't be on. No.. no, Youngjae probably didn't turn it off before leaving upstairs, again.. Uhlg, his hyungs sometimes were pretty annoying. Jongup walked into the livingroom and then straight to the room with their clothes. Though before he could enter the room he heard someone talking to him while he was in the livingroom. Of course he right away recognized the voice, Himchans voice.


'''Hey there y, maybe you should take your clothes with you to the bathroom next time.''


Himchan said. Jongup hold his breath for a second by hearing how Himchan called him, then he turned around and saw his hyung sitting on the couch looking at him. Jongup slowly cocked his head and blinked his eyes once.


''Why?.. I thought you didn't.. eh, mind about it..?''


Jongup asked with a soft voice, trying to hide the fact he became pretty nervous by talking to Himchan. He never was, but now he was standing in his boxers, that was something different. Himchan let out a soft chuckle and shook his head.


''I don't, not at all. But I've to control myself by seeing you like this, your body is able to .''


Himchan said and then gave Jongup a wink. Jongup felt a huge blush coming on his cheeks and some tickles in his belly, hoping Himchan wouldn't notice it. At that moment Yongguk walked in the room, hearing what Himchan said and then laid a hand on Jongup's shoulder, looking at Himchan.


''Don't like that Himchan.''


Yongguk told Himchan. Himchan rolled his eyes and stood up from the couch then and turned off the TV. Himchan then walked past Yongguk and Jongup, once glancing to Jongup and raised his eyebrows.


''Aah, he's blushing! Cutie.''


Himchan said and gave Jongup a wink, then he walked to his room. Jongup softly bite his lowerlip and looked at the ground then, swallowing once.


''He's just teasing you Jonguppie, if he's going too far you should tell me.''


Yongguk told Jongup, who once nodded his head. Yongguk ruffled Jongup's hair once and then sat down on the couch, taking his phone and just started texting someone. Jongup hurried to the room with the clothes and closed the door when he came there. He laid his hands in front of his face and puffed his cheeks. Himchan really said his body turned him on? Jongup hold his breath for a second and then puffed his cheeks, trying to get Himchan's words out of his mind. Not that it worked, the words kept on repeating in his head. Jongup grabbed his sweatpants and a white tanktop, putting it on then, knowing he didn't had to go anywhere anymore. Then Yongguk's words came into his mind again, telling Himchan he didn't had to tease Jongup. So.. Himchan didn't mean it.. he was just teasing? Jongup didn't knew it anymore, he needed some rest.

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Kirichan #1
Chapter 4: one night, one couple, one so it was perfect
i love even though i dont read and skipped chpt 4... i just discovered himup so i am quite energetic about it lolit was cool
Chosokabe #3
No comments until now? O.O
I think the fanfic was sweet. ^^ especially if it was your first one.
You have to work on your parts (no preperatipon or lupe?! It will hurt a lot more than just one tear. xD)... but I think you improve in the future!
I like your style of writing!. I would like to read more from you! d^^b